What happens to carbon when it is not moving in the carbon cycle? CARBON SINKS
What are carbon sinks? An area that stores carbon There are 3 main carbon sinks
3 Main Carbon Sinks Oceans Absorb and dissolve carbon into H2O Release it through bursting bubbles and other processes Phytoplankton absorb carbon
2nd Carbon Sink Soil Billions of micro-organisms & bacteria hold carbon It is released when the ground is disturbed Logging, farming, construction
3rd Carbon Sink Forest and Vegetation Absorb CO2 during photosynthesis CO2 is released when dead trees/plants decompose or are burned
Carbon Source A carbon sink can become a carbon source as it releases carbon into the atmosphere Ex: forest fires, melting permafrost
Permafrost Permanently frozen ground (all year long) Keeps CO2 and CH4 locked up As it melts, both gases are released