The Early Empire 8.4
I. Emperor Augustus The Pax Romana is the long era of peace (200 yrs.) that began with Augustus Augustus built a permanent, professional army and created a special guard called the Praetorian Guard, who guarded him. Augustus appointed a proconsul, or governor, for each province, replacing politicians appointed by the Senate. Augustus reformed the tax system by making tax collectors permanent workers, and he reformed the legal system by creating a set of laws for people who were not citizens.
The Julio-Claudian emperors were the rulers who followed Augustus: Caligula Nero The Julio-Claudian emperors were the rulers who followed Augustus: Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. Caligula and Nero were cruel leaders, and Tiberius and Claudius were competent rulers. Claudius Tiberius
II. Unity and Prosperity Vespasian restored order to Rome after the chaos following Nero’s death. The Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by Vespasian’s armies in the effort to put down a Jewish rebellion. Mt. Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the city of Pompeii in A.D. 79.
The rulers known as the good emperors were Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. The Empire flourished under their rule. Aqueducts were created during the prosperous times of the good emperors.
The Roman Empire became one of the largest empires in history during the reign of the good emperors. Most people were farmers who grew grapes, and grain. Other people were artisans who traded with others inside and outside the Roman Empire. Roads and currency – were important to the prosperous trade that developed. A gap existed between rich merchants, shopkeepers, and skilled workers and poor farmers and city dwellers.