Presented by Melissa Bragg Cookie Concept Cookie Concept The Cookie Concept Presented by Melissa Bragg
The idea To bring fresh baked hand crafted cookies to customers by creating a mobile bakery.
Product Old-fashioned cookies using quality ingredients that have homemade goodness. There will be several types of homemade cookies available. Triple Chocolate Chip (our specialty) Gooey Butter Cinnamon, Pecan, Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Seasonal favorites
The pathway to achieve the idea
Phase 1 Marketing Strategy Local Restaurants Food stores Friends and business associates It’s all about quality, value and convenience!
Why businesses? In this day and age of budget cut backs many businesses do not have a budget for cafeterias in the place of business. There is not a lot of money for motivation in the budgets today either and people will work for food. People get stressed out at work and look for comfort food and cookies are a source of comfort.
Why restaurants? Away to get product to a large number of consumers for test market with little overhead Product can be made ahead and delivered and stored on site of restaurant in the freezer to maintain freshness Allows a test market before jumping into a high overhead business
Once a profit is showing and we are in the money!
The mobile bakery can be purchased and customized
Why a mobile bakery? This allows you to go to the customers and opens up other opportunities such as fairs and festivals. People no longer have to go to the mall for a fresh baked cookie
Time to sample and fill out a survey
Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing your ideas!