Human Geography: South Asia
ANCIENT CIVILIZATION AROUND THE INDUS RIVER Civilization began around 2500 BCE in the Indus River Valley (present day Pakistan) Well planned cities (Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro), brick buildings, sophisticated sanitation - Controlled by Hindus and also Muslims
British Imperialism European’s came to the area looking for spices By 1858, the British gained control of the area and established direct rule (period called the raj) Raj – period of British rule in India (1858 – 1947) Prior to the 19th Century, the East India Company ruled India with little interference from the British government The East India Company had their own military/army led by British officers and staffed by sepoys (Indian soldiers)
British Imperialism India = Britain’s “Jewel in the Crown” Why? During industrialization, India was the main supplier of raw materials & potential consumers British restrictions: India must produce raw materials for manufacturing Buy British goods Indian competition was prohibited Britain was taking drastic measures to ensure they maintained control of India (and the people did not rebel or demand independence, which had occurred in previously colonial ventures – i.e., the United States) India both benefitted and was harmed as a result of British imperialism
Impact of British Imperialism Negatives Positives British held most of the pol & econ power British restricted Indian-owned industries Emphasis on cash crops resulted in a loss of self-sufficiency (famine) Increased presence of missionaries & racist attitudes threatened traditional Indian life Laying of world’s 3rd largest railroad networks (development of modern economy & unity) Building of infrastructure Sanitation and public health improved Schools & colleges British helped rid the land of bandits & put an end to local warfare The positives and negatives, and strain of British rule on the Indian people, led to increased called for nationalism this fuels the movement for Indian independence Indian demanded a greater role in government (the running of it) Indians also wanted to eliminate systems that kept them as second class citizens (were barred from top posts in the Indian Civil Service, were paid less than Europeans in middle-level jobs)
Nationalism in India Late 1800s Indians wanted greater role in government Did not want to continue being treated as second-class citizens within their own country Feeling increased after partition of Bengal (1905)
Partition British claimed area (India) was too large for efficient governing Split into Hindu section & Muslim section Benefits British b/c harder for divided regions to unite against them NW & Eastern region of India becomes Pakistan Pakistan divided into East & West Within one month’s time, the British House of Commons passed an act that granted the two nations, India and Pakistan, independence
British Responses to India’s Nationalism Rowlatt Acts Amritsar Massacre 1919 Laws allowing the government to jail protestors without trial for as long as two years Enacted to curb dissent in India Gandhi frequently jailed In response to Rowlatt Acts 10,000 Hindus & Muslims flocked to Amritsar (major city in the Punjab) Intent = fast, pray & listen to speeches Demonstration alarmed British British ban on public meetings (protestors unaware) British commander opened fire believing the people were defying the ban British commander opened fire on unsuspecting protestors; it lasted for about 10 minutes (within an enclosed courtyard) Official reports indicated that nearly 400 Indians died and about 1,200 were wounded News of the slaughter sparked an explosion of anger across India; almost overnight, millions of Indians changed from loyal subject of the British to nationalists
Salt March (1930) Organized by Gandhi to protest Salt Acts British laws stating that Indians could buy salt from no other source except the British gov’t (and paid a sales tax) Salt March: Gandhi & followers walked 240 miles to the seacoast Once there, began making salt by collecting seawater and letting it evaporate Outcome of Salt March: British gov’t passed the Government of India Act Provided for local self-gov’t and limited democratic elections Protestors intended to continue their march to a site where the British government processed salt; they intended to shut the salt works down Police officers with steel-tipped clubs attacked An American journalist witnessed the attack, published a story news spread across the world leading to world wide support of Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi Demands for India’s independence were led by Gandhi in India Movement based on non-violent resistance (civil disobedience) Examples of civil disobedience? Independence gained in 1947 What American civil rights activist got many of his ideas from Gandhi?
