“ISLAND HOPPING” “Leapfrogging” 1940 Japan=10 aircraft carriers, 145 cruisers/destroyers USA=3 aircraft carriers, 34 cruisers Kamikaze pilots “divine wind” Loss of 1,300+ Japanese aircrafts
British Prime Minister Aug. 1941 ; coast of Newfoundland , Atlantic Conference Joint proclamation against Axis Powers(Germany,Italy,Japan) Formed basis of The United Nations USA not in war……yet British Prime Minister 1940-1945 , 1951-1955
1940 Selective Service Act; 15 million drafted 300,000 planes, 7 million rifles 960,000 tanks, 39 billion small arms 71,000 ships, 505 million socks
4,600 vessels 11,000 airplanes 175,000 troops (5,000 casualties) 7 days of fighting 80 mile stretch taken for the coastline invasion Patton in Paris by Aug! 4,600 vessels 11,000 airplanes 175,000 troops (5,000 casualties)
Lost 600 tanks/guns, 1,600 planes “last offensive by Hitler” 80 mile front, over a month Germans lost 120,000 troops Lost 600 tanks/guns, 1,600 planes Hitler suicide April 30th V-E Day May 8th Saving Private Ryan clip
1935 Nuremberg Laws 1942 Final Solution 1945 Nuremberg Trials “Been to the Valley of death”
“THE BIG THREE” Feb, 1945 ; Yalta Conference, near the Black Sea Final defeat & occupation of Nazi Germany. Division of 4 zones Promise of free elections in eastern Europe & Soviet aid with Japan “THE BIG THREE” USA needs USSR aid in Asia & to join the UN!!
“Pearl Harbor Avenged” 70,000 Am/26,000 dead 7,000 Am dead 110,000 Jap’s MacArthur returns after 2 yrs 6 months of hell 24,000 J 1,700 Am 5 days, 1st loss for Japan
July, 1945 ; Potsdam Conference, Potsdam Germany Postwar Europe “prompt & utter destruction” & terms of unconditional surrender
Leads 6 yrs of Japanese Occupation, “MacArthur Constitution”