Go West! Go Now! Move On When Ready It Changes Everything. Move On When Ready
Our Students Over 13,000 Students Average Class Size of 31 20:1 Student/Teacher Ratio USG Institution & President of the Year
MOWR Program Students take college courses to simultaneously satisfy their high school graduation requirements while earning college credit. All High School Students (9th-12th) No Age Requirement UWG Online / eCore / On Campus
eCore / UWG Online Flexible Option Completely online courses Tests Proctored Online Tutoring
MOWR Program Students must work with their high school counselor and a UWG advisor. High schools will transcribe the UWG letter grade to their grading scale. (A = 95-99) End of Course Test (EOC) is still required! Typically the EOC counts 20% of the student’s final grade.
MOWR Requirements Combined (Critical Reading and Math) SAT of 970 (or ACT 20) SAT Critical Reading 430 (or ACT English 17) SAT Math 410 (or ACT Math 17) High School Academic GPA of 3.0 Based on Old SAT
Application Process How do I apply to Dual Enrollment at UWG? Apply online at www.westga.edu/applynow Submit: Official high school transcripts Official SAT/ACT scores Completed Move on When Ready Participation Agreement
Student Services Center for Academic Success Free tutoring in core classes Major/career exploration assistance Study skills seminars Writing Center Individual tutors for all levels of writing Math Center Individual tutors for all levels of math
MOWR Program A non-need based grant program for students who wish to take college level coursework for credit towards both high school and college graduation requirements. Will not count towards the maximum limit of 127 semester hours paid by HOPE.
MOWR Program Fall, Spring, & Summer classes are available Up to 15 credit hours per semester DE Courses will receive an additional weight of half a letter grade for HOPE GPA (0.5 numeric value), not to exceed 4.0
Out of Pocket Expenses
Amazing things happen when you Go West!