Career Pathways October 5th, 2017
Life Map Create your life map The middle should be where you are right now Demonstrate significant events in your life Make sure to leave room for things you have yet to accomplish
Office Vocabulary Word Bank Accounting Board of Directors Budget Client Commerce Database Deadline Entrepreneur Finance Insurance Inventory Lease Lucrative Marketing Memo Monopoly Negotiate Personnel Profit Retail Staffing Agency Temp
Accounting Definition the action or process of keeping financial accounts In a sentence Thanks to Mike’s accounting, the firm was able to track their spending
Board of Directors Definition A group of individuals elected to make decisions on major company issues In a sentence The board of directors decided to replace the president
Budget Definition an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time In a sentence The company’s budget did not allow for color printing
Client Definition A person using the services of a company In a sentence The lawyer declared his client was innocent
Commerce Definition the activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale In a sentence The invention of the railroad increased commerce nationwide
Database Definition a structured set of data held in a computer In a sentence The company’s database tracked it’s employees contact information
Deadline Definition the latest time or date by which something should be completed In a sentence The deadline for the application is on Friday
Entrepreneur (on-tre-pruh-noor) Definition a person who organizes and operates a business, taking on greater than normal financial risks In a sentence The entrepreneur started his own sneaker company
Finance Definition the management of large amounts of money In a sentence The finance department suggested the boss not hire any new employees
Insurance Definition providing protection against a possible event In a sentence The man took out life insurance to protect his family
Inventory Definition a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building In a sentence Claire took inventory of her restaurant before she went shopping
Lease Definition When one party sells something to another for a specified time, usually in return for a periodic payment In a sentence Jose had to lease a car for 4 years at $300 a month
Lucrative Definition producing a great deal of profit In a sentence Selling hot dogs at Fenway Park is a lucrative business
Marketing Definition the action of promoting and selling products or services In a sentence A lot of marketing is done around Christmas time
Memo Definition a written message, especially in business In a sentence The company sent out a memo to it’s employees, reminding them to submit their timesheets
Monopoly Definition the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service In a sentence Some people joke that Dunkin Donuts has a monopoly on coffee in Boston
Negotiate Definition try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others In a sentence Shauna was able to negotiate a higher salary when she was hired
Personnel Definition people employed in an organization In a sentence The personnel of the company totaled to 84 people
Profit Definition the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent In a sentence The restaurant makes a profit of $10 on every steak they sell
Retail Definition the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities In a sentence Department stores like Macy’s are an example of retail
Staffing Agency Definition An agency that finds jobs for people seeking them and finds particular jobs In a sentence The corporation used a staffing agency to help find a new accountant
Temp Definition a temporary employee, typically an office worker who finds employment through an agency In a sentence The temp was hired to work at the office for 4 months
Memory Matching Game Find a partner You will receive a pack of cards you will put face down Take turns turning over 2 cards If the word matches the definition, you keep the pair The person with the most matches wins