HyTEC: Hydrogen Transport in European Cities Update for Let Hydrogen Move You! EUSEW Energy Day Conference June 21, 2012 Brussels Diana Raine, Air Products (Project Co-ordinator)
HyTEC: Today‘s Presentation Overall aims of the project Expected deliverables Project update 11/14/2018
HyTEC: Today‘s Presentation Overall aims of the project 11/14/2018
HyTEC: Overall Aims Expand existing network of demonstration sites in two of the key markets for hydrogen and fuel cells, Denmark & UK. Deploy fleets of next generation hydrogen fuel cell passenger vehicles in three different vehicle classes – taxis, passenger cars and scooters. Operate urban fleet operations, putting FC vehicles into hands of real users. Deploy publicly accessible fuelling stations, in London and Copenhagen. Deliver a research program that assesses technical performance of the vehicles. Carry out a life cycle assessment of the vehicles to confirm the well to wheels. Investigate the non-technical barriers through accompanying social studies. 11/14/2018
HyTEC Project Partners 11/14/2018
HyTEC: Today‘s Presentation What will the project deliver? 11/14/2018
HyTEC: What will the project deliver? Results to inform commercialisation and infrastructure rollout planning by policy makers and industry players. Improved public awareness of the potential of hydrogen vehicles as a future low carbon transport solution, achieved through the project’s dissemination campaign. Creation of genuine links between the new and existing European hydrogen demonstration projects. 11/14/2018
HyTEC: Today‘s Presentation Project update 11/14/2018
HyTEC: Project update Dissemination: Project website up and running Early dissemination events planned Specific engagement with fleet operators (e.g. Taxi industry) planned London: 5 H2 FC hybrid taxis will operate in London during the Olympic Games Hydrogen refuelling will take place at London Heathrow airport Project will be launched at London City Hall on 20th July 2012 Copenhagen: Vehicle tendering exercise underway (in conjunction with another EU funded project – ‘NextMove’ Vehicles will be deployed in 2013 11/14/2018
Project is 8 months in, so at a relative early stage but on schedule HyTEC: Summary Project is 8 months in, so at a relative early stage but on schedule Deployment of vehicles in summer 2012 in London and in 2013 in Copenhagen will deliver high profile fuelling activity to both project centres 11/14/2018
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