Final Jeopardy Instructions: 4-H Dairy Jeopardy Dairy Acronyms Dairy Breeds Dairy Health Dairy Feeding Dairy Reproduction Dairy Heifers 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 14 26 38 50 62 20 20 20 20 20 20 4 16 28 40 52 64 30 30 30 30 30 30 6 18 30 42 54 66 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 20 32 44 56 68 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 22 34 46 58 70 60 60 60 60 60 60 12 24 36 48 60 72 Final Jeopardy Instructions:
Click mouse for correct response. A1a “AI” Click mouse for correct response.
Q1a What is Artificial Insemination?
Click mouse for correct response. A1b “DHI” Click mouse for correct response.
Q1b What is Dairy Herd Improvement?
Click mouse for correct response. A1c “TMR” Click mouse for correct response.
Q1c What is a Total Mixed Ration?
Click mouse for correct response. “SCC” Click mouse for correct response.
Q1d What is Somatic Cell Count?
Click mouse for correct response. A1e “DFO” Click mouse for correct response.
Q1e Who is Dairy Farmers of Ontario?
Click mouse for correct response. Play music A1f “CQM” Click mouse for correct response.
Q1f What is the Canadian Quality Milk Program?
Click mouse for correct response. A2a Animals that have parents and/or close ancestors of different breeds Click mouse for correct response.
Q2a What are crossbreds?
A2b A record of the ancestry of an animal Click mouse for correct response.
Q2b What is its pedigree?
Click mouse for correct response. A2c An official ancestry record of registered animals of a breed kept by a breed association Click mouse for correct response.
Q2c What is a Herd book?
Click mouse for correct response. A2d Born without horns Click mouse for correct response.
Q2d What is polled?
Click mouse for correct response. A2e A form of inbreeding involving closely related animals of the same breed Click mouse for correct response.
Q2e What is linebreeding?
A3a A group of animals with common ancestors and characteristics Click mouse for correct response.
Q3a What is a breed?
a3a Inflammation of the mammary gland Click mouse for correct response.
q3a What is mastitis?
a3b The hormone that allows milk letdown to occur Click mouse for correct response.
Q3b What is oxytocin?
Double Jeopardy! Double Jeopardy!
This disease is named after a common fruit. Click mouse for correct response.
What is strawberry foot rot?
A swelling of the rumen caused by accumulation of gas Click mouse for correct response.
What is bloat?
Click mouse for correct response. A substance that helps fight a specific disease and that colostrum is high in Click mouse for correct response.
What is an antibody?
A metabolic disease which usually occurs to early lactation cows Click mouse for correct response.
Q2f What is ketosis?
Click mouse for correct response. A3a The 4th part of cattle’s stomach, where food is digested by enzymes, ‘true stomach’ Click mouse for correct response.
q3a What is the abomasum?
Click mouse for correct response. a3b A by-product of sugar beets often mixed with water and fed to an animal before it goes in the show ring Click mouse for correct response.
q3b What is beet pulp?
Regurgitated feed stuff Click mouse for correct response.
What is cud?
The muscular tube that conducts food from mouth to stomach Click mouse for correct response.
What is the esophagus?
Grasses or legumes for grazing animals in an enclosed area Click mouse for correct response.
What is pasture?
Click mouse for correct response. A crop that has been turned into animal feed through fermentation in a silo or stored with little exposure to oxygen Click mouse for correct response.
What is silage?
The length of time a cow is pregnant Click mouse for correct response.
What is gestation?
Click mouse for correct response. a4b The part of the fetal membrane that connects to the naval of the fetus; it carries nutrients between the mother’s body and the fetus Click mouse for correct response.
q4b What is the umbilical cord?
Click mouse for correct response. An animal in its earliest stages of development inside its mother’s uterus Click mouse for correct response.
What is an embryo?
Double Jeopardy! Double Jeopardy!
7 breeds of dairy cattle found in Canada Click mouse for correct response.
What are Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn and Canadienne?
Entire hormonal and reproductive behaviour cycle of a female Click mouse for correct response.
What is the estrus cycle?
Sperm and fluids discharged from the male during mating Click mouse for correct response.
What is semen?
Click mouse for correct response. Special type of milk a cow gives for about the first three days after calving Click mouse for correct response.
What is colostrum?
A heifer that is born a twin to a bull and is unable to reproduce Click mouse for correct response.
What is a freemartin?
An animal between one and two years of age Click mouse for correct response.
What is a Yearling?
Click mouse for correct response. Diarrhea Click mouse for correct response.
What is scours?
The animal that carries the embryos from donor animals Click mouse for correct response.
Who is the recipient?
When a young animal no longer receives mother’s milk Click mouse for correct response.
What is weaned?
Thousands of tiny cells in the udder that produce milk
What are alveoli?
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Game Instructions! Instructions: This game contains 36 answers and questions about the 4-H Dairy Project. It is based on the popular “Jeopardy” TV Game show. To prepare to play this game between two groups or individuals, the leader (we’ll call “Alex”) should print out the list of answers & questions by choosing “File” menu, “Print” and “Print what? Outline view.” Instructions: Designate some one in the room as score keeper for the two teams or players. Double-click the PowerPoint Show file, “4-H Dairy Jeopardy.” A player (side A or B) chooses a category at the top of slide one, and a point level.. Click on the NUMBER of the chosen point level. An ANSWER slide appears. “Alex” reads the answer, “And the answer is….”. The player has 7 (or so) seconds to phrase the correct response IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION. (Time is up 7 seconds after appearance of the Answer). Click again and the correct question response is verified. Click on the HOME button to return to the Game Board and choose the next ANSWER and point level.