SAGE Lecture Spark [9/11/18] The Publisher of the Social Sciences
Section 377 verdict: Indian Supreme Court Reverses Decision on Gay Sex “The Supreme Court…ruled that consensual sexual relations between adults of the same gender is not a crime in India.” This reversed a previous decision in 2013. “Justice Indu Malhotra, in her opinion has said that history owes an apology to the LGBT community for discriminating against and ostracising them.”
“India Backs Freedom–Others Should Follow” “Legal protections against discrimination [are] the next step.” “[The ruling in India] not only decriminalised gay sex, but ruled that gay citizens enjoy all the protections of the constitution.” This article goes on to argue that other countries should follow suit, that there is much work to be done, and cites that in some countries, persecution of LGBT and other groups are on the rise.
Ban Was Relic of the British Empire 35 members of the Commonwealth of Nations (nations which previously were part of the British Empire) still ban same-sex relations. “Prime Minister Theresa May said she deeply regretted ‘the legacy of discrimination, violence and even death’ left by the legislation.” Commonwealth nations are ½ the world’s countries that ban this.
Cultural Battle Will Ensue in Conservative India “India’s government, a broadly right-wing, Hindu nationalist coalition led by the Bharatiya Janata Party, has indicated it will support the Supreme Court in its ruling.” Despite this, the government, “will oppose any attempts by activists to push for further rights.”
Key Concepts Media and Ideology: Ideological analysis of mass media can provide a window into broader societal debates. The articles today (two American, one British, and one Indian) allow us a glimpse into the world debate on LGBTQ issues and reflect that though global views might be shifting, they, and their media portrayals, are deeply rooted in tradition. While mass media news sources pride themselves on objectivity, they also reflect the views and ideologies of their writers and organizations—as well as societal norms, colonialisms, and hegemonies. Links to Relevant Articles
Assessment Writing: Consider the countries of origins of the articles this week. Do you think they reflect the ideologies of the nations they are from, past or present? Do they reflect the ideologies of the news sources? Debate: Consider the article from The Guardian. This article is an editorial, a format of article whereby a newspaper or magazine expresses a view with the author usually anonymous. The author of an editorial, however, will be a staff member of the newspaper and they are often written by the editor of the paper, whose name is known elsewhere. Is there value in this anonymous format or not? What purpose or not do you believe the anonymity serves? Poll: Do you think these articles altogether reflected the political ideologies of the U.S.? Yes or No Short Answer: What is a hegemonic ideology? Please provide a definition and example. Current Events Quiz The Supreme Court of India ruled that___. The Supreme Court ruling is also significant for ruling that___. ___ members of the Commonwealth of Nations still ban gay sex. The government will ___ future moves by activists for further gay rights. Prime Minister Theresa May regrets ___ of past LGBTQ legislation. Answers Same-sex intercourse is legal. Gay citizens enjoy all the protections of the constitution. 35 4. Oppose all and any 5. The legacy of discrimination, violence and even death
Quiz Time! Current Events Quiz The Supreme Court of India ruled that___. The Supreme Court ruling is also significant for ruling that___. ___ members of the Commonwealth of Nations still ban gay sex. The government will ___ future moves by activists for further gay rights. Prime Minister Theresa May regrets ___ of past LGBTQ legislation. Current Events Quiz The Supreme Court of India ruled that___. The Supreme Court ruling is also significant for ruling that___. ___ members of the Commonwealth of Nations still ban gay sex. The government will ___ future moves by activists for further gay rights. Prime Minister Theresa May regrets ___ of past LGBTQ legislation. Answers Same-sex intercourse is legal. Gay citizens enjoy all the protections of the constitution. 35 4. Oppose all and any 5. The legacy of discrimination, violence and even death