CLAS: A Wide-angle Lens for Hadronic Physics Nucleon Resonance Production with CLAS Elton S. Smith Jefferson Lab for the CLAS Collaboration
Why Electromagnetic Excitation? Light quark baryon spectrum for N* → Np and underlying symmetries Internal structure of baryons Meson production mechanism Connections between resonance regime and deep inelastic region - Duality Helicity amplitudes vs Q2 => Relevant degrees of freedom vs distance scale
Program Requirements Experiment Analysis large high-quality data set for N* excitation covering - a broad kinematical range in Q2, W, decay angles - multiple decay modes (p, pp, h, r, w, K) - polarization information (sensitive to interference terms) Analysis D(1232): full Partial Wave Analysis possible (isolated resonance) higher resonances - need to incorporate Born terms, unitarity, channel coupling - full PWA presently not possible due to lack of data (polarization) (substitute by assuming energy dependence of resonance) - skills required at the boundary between experiment and theory
Quark Model Classification of N* “Missing” P13(1870) Capstick and Roberts D13(1895) Mart and Bennhold ? D13(1520) S11(1535) Roper P11(1440) D(1232) S11(1790) Non-quark Model State
CLAS Detector
CLAS Coverage for e p e’ X 2.0 1.0 1.5 2.5 4.0 3 5.0 For electron scattering experiments CLAS is usually triggered on electrons only. The inclusive electron spectrum at 4 GeV beam energy, shown here in the Q2 versus invariant mass W kinematics, exhibits the elastic scattering band, the 3 resonance bands, and the transition to the deep inelastic regime. These lines indicate the region where many of the missing states are expected. (next slide) The projection onto the W axis shows the elastic peak and the 3 resonance bumps
CLAS Coverage for e p e’ p X, E=4 GeV 0. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 missing states ...... pi0, eta, or omega in the final state. The missing mass vs invariant mass scatter plot shows clear correlations of resonance excitations and specific final states. Strong excitation near 1500 is correlated with the p-eta channel, and there is a lot of strenght in p-omega throughout the higher mass region. The Delta sticks out in the p-pi0 channel, and can best be studied in this channel.
Kinematics and Cross Sections example: e p → e’ p po Extracting the multipoles requires first to separate the relevant response function, by measureing the azimuthal and polar angle dependence of the diff. cross section, and fitting it to the expected phi dependence, (next slide) as shown in this graph.....
need broad coverage in pion decay angles cos(q*) and F
Multipole Analysis for g*p → p po CLAS Q2 = 0.9 GeV2 |M1+|2 Re(E1+M1+*) and with some approximation analysed in terms of multipoles. The first terms is dominated by the transverse component and strongly dependent on the dominant magnetic dipole transition, while the TT interference is most sensitive to the electric quadrupole, and the LT interference to the scalar quadrupole. (new graph) Overlaying the new results on the old data.... Re(S1+M1+*)
“Missing” Resonances? Problem: symmetric CQM predicts many more states than have been observed (in pN scattering) Two possible solutions: 1. di-quark model |q2q> fewer degrees-of-freedom open question: mechanism for q2 formation? In recent years a number of alternatives to the "standard" constituent quark model have been proposed, in large measures to fix some of the real or perceived shortcomings of that model, especially to explain the absence of many states predicted in that model. Several talks at this conference are dedicated to these new approaches. One of the oldest alternative models is the quark-diquark model, where two of the quarks form an elementary object. This model has the advantage that due to the fewer excitation degrees of freedom a much smaller number of states are predicted which corresponds more to what we see in the data... The various alternatives correspond to quite different underlying quark symmetries and interactions, search for at least some of the states predicted in the standard model, but not in the alternative models is imperative. A series of P13 states with coupling to the omega channel are predicted in the standard model but not in the quark-diquark model..... . Electromagnetic production of omegas suffers from strong diffractive or t-channel contributions, leading to strong forward peaking which complicates the analysis. However, diffractive production is reduced with increasing Q2. While the diffractive or t-channel contribution gives the forward peaking, s-channel resonance production produces a more symmetric angular dependence with significant large angle production. (next) The data exhibit .. 2. not all states have been found possible reason: decouple from pN-channel |q3> model calculations: missing states couple to Npp (Dp, Nr), Nh, Nw, KY g coupling not suppressed electromagnetic excitation is ideal
