NT Survey I Gospel of Mark
Matthew’s Use of the Old Testament The formula: “that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled” or something similar. Not always a simple prediction and fulfillment (see “Biblical Meaning of ‘Fulfillment’” by Charles H. Dyer). Matthew’s meaning must be determined by context both in the OT and the NT. Examples: “Out of Egypt did I call my Son” (Hos 11:1-2 in Matt 2:15). “Rachel weeping for her children” (Jer 31:15 in Matt 2:16-18). Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Zech 9:9 in Matt 21:4-5). Re Jer 31:15 in Matt 2:16, it is a different city (Ramah vs Bethlehem), a different action (captivity vs death), and a different outcome (a return from captivity vs no return from death).
Introductory Matters for Gospel of Mark Author: John (aka Mark), a close associate of the Apostle Peter. He was a cousin of Barnabas (Col. 4:10) who accompanied Paul and Barnabas on Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 12:25; 13:5). Date: 64 – 68 AD Audience: Gentiles, primarily Romans. Character: a brief but fast-paced (“immediately” is used some 42 times) narrative of the life of Christ. John was his Hebrew name, Mark is Latin name. Mark’s gospel focuses on Jesus’ works rather than His teaching. Tradition says that the Apostle Peter died in approx. AD 64.
Major Themes in Mark Jesus Christ The Gospel Kingdom of God Faith His works (and not so much His teaching) His authority – over disease, demons and Satan, physical needs, the elements of nature, and even death itself His role as a servant (Mark 10:45) His nature as both Son of Man and Son of God The Gospel Kingdom of God Faith Opposition to Jesus
Geographic Areas of Mark’s Gospel Mark 1 through 9 is set in Galilee; Mark 10 is beyond the Jordan; Mark 11-16 is in Jerusalem
Survey of Mark The Presentation of the Lord’s Servant (1:1-13) Mark skips over the early events of Jesus’ life and opens his gospel with the preparatory ministry of John the Baptist, followed by the baptism and temptation of Christ. The Manifestation of the Lord’s Servant (1:14 – 3:6) After John is taken into custody, Jesus begins His public ministry in the region of Galilee. His ministry includes proclaiming the gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons. He is opposed by the Pharisees when He forgives sins (2:5) and does what they deem is unlawful on the Sabbath (3:6). The Opposition to the Lord’s Servant (3:7 – 8:13) Jesus’ popularity is on the rise (3:7-10), but so is the opposition to Him by Israel’s leaders, who claim He casts out demons by the ruler of the demons (3:22). Jesus appoints the 12 to work with Him in His ministry of proclamation and works of power. Because of the rising opposition, He begins to teach in parables (4:1-34). He stills a storm, heals the Gadarene demoniac and hemorrhaging woman, and raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead. Returning to Nazareth, He marvels at the people’s unbelief. He sends the twelve out, miraculously feeds 5000, walks on the Sea of Galilee and calms the wind, heals a demon-possessed girl, and feeds another multitude of 4000. Despite these great works of power, the Pharisees continue to argue with Him (8:11).
Survey of Mark The Instruction to the Disciples in View of the Opposition (8:14 – 10:52) Upon bringing the disciples to a clear understanding of who He was, Jesus began teaching them about His future death and resurrection (8:27-31; 9:31-32). He is transfigured before Peter, James, and John, giving them a glimpse of His future glory. He is confronted by the Pharisees on the legitimacy of divorce, and teaches on the difficulty of a rich man entering the kingdom. As Jesus and the disciples head toward Jerusalem, He again instructs them about His imminent death (10:32-34) and on greatness in his kingdom (10:42-45). The Rejection of the Lord’s Servant (11:1 – 15:47) Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt and is hailed as the Messiah. He cleanses the temple for the second time, and is asked by the Pharisees about the source of His authority. He teaches in parables and continues to confront the religious leaders on their misunderstanding of God’s Word. He predicts the destruction of the Temple in His Olivet Discourse (13:1-37). Jesus and His disciples share the Last Supper, He prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, is betrayed, arrested, tried, and crucified. The Resurrection of the Lord’s Servant (16:1-20) Mary, Mary, and Salome go to properly anoint the body and find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.
Purpose Statement for Mark Mark writes to Gentiles to demonstrate by His miraculous works and authority that Jesus is the Christ and ought to be followed.
Next Week: Gospel of Luke