September 5-6, 2017 ELA7C1 Standard English Usage The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. The student Element: ELA7C1.a Identifies and writes simple, compound, and complex, and compound-complex sentences correctly, punctuating properly, avoiding fragments and run-ons (adding or deleting modifiers, combining or revising sentences).
Learning Targets Creates an organization structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and content (personal narrative) Uses a range of strategies: figurative language, sentence variety,
Do Now: (7 minutes) 9-5 Homework: Quiz tomorrow of memorization of conjunctions- AGENDA OPEN TO BLUE PAGE Journal Topic: After the incident when the teacher took away Walter’s comic and gave him a book to read, Walter responds by realizing he likes reading for several reasons. What incident led you to enjoy reading? Why do you enjoy it. Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph answering the question.
Blank Paper- Label straight down the margin F A N B TURN YOUR PAPER OVER AS NEEDED O Y S THEN AAAWWWWUUBBIST Then NINJAS Then 4 Ws and 1 T
Do Now: (7 minutes) NO TALKING NO LOOKING AT NOTES Write down all of the conjunctions Do you know them? How many do you need to learn tonight?
Your narrative about choice Have you been generating ideas? I have been brainstorming and chose my most current choice. Reviewed my incidents leading to choice(if absent see it in class if you like)
REFLECTION What have been the consequences? What do I think about my choice? How has my life changed and stayed the same because of my choice? Would I make the same choice again?
Show, Not Tell After I heard what he said, I clenched my fists and bit my lip. My face was hot, and I must have looked like a tomato as I steamed and tried not to say something in return. I was angry.
I was amazed. Show, not tell “What?” I ask, hoping I had heard right. I stop in my tracks and turn around slow. “What?” I ask, hoping I had heard right. With my eyes wide, I look like one of those guppy fish with my mouth slowly opening to speak and then stopping as I try to process the good news.
Your turn: How do you know that Walter is capable and talented though he gets in trouble with his teacher? Does Walter tell you he is capable? How does Walter Dean Myers show you? Find 2 examples in From Bad Boy
Your turn: The narrator shows… “I had a need to fill up all the spaces in my life, with activity, with talking, sometimes with purely imagined scenarios that would dance through my mind, occupying me while some other student was at the blackboard” (25).
Sentence structure, but make it about you. Ticket out the door Post it note(sticky side) Your first and last name Your period Other side –copy the Sentence structure, but make it about you.
Your turn: The narrator shows… I had a need to fill up all the spaces in my life, with __________ing , with ________ing, sometimes with ______________________________that would _________ (verb)through my mind, occupying me while some other student was ____________________________.
Do Now: September 6, 2017 Follow procedures: agenda under desk Get your text books Your name plates go home today. Explain scavenger assignment Silent review of memory work Quiz Work on scavenger hunt