Use of Selective Filters Isospin p+/p0 h L/S Mass Strange particle (K, h) Multi-pion (2p, w, etc) Polarization sTT sLT sLT’ and hyperon polarization (no target polarization included here) Photoproduction and electroproduction
Missing mass gp → pX 0.85<Eg<0.9 GeV 0< cosq <0.2
Differential cross section gp → ph Good agreement with other data W < 1.73 GeV Extends world data sample to W = 2.1 GeV M. Dugger, ASU
Total cross section gp → ph REM: re-fit h MAID including CLAS data Additional S11(1790) improves cQM fit Non-Quark Model State Added to cQM Models underestimate Data ~ 1.8 GeV PhD Student M. Dugger, ASU
Resonances in g*p → pp+p- Analysis performed by Genova-Moscow collaboration step #1: use the best information presently available GNpp from PDG GNg AO/SQTM These are the first high statistics electroproduction data in the 2-pi channel. The data can be best fitted by a new P13 state with properties that are very different from the properties of the known P13 located in the same mass range. preliminary extra strength W(GeV)
Attempts to fit observed extra strength Analysis step #2: - vary parameters of known D13 vary parameters of known P13 introduce new P13 alternate possibilities, e.g. an increase in D13(1700) strength give poorer fits especially to the hadronic distributions, ... preliminary P13 D13(1700) W(GeV)
consistent with “missing” Isobar fit - A new state? CLAS W = 1.74GeV D13(1700) Poor Fit Mp+p P13 Poor Fit consistent with “missing” P13(1870) state, but mass low Good Fit with New State or Strongly Modified Old 1.72 0.02 GeV 88 17 MeV 0.41 0.13 0.19 0.10 preliminary 0.7 - 0.85 1650-1750 100-200 ~ 0 known P13 has been seen in hadronic analyses ... A new P13 would be consistent with a "missing state" by Capstick & Roberts, except for a 130MeV lower mass.... (next slide, omega) While many resonances are known to decay into the 2-pion channel not a single resonance listed in the RPP is known to couple to the N-omega channel. Therefore, any state seen in that channel would be a discovery, either of a new decay, or of a missing state. (next) Why is the search for at least some of the missing states so important for the understanding of baryon structure? ... Mp+p- M = GT = Dp : Nr : qp- (deg)
Photoproduction of K Y States on the Proton L and S differential cross sections for 1.6 GeV < W < 2.3 GeV Kaons identified by time-of-flight and Hyperons via missing mass g K+ L N* N p p0 L polarization measured via self-analyzing weak decay and detection of protons.
Photoproduction of K Y States on the Proton Dominant resonances S11(1650) P11(1710) P13(1720) Bump at 1.9 GeV D13(1895) ? Carnegie Mellon
Photoproduction of K Y States on the Proton Model-t (Regge) has K and K* interference - Misses at back angles Model-s (Hadrodynamic) Resonances, plus K and K* exchange Carnegie Mellon
Search for resonances in hyperon production CLAS ep eK+Y response functions Strangeness production has become yet another tool in resonance studies. They present excellent conditions for obtaining detailed information on polarization observables due to the weak hyperon decay. However, resonances are not contributing as obviously to the production cross section as in pion production. It is thus important to get a better understanding of the production mechanism. This graph shows total cross section for Lambda and Sigma production. The difference between the Lambda and Sigma production mechanism becomes obvious in the angular distribution of the response functions. t-channel production seems dominant as seen in the strong forward peaking, while Sigma production seems more like s-channel dominated. The Lambda channel also has a strong longitudinal component as evidenced in the large RLT interference term. preliminary
Resonances in hyperon Production? CLAS g*p K+Y forward hemisphere backward hemisphere preliminary N* ?
Summary Understanding the structure of bound qqq systems is a central problem for the study of QCD in the strong coupling regime Probing details of quark wave functions consistent data set for N → D transition up to Q2 = 4 GeV2 E1+/M1+ small and negative data emphasize the importance of pion degrees-of-freedom and relativity Identify relevant degrees-of-freedom finally getting electromagnetic data of sufficient quality to study missing resonance problem initial data strongly suggest resonance contributions that cannot be explained by known baryon states