Coordinator of Dev. Education Reading Specialist Carol Murphy Coordinator of Dev. Education Reading Specialist Developmental education REDESIGN IN READING AND ENGLISH COURSES at barton COMMUNITY COLLEGE Great bend campus
Goals for redesign Improve student learning outcomes. Create an active, student-centered learning environment. Create an assessment-based flexible learning mode. Shorten the time span to complete developmental sequence. Increase students’ self-regulated study behavior.
GUIDED BY RESEARCH…. After 10 years of research, the National Center for Academic Transformation reported what works and what does not work in improving student achievement in developmental courses. NCAT identified 6 principles that lead to successful course redesign: Redesign the whole course Encourage active learning Provide students with individualized instruction Build in ongoing assessment and prompt feedback Ensure sufficient time on task and monitor student progress Modularize the student learning experience, esp. in math
Options, options, options….. Emporium model Supplemental model Replacement model Buffet model Linked model Modularization Mastery learning Options, options, options…..
developmental levels at Barton READING ENGLISH Basic - Read at or below 6th grade level, trouble distinguishing main ideas and important details, literal readers Intermediate - read at or below 8th grade level, lack college level vocabulary, trouble with critical reading skills Basic – write at an elementary level, struggle with subject/verb and verb tense, write in incomplete sentences Intermediate –write at a middle school level, struggle writing in complex sentence structure and with using transitions
Redesign for Reading Courses Goal: To provide a format for developmental reading students to master course competencies in an individualized classroom setting allowing students to work intensively in areas of weakness and to receive immediate feedback and instruction when and where needed.
Content divided into manageable units Individualized instruction Immediate feedback Mastery of competency required before continuing ACE computer lab Self- paced within PACE dates Focused on skills needing remediation Study skills embedded in coursework Student begins at present level and works to improve
Format: The course competencies for both levels are organized into modules with objectives, assignments in text, assignments in MyReadingLab, and anticipated deadlines. Students initially take a diagnostic test on their reading skills and reading levels to ascertain their reading capabilities. Based on the diagnostic results, students receive a “personalized” study plan to improve their reading. Remediation will be provided to those who fall behind the learning schedule and corrective actions will be taken by instructors to keep students on track so that they can finish one course level within the semester.
Complete Using Word Parts Worksheet _________ READ 1108 - Module Two Vocabulary Competencies: Demonstrate the ability to recognize words in context. Utilize the dictionary as a reference tool. Interpret a selected passage by using context clues. Context Clues Textbook: Read Chapter 2 pages 45-74 __________ Complete Chapter 2 Review Sheet __________ Complete Chapter 2 Mastery Tests 1 – 4 pgs. 75-82 __________ Online: MRL Reading Skills: Vocabulary __________ Word Parts Read Chapter 3 pages 85-123 __________ Complete Chapter 3 Review sheet _________ Complete Using Word Parts Worksheet _________ Test on number prefixes _________ Quiz over Chapters 2 and 3 _________ MRL Reading Level: 2 Stories (online) Story 1 (Title and Current Lexile Level) _________________________________________________________________ Story 2 (Title and Current Lexile Level)
Benefits for students Help given when and where needed Meaningful and timely feedback Focuses on both skill and level Potential reduction of time to reach completion Sense of accomplishment / progress Emphasizes process for student success Manageable units of study Multiple opportunities to achieve mastery
RESULTS: Pass rates in Reading courses have increased. Students are reading more in the redesign format. Pass rates in Reading courses have increased. Retention rates at the institution have increased. Students are demonstrating greater gains in reading level (lexile level) and in reading skills. Some students are able to shorten the DE timeline for Reading by testing out of a level. Students are taking more initiative in completing assignments and monitoring progress. Positive changes in student attitudes and study habits.
Redesign data COURSE BEFORE ONE YEAR AFTER CURRENT Inter. Reading - PASS 70% 80% 86% Basic Reading - PASS 67% 87% Inter. Rdg – Retention 55% 65% Basic Rdg – Retention 35% 42% 68% Lexile level increase @ 1 grade No sign. gains @ 200-300 lex. Sign. gains
English comp 1 WITH REVIEW An Accelerated Learning Placement design for developmental English piloted in Fall 2015. The design for this course, English Composition 1 with Review, incorporates the competencies from Intermediate English with those of English Comp 1. With successful completion of this 5 credit hour course, students receive transfer credit for the English Composition 1 course.
FORMAT FOR ENGLISH COMP 1 with REVIEW: A student scoring in the Intermediate English range may enroll in EC1R. Students attend a specified English Comp 1 class and meet an additional hour [2 x wk] after the EC1 class with the same instructor. An equal number of students are enrolled in the Comp 1 class and the companion EC1R class. The purpose of the additional two hours is for remediation of individual weak areas, guidance with writing assignments, and reinforcement of instruction from the EC1 coursework.
EC1R Results…… Developmental level students are succeeding at the same rate as non-developmental students. Students are saving time and money. Students are earning transfer credit while also receiving remediation needed. Retention rates showing improvement.
Redesign data Inter. Eng - PASS Inter. Eng – Retention COURSE BEFORE ONE YEAR AFTER CURRENT Inter. Eng - PASS 58% Inter. Eng – Retention 48% EC1 w/Rev - PASS NA 90% 89% Developmental vs Nondevelopmental pass rate 51% / NA 90% / 90 %
BIG Picture – all redesigns The percent of students who tested developmental and actually enrolled in the needed DE courses has doubled. (advising and redesigned courses) Majority of students completing dev ed sequence in 1 – 1 ½ years compared to the 2 – 2 ½ years before the redesign. Pipeline has been shortened. Retention of low-performing students has increased from 50% to 56.3%. Better chance of completing a certificate of degree program. Seeing positive change in student attitudes and study habits overall.
Integrated reading and writing Pilot in Fall 2018 Class designed for students placing in both Intermediate Reading and Intermediate English Competencies from IR and IE are combined 3 credit hour lecture course linked with corresponding 2 credit hour lab course Save students cost in time and money Reading and writing interconnected
Lessons learned from redesign Don’t assume all students are comfortable with technology. Not all students ask for help. Provide detailed and thorough course orientation. Students don’t do optional / self-paced has to be regulated with milestones and deadlines. Try to address a variety of learning styles. Don’t expect immediate results. Expect to do some changes to make course fit your students / your institution.
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