Chapter 18 -Conflict and Absolutism in Europe Lesson 4 - European Culture After the Renaissance Nadia Seay - Class of 2018
Social Large cities had anywhere from 100,000 occupants to 300,000 Men were more dominant than Women, they went out and worked, while women stayed home and cared for the house and family. The social pyramid, from bottom to top would be : Peasants , Townspeople, Craftsmen ( around 80-90% of the population) Clergy Nobles (about 3%) (Mostly white)
Political A king ruled large areas of land/country. To protect his land from invasion, the king gave parts of it to local lords, who were called vassals. The king reported to God (or the pope) The political authority of the Catholic Church had diminished due to internal conflicts. People developed a very personal religion which included many mystical elements. Religious leaders responded to this development with the persecution of heretics during the 14th and 15th centuries. At the same time they tried spread Christianity through the formation of the Crusades. Thirty Years' War was a series of wars in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648, and classified as the last of the European wars of religion
Interaction Between Humans and the Environment After the Black Plague decreased in the 1500’s, the population grew in Europe, creating a new middle class. Exploring the seas became pretty popular in this time, and that led to the exploration of new parts of the world, like Africa and America. Many earned their living through trade. Merchants who traveled to China, India, and Japan returned to with parts of Indian and Asian cultures. Muslim religious and educational beliefs were transmitted through trade as well.
Cultural A big part of my time period’s culture is Humanism, which was a movement that turned away from medieval literature/thought and reiterated interest in ancient Greek and Roman literature/thought. Baroque was a new style of art in the 17th and 18th centuries, it pretty much means highly ornate and extravagant. The term is used in paintings, music and architecture. The palace of Versailles is a good example of Baroque architecture.
Economic Crusades helped trade throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. Italian city-states, like Genoa, Venice & Florence helped to channel Asian wealth into Europe.