Professor Markellos Camden County College World Civilization I Professor Markellos Camden County College
What is History?
Conditions of History Passion Progress Success Envy Hate Fate
Patterns in History Is History cyclical or linear? Do you view it as a pattern, which repeats over and over? Do you view it as a progression of one damn thing after another? 1. If a pattern ... cyclical ... then how do we avoid mistakes? 2. If a progression ... linear ... is there a clear end in sight?
What You Will Learn This course will unravel some of the complexities of the past. We will look to explain, analyze, and appreciate the patterns of history. Truffle-Hunter Theory of History
Historians As Detectives “Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them.” ~ Leo Tolstoy
What You Will Do Cognitively and actively participate in class. Do ALL the readings and react. Take notes on the lecture points. Prepare questions for discussion. Review the syllabus for dates and topics Quizzes (40%) and Exams (60%)
Resources Email: Twitter: @Prof_Markellos Lecture Notes: professor-
Forming the Complex Society Basic development: Hunting and Foraging Agriculture Complex Society Key issue: surplus capital Major development of first complex societies 3500 BCE – 500 BCE
Prehistory What is “history”? Documentation Written records Archaeological discovery Requisite human presence (or “natural” history)
Development of Hominids Animals adapt themselves to environment Hominids adapt environment to themselves Use of tools Language Complex cooperative social structures Skeleton of Lucy, chronology/contentpage1.shtml
Australopithecus Discovery of skeleton AL-288-1, north of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Nicknamed “Lucy” 40% of SWF, 4’6”, 55lb., bipedal Brain 500 cc (modern human: 1400 cc), limited speech but opposable digit Estimated date of death: 3.5 million years ago Reconstruction of Lucy: chronology/contentpage1.shtml
Later Hominids Homo Erectus, “upright man” Larger brain capacity (1000 cc), improved tool use, control of fire Homo Sapiens, “wise man” Homo Sapiens Sapiens, “very wise man” (most of us) Largest brain, esp. frontal regions most sophisticated tools and social organization Migrations of Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens
Global spread of hominids and Homo Sapiens
The Natural Environment By 13,000 BCE Homo sapiens in every inhabitable part of the world Archaeological finds: Sophisticated tools Choppers, scrapers, axes, knives, bows, arrows Cave and hutlike dwellings Use of fire, animal skins Hunted several mammal species to extinction Climactic change may have accelerated process
Paleolithic Era (“Old Stone Age”) Evidence: Archaeological finds Extrapolation from modern hunter-gatherer societies Nomadic existence precludes advanced civilization Groups of 30-50 Division of labor along gender lines
Relative Social Equality Nomadic culture precludes accumulation of land- based wealth More likely determinants of status: age, hunting skill, fertility, charisma Possible gender equality related to food production Men: protein from hunting Women: plant and gathering
Big Game Hunting Evidence of intelligent coordination of hunting expeditions Development of weaponry Animal-skin disguises Stampeding tactics Lighting of fires, etc. to drive game into kill zones Requires planning, communication
Paleolithic Settlements Natufian society Modern Israel and Jordan Wild wheat, herding Jomon society Japan Wild buckwheat, fishing Chinook society Pacific Northwest Berries, acorns, salmon runs Groups of 1000 or more Natufian burial w/dog dogs/facts.html
Neanderthal Peoples Neander valley, western Germany Also found in Africa, east Asia Evidence of spirituality: ritual burial
Cro-magnon Peoples Physically similar to modern humans Greater capacity for speech? Homo sapiens sapiens Increased variety of tools Adornments, decorative furniture, cave paintings “Venus” figurines Cave paintings
Early Human Art Art was a way of communication but also tells a story. What is shown in these scenes??? Lascaux, France
Neolithic Era (“New Stone Age”) Distinction in tool production Chipped vs. polished Men: herding animals rather than hunting Women: nurtured vegetation rather than foraging Spread of Agriculture Slash-and-and burn techniques Exhaustion of soil promotes migration Transport of crops from one region to another imot/neolithic/RMO52-27.html
Origins of early spread of agriculture
Agriculture and Population Growth
Surplus Food and the Specialization of Labor Emergence of villages and towns Discovery at Çatal Hüyük, Turkey, occupied 7250-5400 BC Tremendous range of manufactured products Pottery, Jewelry, Textiles, Copper tools Development of crafts
Social Distinctions Accumulation of landed wealth initiates development of social classes Archaeological evidence in variety of household decorations, goods buried with deceased members of society at Çatal Hüyük
Religious Values Elements of natural environment essential for functioning Archaeological evidence of religious worship: thousands of clay figurines, drawings on pots, tool decorations, other ritual objects Fertility: Venus figurines
Beginnings of Urbanization Jericho: concentration of wealth, building a wall Craft specialization Social stratification Governance Cultural workers Photo of jericho walls may132003jericho.htm
Civilization ??? While this Pre-History is certainly that of “human record” does it count as history? What about Civilization?
Aspects of Civilization Language: Written and Spoken System of Law and Justice Cities / State / Government
Next Week Be able to explain how and why Mesopotamian is considered to be the first civilization. How did the politics, intellect, and society of Egypt further develop the process of civilization? Make connections to the readings and primary sources for the quiz. Group discussion on what makes us civilized!!!