The Land Policy Initiative: An overview Belay Demissie and Judy Kariuki, LPI 5th Capitalization Meeting, 30-01 June 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Why Land Governance?
Land and African Development Consensus on critical role of land in African development Land, agriculture and food security Land and urban development Land in other economic sectors African commitments: making land play its role in development: National efforts: addressing key issues (legal pluralism; tenure security…) A continental tool to guide national efforts: F&G Political commitment for land policy: AU Declaration on land
Land related challenges -Africa Low agriculture Productivity/transformation Increased food insecurity; low economic development increased poverty; natural resource degradation; Insecure land/ NRM rights and tenure • Pluralistic property regimes State sovereignty over land Displacement Land allocation Discrimination against women Lack of representation Inalienable aspect land Communal land ownership Poor/unresponsive land administration Centralized structures Lack of transparency Inadequate consultation Low access to info Corruption Elite capture//llandgrab Unequal land distribution Low human resource capacity Poor financial resources Inadequate/inappropriate policies/legislation Poor land Information Systems (LIS), Low Investment on land Poor/insecure access to land/ increased vulnerability Increased land disputes insecurity /vulnerability Poor/ low urban development Poor/unsustainable NRM Colonial Legacy Cultural Practices Poor Governance Low/Inadequate implementation High cost/long period to secure rights unfair land allocations
Why LPI: A continental response to land challenges Inadequate lessons learning in policy formulation/implementation Low political will/commitment by African govts Cross-boarder aspects of land related disputes/issues AU-ECA-AfDB Land Policy Initiative (2006) Lack of sustainable donor support Incoherent involvement of actors/partners Outcome-1: Continental Platform for dialogue, consultation and consensus on African Agenda on Land Outcome-2. Evidence, and Framework for Land Policy & for tracking progress Outcome-3. Partnerships /Synergies/coherence/ commitment in support of land Governance
LPI Strategies … Phase I: A Road Map to Develop the F&G (2006 to 2009) Transition Period (2010 to 2011) Phase II: 5-Year Strategic Plan (2012-2016) Enhance LPI Capacity to implement declaration Mainstream land in the African developmental agenda Build synergies, coordination, partnerships & resources Promote communication and advocacy Conduct research to generate evidence and knowledge Develop/promote tools for knowledge dissemination Develop Capacity Develop/promote framework for tracking progress
LPI Achievements…
Joint Secretariat of the AUC, UNECA, AfDB Outcome Area 1: Continental platform for dialogue, consultation and consensus on African agenda on land--LPI established in 2006… Executive Committee Joint Secretariat of the AUC, UNECA, AfDB Chairperson African Union Commission (AUC) Executive Secretary Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) President African Development Bank (AfDB) EXECUTIVES (Joint Secretariat) DEPUTY EXECUTIVES (JS Steering Committee) Deputy Chairperson, AUC Deputy Executive Secretary, ECA Vice President, AfDB DIRECTORS (JS WORKING GROUP ON LAND -JWGL) DREA, AUC RITD, ECA ANRC, AfDB Steering Committee JS-WGL DREA, AUC RITD, ECA ANRC, AfDB Regional (RECs) CENSAD, COMESA, EAC, ECCAS, ECOWA, IGAD, SADC, UMA, Continental PAP PAFO NPCA Observers EU FAO IFAD UN-HABITAT LPI Secretariat Joint Trust Fund Director, RITD/ ECA Director, SPOQD Technical Advisory Group Prominent Land Policy Experts Thematic & Regional Other Representation Coordinator/Chief LPI AU, ECA, AfDB Focal Persons Chiefs Partnerships, Program Management, Evaluation Program Assistant Research Assistant Information Assistant Program Management Officers Land Experts Communication Officer M&E Officer Program management/ National Officers
Outcome Area 2: Evidence, commitments, frameworks AU--STC 30% land allocation to women Frameworks...
30 % documented land for women AU commitments on Land Governance… April 2009 July 2009 October 2011 May 2014 30 % documented land for women 2015
CSO Platform on Land in Africa Outcome Area 3: Synergies, partnerships, coherence a) African institutions CSO Platform on Land in Africa 11
Outcome Area 3 Synergies, partnership, coherence; (b) international partners 12
LPI is transitioning into ALPC . Transition
ALPC Functions Policy and Advocacy Leadership African Land Driver of land continental policy and advocacy to ensure that land remains a priority in the policy agenda Leadership on the land sector including: setting the agenda on land issues, acting as a repository of knowledge and representing Africa on global platforms Policy and Advocacy Coordination Leadership Partnerships/linkages African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) Creating continental and regional land platforms that enhances coordination in the land sector Create linkages/partnerships to bridge gap in technical assistance and funding
ALPC Governance Structure Africa’s land governance constituent (RECs, PAP, NPCA, PAFO, CSO, Think Tank) AUC UNECA, AfDB Joint Working Group on Land Chair Development Partners on Land Governance (EU, FAO, IFAD, UN-Habitat) Steering Committee ALPC Observers Secretariat
Snapshot of LPI projects
LPI/SDC funded project in Niger Reviewed progress in implementing rural code Developed guideline for land use planning Mainstreamed land governance in Development Plan Developed M&E framework to track land governance
LPI/ECA/EU supported pilot to support land policy development in Zambia Reviewed/revised draft land policy Established multi-stakeholder platforms Multi-sectoral Platform Non-state actor engagement Donor engagement M&E framework
LPI/SDC mainstream land in IGAD secretariat/member states--ongoing Project objectives Enhance capacity of IGAD—staff, strategy, M&E Research to identify entry points Platform for knowledge exchange Capacity development M&E
LPI/EU mainstream land RCMRD secretariat/member states--ongoing Objectives Enhance capacity of RCMRD and LDGI to facilitate and monitor implementation of AU Agenda in Members States Mainstream land governance/ administration in programmes of RCMRD Strengthen capacity development of Member States and other stakeholders Enhance RCMRD’s platform for knowledge sharing to ensure dissemination of best practices Improve partnerships, coordination, and alignment of land governance and policy-related programmes in RCMRD and Member States Enhance monitoring and evaluation of land policies
LPI/IFAD supported project to mainstream Land governance in agriculture--ongoing 6-country pilot Cote d’Ivoire DRC Madagascar Malawi Rwanda Tanzania Identify entry point to address land tenure/governance challenges facing Agric. Raise awareness and garner commitment Capacity building/TA Land data, monitoring
LPI/EU mainstream land in COMESA secretariat/member states--beginning Enhance capacity of COMESA—staff, strategy, M&E Research to identify entry points Platform for knowledge exchange Capacity development M&E
LPI/AfDB project to implement the Nairobi Action Plan for LSLBI Expected Results: Training module for legal professionals on LSLBI negotiations Training session for legal professionals Sensitization/training workshop for traditional leaders TA support to two African countries
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