Belton Elementary STEM Action Plan 2016-2017
Big Idea Students will be understand and apply the standards of 3-5. 3rd - Properties and Changes in Matter - Energy Transfer – Electricity and Magnetism Earth’s Materials and Resources - Environments and Habitats 4th - Weather and Climate - Stars and the Solar System - Forms of Energy – Light and Sound - Characteristics and Growth of Organisms 5th - Matter and Mixtures - Changes in Landforms and Oceans - Forces and Motion - Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems Students will integrate math and ELA into their science.
Goals and objectives Failure is a GOOD thing!!! We want student who will… Take risks Think Out of the Box Learn from mistakes and improve ideas Encourage one another Work as a team
Plan and Timeline Establish a STEM Leadership Committee at the beginning of the year to help guide and support the integration of STEM through out the school. Add two big STEM projects to each grade level 5th Grade will now complete 3 big projects STEM Night Project (To be determined with team – Possibility - Roller Coaster ) Jet Toy Spring Project (To be determined with team) 3rd and 4th will complete 2 projects STEM Night Project (To be determined with teams) Spring Project (To be determined with teams) Add quick STEM activities throughout the year in all grade levels
Assessment Administration will work with the STEM Leadership Team to develop an observation tool to provide quality feedback to teachers. During units, use journals to provide feedback on student understanding. Use rubrics to evaluate projects including esthetics and explanations. Assessments will be made to evaluate performance and understanding as well as knowledge.
Resources ITEEA web site site Webb Craft Grant for Tools and Equipment Attempt to involve local engineering businesses
Learning Experiences Jet Toy (Students) MagLev Challenge (Students) Industry Field Trips (Students and Teachers) STEM workshops (Teachers) Vertical/Horizontal Planning (Teachers)