…in Structure and Function Big Idea 4: Biological Systems Interact …in Structure and Function
Essential Knoweledge Essential knowledge 4.C.1: Variation in molecular units provides cells with a wider range of functions.
Diversity in structures increases flexibility Allows organisms to survive diff. challenges
Diversity in Macromolecules More types of macromolecules = more possible functions
Making of Diversity? Having different genes
Having Different Genes, MHC Markers Organ Transplant Video Clip!
2) RNA splicing / modifications Making of Diversity? 2) RNA splicing / modifications
Making of Diversity? 3) Post-translational protein modifications: protein gets add’nl biochemical molecules on it (lipids, carbs) or structural changes (disulfide bridges w/ tertiary structure)
Multiple copies of alleles or genes (gene duplication) may provide new phenotypes
Gene Duplication Genes can get copied New copies may change and produce new proteins
May express both alleles which can have benefits Ex: Heterozygotes May express both alleles which can have benefits Ex: In sickle cell- heterozygotes have some normal RBCs and some sickle cells
Example, Antifreeze Gene in Fish Arctic cod: enzyme in cells called Sialic Acid Synthase Through duplication and slight alterations it became a protein in blood that allows fish to swim in water below freezing point
More Protein Diversity than Gene Diversity http://www.piercenet.com/browse.cfm?fldID=7CE3FCF5-0DA0-4378-A513-2E35E5E3B49B