Roulette Game Update By: Team 1 Carlos Alvarado Greg Holifield Kenny McCoig David Newsom
Roulette Game Mentor Dr. Beth Rapp Young
Documentation Highlights ConOps The Current System The Proposed System: Needs The Proposed System: Users and Modes of Operation The Proposed System: Operational Features The Proposed System: Analysis
Documentation Highlights Project Management Plan Applicable Standards Schedule
Documentation Highlights Project Management Plan-Schedule
Documentation Highlights SRS/Test Plan 3.2.2 Player Interface 3.3 Physical Environment Requirements 2.7 Verification of Accessibility Functionality HTML 2.8 Verification of Accessibility Functionality Java Components
Roulette Game 508 Guidelines
Standard Techniques Text Color Data Tables Forms Multimedia Presentation Readability Time Delays Applets and Plug-ins Navigation Links Flicker Rate
Roulette Game Demo
Students who are enrolled in LIN4680 Modern English Grammar use this website to complete course work.
By logging in they have access to online tests/quizzes etc..
During week 2 of the course they learn about sentence patterns and how to identify components of sentences. By using this information they can practice these skills by using the roulette game
This is the opening screen of the Sentence Pattern Roulette Game This is the opening screen of the Sentence Pattern Roulette Game. Below the Java application is the users manual followed by the information from the class that designed the game a few years ago. We begin by clicking the New Game button.