India gains Independence (1947) August 15, 1947 Jawaharlal Nehru becomes India’s first prime minister Leadership moved India forward (1) Reorganization of states by language; (2) Pushed for social reforms & industrialization; (3) Elevation of lower castes/those at the bottom; & (4) Expanded the rights of women
Use to explain the conflicts between Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs When India and Pakistan became independent and it was set that India would be a Hindu state and Pakistan a Muslim state, thousands of people were moving throughout the continent As Hindus fled Pakistan for India, Muslims murdered them; additionally, as Muslims fled India for Pakistan, Hindus and Sikhs attacked and murdered them
East Punjab Region in extreme NE India Occupied primarily by the Sikhs Sikhs want East Punjab to become an independent state just as India and Pakistan PROBLEM!!! The majority of agricultural output within India comes from this region – India is NOT going to let the East Punjab region separate and gain independence See if students can make the connection to Jordan River in ME with Palestinians refugees and Sudan/Nigeria
Bangladesh Independence (1971) In an effort to deter civil war, Pakistan was divided Islamic faith was the only uniting element 1970: Cyclone & tidal wave hit East Pakistan Although aid poured in, West Pakistan (the seat of the gov’t) was slow to transfer aid to East Pakistan (larger population) Led to demonstrations in East Pakistan calling for separation from West Pakistan **March 26, 1971: East Pakistan declares independence (now Bangladesh) brutal civil war followed Outcome: Bangladesh’s economy ruined, communication system fractured Even though Pakistan was divided into West and East, the relations remained strained; the only element uniting them was the Islamic faith West Pakistan: seat of the government; since the capital was in West Pakistan, ministers, government officials, and industrialists exerted immense influence on national and regional affairs (capital also attracted education professionals, doctors, etc. who had fled from India) East Pakistan: had the larger population (55% compared with the West’s 45%); believed that the capital should be in East Pakistan due to the larger population. Without the capital, East Pakistan would never thrive to the same extent as West Pakistan (hence the strained relations the led to civil war – the same war that the division had intended to prevent)
Fighting over the Kashmir Fighting in region between Hindus and Muslims Small region of Kashmir lays at the northern point of India near Pakistan Issues: Kashmir was primarily Muslim but its leader was Hindu Fighting continued until a UN cease-fire on 1949 (left a 1/3 of the region under Pakistan control and the rest under India’s control) Importance of Kashmir Region: Religious and geographically, for survival Contains many tributaries of the Indus River. Whomever controls this region, has a major source of drinking water and irrigation for their country This issue has been heightened in the last decade due to the fact that both countries now have nuclear power. The region of Kashmir at the time was primarily Muslim but its leader was Hindu. Because of this, the maharajah tried to keep the region independent. This was not successful and Kashmir ceded to India in 1947. Shortly after, Pakistan invaded. Shortly after receiving independence, India & Pakistan began battling over the region Since then, India and Pakistan have fought 2 more wars over this region and it still remains unresolved. The importance of this region is not only religious but it also contains many tributaries of the Indus River. Thus, whomever controls this region, has a major source of drinking water and irrigation for their country. This issue has been heightened in the last decade due to the fact that both countries now have nuclear power.
Fighting over Kashmir Region
Population Density: India & Bangladesh
Population Density Let’s Compare: US (pg 107) Western Europe (267) South Asia (India) (547) China (615) Ranking of largest nation’s and populations: China India US Indonesia Brazil
Modern day issues plaguing south Asia
Problems Rapid population growth Poverty Lack of education Low literacy rates Extreme dependence on farming (2/3s = farmers)
Has 1 billion people, and is growing!!!
What does it mean to be literate?
Solutions to Dependence on Farming Land reform – redistribute land more fairly The Green Revolution – new farming techniques and better varieties of grain to make land more productive
If you lived in India, you would pass these milestones: You would receive some schooling, as Indian law provides free education from age 6 – 14. In some areas, though, you could be working even before the age of 10. In school, you would study history, geography, science, math, and moral education. You might be married at age 16 if you were a female living in a rural area and at age 17 if you were a female in an urban area You could enter the military at age 17 if you were a male You could vote at age 18
The Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal is a white Marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage."
Buddhism vs. Hinduism
Buddhism A philosophy of living life that is similar to Hinduism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, known as “Buddha” (meaning "the awakened one" in Sanskrit) Use mandalas (geometric designs) to symbolize the universe and aid in meditation Final Goal – Nirvana (must experience multiple lifetimes to achieve) BUDDHISTS DO NOT FOLLOW THE CASTE SYSTEM!! Notes: Buddhism was founded in Northern India by Siddhartha Gautama in the sixth century BCE. However, Buddhists believe that there were countless Buddhas -- humans who have achieved enlightenment -- before him and that there will be many more after him. Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of Buddha When Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment, he assumed the title Lord Buddha (one who has awakened) Enlightenment When one meditates and achieves the highest level of spirituality
Hinduism Make up 80% of Indian population Caste System Brahma – most divine spirit in the Hindu religion Moksha – final goal of religion (similar to Buddhist nirvana) Polytheistic
Cows are sacred to Hindus
* Karma Moral consequences of your actions
* Reincarnation The rebirth of souls after death, and the moral actions of a person determine how a person is reincarnated. When the cycle of reincarnation is over, a person becomes one with god – Nirvana or “Moksha”
Caste System A system of social stratification (social hierarchy) Defined/determined at birth India’s caste system: Caste System
The Brahmans Highest “class” or caste Teachers, Priests, Doctors
Kshatriyas Kings and Nobility Warriors Second most prestigious
Vaishyas Merchants and Farmers
Sudras Artists Workers Service Providers
Untouchables Excluded from society all together Outcasts Also known as “dalits” Face violence and discrimination