Heating and cooling cure of water GRADE 10 PHYSICAL SCIENCES CHEMISTRY
Heating and cooling of water Aim To investigate the heating and cooling curve of water. Apparatus beakers ice Bunsen burner thermometer water Stop watch
Name the apparatus in the diagram
Method Place some ice in a beaker. Measure the temperature of the ice and record it. After 1 minute measure the temperature again and record it. Repeat every minute, until at least 3 minutes after the ice has melted. Plot a graph of time versus temperature for the heating of ice. Heat some water in a beaker until it boils. Measure and record the temperature of the water. Remove the water from the heat and measure the
temperature every 1 minute, until the beaker is cool to touch. Show the results in a graph of time versus temperature Warning Be careful when handling the beaker of hot water. Do not touch the beaker with your hands, you will burn yourself.
Record your results in the following table
Results for heating curve Draw a graph to indicate the heating and cooling of water
Results for cooling curve
Conclusion A heating curve of a substance gives the changes in temperature as we move from a solid to a liquid to a gas. A cooling curve gives the changes in temperature as we move from gas to liquid to solid.