Bell work __________ is a tax on goods that enter or leave a country. Tariff Export Import Treaties __________ is the sale of goods to a foreign nation.
Unwrap objectives Factual: Define Treaties and Alliances Conceptual: Describe the Benefits of Treaties and Alliances Communicative: Explain how Alliances and Treaties help and hurt countries
Agenda Unwrap the Objectives Notes Political Cartoon Analysis Class discussions Graphic Organizer
Roles Of United States Foreign Policy
Part 1 The way Nations cooperate with international organizations politically and economically
Trade relations When two or more countries establish a trade relation, they are agreeing to keep tariffs low on goods from that country A Tariff is a tax on goods that are exported or imported Exported is the sale of goods to a foreign country Imported is the purchase of foreign manufactured goods in the buyer's domestic market.
political cartoon analysis According to the cartoon who is NAFTA helping? Who is NAFTA hurting? How would NAFTA hurt works workers in other countries? How does NAFTA hurt workers in the US? How does NAFTA help Corporations you think that NAFTA is as bad as the cartoon portrays? What Symbolism do you see?
political cartoon analysis How does the artist of this carton feel about trade agreements? What evidence do you have from the cartoon? What symbolism do you see in the carton?
Treaties A formal agreement between governments. Treaties have the same power as law in most countries In the United States, the President and the executive branch play a big role in getting treaties done but they must be ratified by the legislative branch to have the power of law
Treaties: political Treaties that revolve around political issues Transferring land ex. The sell of Alaska or Louisiana
Treaties: Economic Treaties that revolve around economic issues Can include things like agreements on fisheries or petroleum access off the coast of two near by nations Trade agreements Navigation of water
Treaties: Military Treaties that revolve a round military matters Defense treaties: Countries agree to come to each others aid if one of the other countries is attacked Military treaties can also deal with troop and equipment movements through a country or stored in a country
political cartoon analysis What is about happening in this cartoon? Based on this cartoon what dangers are their in alliances? What symbolism do you see in the carton?
Alliances A form of military treaty where the nations agree to aid each other in times of war Alliances is what caused World War I to become a world war, rather than a war between two nations
Graphic Organizer What event could lead to a world war based on this graphic organizer? Why?
International Organizations Organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. There are two main types International nongovernmental organizations - non-governmental organizations. These include international non-profit organizations and worldwide companies such as the World Organization of the Scout Movement, International Committee of the Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières. Intergovernmental organizations - made up of sovereign states (referred to as member states). Notable examples include the United Nations (UN), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Council of Europe (COE), and World Trade Organization (WTO)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Also called the North Atlantic Alliance military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. The course of the Cold War led to a rivalry with nations of the Warsaw Pact After September 11 NATO sent soldiers in to Afghanistan to support the US Mission there Often criticized for being slow to react
political cartoon analysis Does the artist have a favorable opinion of NATO? What evidence do you have to support your answer? What symbolism do you see in the carton?
European Union (EU) Is a politico-economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The EU has developed an internal single market through a standardized system of laws that apply in all member states. Policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal market and maintain common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. Passport controls have been abolished. A monetary union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002, and uses the euro currency.
United Nations (UN) Is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co- operation A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations Was created after World War II in order to prevent another such conflict At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; there are now 193 The headquarters of the United Nations is in Manhattan, New York City. The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states Its objectives include: maintaining international peace and security promoting human rights fostering social and economic development protecting the environment providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
Organization of Petroleum exporting Countries (OPEC) Is an intergovernmental organization of 14 nations Founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members Headquartered since 1965 in Vienna. As of 2015, the 14 countries accounted for an estimated 43 percent of global oil production and 73 percent of the world's "proven" oil reserves Mission is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member countries Ensure the stabilization of oil markets Secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers Steady income to producers, and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry.
North American Free trade agreement (nAFTA) Is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America.
Fill in the chart below with your own thoughts and ideas Benefit Risk Alliances Political Treaty Military Treaty Economical Treaty
Bell work NATO’s rival during the cold war was_______________. The Warsaw pact The Axis powers The Academy of Evil Doers and Not Nice People The SATO The EU has created a standard system of laws, abolished passport controls, and _____________. Uses solar power Created a national government Uses the Euro Created international organizations
Unwrap objectives Factual: Define Trade embargoes and peacekeepers Conceptual: Assess the extent to which United Stats foreign policy and Constitutional principles Affect relations with other nations Communicative: Explain how and why the United State gets involved in with other nations
Agenda Unwrap the Objectives Notes Class discussions Word exclusion Cartoon Analysis
The United States relationship with other nations Part 2 The United States relationship with other nations
Word exclusion What term form the list below does not belong and why? Free trade, Economic, Treaty, Alliances, Military, Embargo
Foreign Policy Also called foreign relations or foreign affairs - policy Consists of self-interest strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve goals within its international relations This is how one nation deals with other nations
Trade Embargoes One of the United States strongest weapons in foreign policy is the trade embargo This is when one nation refuses to do business or trade with another nation to force the embargoed nation to comply with some predetermined action.
political cartoon analysis Is the Artist in favor of the embargo? According to the cartoon who is enforcing the embargo? What symbolism do you see in the carton?
United States role as peacekeeper One of the roles of the United States in the UN is providing peacekeeper forces. These are soldiers that are sent in to other countries to maintain peace and order Sometimes they do this by acting with or in places of local law enforcement Other times it is to rebuild after a disaster. Usually this is done to help spread democracy
How does the view of peacekeepers differ in the two cartoons?
Truman Doctrine Became a central principle of US foreign policy after the expansion of communism after WWII. Truman Doctrine: policy of US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures” Addressed the issue of communist expansion by pledging assistance to countries resisting communist expansion $400 million sent to aid Turkey and Greece
United states boarder Policy Primary mission is preventing terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States The U.S. Customs and Border Protection is also responsible for apprehending individuals attempting to enter the United States illegally including those with a criminal record Stemming the flow of illegal drugs and other contraband Protecting United States agricultural and economic interests Protecting American businesses from intellectual property theft
Political Cartoon On the Back of your activity sheet draw a political cartoon that illustrates the benefits and dangers of being in an alliance