HHES Beta Parent Meeting
Sponsors Mrs. Berry - 5th Grade Mrs. Levine - 6th Grade Miss Martin – 5th Grade Ms. Newsome – 6th Grade Mrs. Robinette – 2nd Grade You may contact any sponsor via their school email or Ms. Newsome through Remind.
Beta Communication Text @ to 81010 To receive news and announcements for Beta Club, sign up for the Beta Club Remind. Text @ to 81010 HHES Beta Club Newsletter (passed out at meetings)
Beta Reminders: Students must maintain at least an A/B average in ALL academic subject areas throughout the year. Failure to do so will result in a probationary period to focus on academics. Students must participate in and submit in writing a minimum of 3 hours community service per month. (Stated in By-laws sent home Sept. 6th) Students may not miss more than 2 Beta Club meetings held throughout the year. (Dates sent home Sept. 6th)
Service Projects 3 hours per month are required for HHES Junior Beta Club All hours MUST be turned in to Ms. Newsome at the grade level Beta meetings each month. Students may complete service hours independently or participate in club service projects. We recommend keeping a list of your hours at home for future applications and references
Beta Club T-Shirts We will be ordering HHES Beta Club T-shirts. (Look for order forms in Wednesday folder.) ALL members may order the shirts. We will wear them for club service projects. Students may also wear them when completing independent service hours. Prices: YS – AXXL $10 AXXXL $12
State Convention When – March 21-23 Where - Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in Birmingham, AL Chaperones – We will need MALE & Female chaperones. Each chaperone will be responsible for 3-4 students. Letters were sent home last week in Wednesday folders. These forms are due back by this Friday along with the project sign up sheets.
State Beta Convention Convention will be held at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in Birmingham, AL, March 21-23, 2018. Students will compete in various academic and artistic categories. 6th grade members will be provided the first opportunity to sign up for convention competitions; however, there are several categories in which 5th grade members will be able to compete. Visit betaclub.org for more information. (Letters will be sent home about competitions.) A separate parent/student meeting will be held to discuss convention in more detail for those attending.
Competitions & Sample Videos Beta Videos (samples of some events)
Convention Continued Parents: We would like to assign a competition/category for parent volunteers to give guidance to participants while they prepare for competition. The sponsors can’t do it all and our students would benefit from exposure to other adults that can enrich their lives. For example: A parent/parents assist students preparing for Book Battle. You could help quiz the team & give pointers to help them study for the battle. Tower of Power: parent/parents assist students with designs for the tower & time the students while practicing. You DO NOT necessarily have to go to Convention to help students prepare. Please email Ms. Newsome (knewsome@enterpriseschools.net) if you are interested in helping our students prepare for competitions.