Chapter 8: Training and Development


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 8: Training and Development MGT 3513 Introduction to Human Resource Management “Drive thy business or it will drive thee.” Benjamin Franklin


Challenges in Training Training is NOT always an appropriate solution How do we know when training is appropriate? Goals of training should be clear and realistic How can goal-setting theory be used? Training can be expensive, but may be a worthwhile investment How do we know if it was worth it?

The Office, Season 3 – “Traveling Salesmen” What phases of the training process did you see in this episode (Phase 1 – needs assessment; Phase 2 – development and conduct; Phase 3 – evaluation)? What major type of training is being used (OTJ or Off the job)? What are some of the disadvantages of the type of training used in this episode?  What are some of the advantages of the type of training used in this episode? Give examples of how the trainers could have improved motivation among trainees.

Questions on Training and Development What is training? What is development? How are training and development different?

3 phases of the Training Process Phase 1: Needs Assessment Phase 2: Development & Conduct of Training Phase 3: Evaluation

Questions on Phase 1: Needs Assessment What is the purpose of needs assessment? Explain these levels of assessment Organizational analysis Task analysis KSAs Person analysis

Training Objectives Specific goals for training should address Performance Quality Conditions Examples: Conduct CPR on a dummy, making no mistakes, without assistance from instructor Bake a cake, using a recipe and provided equipment, without burning or under baking it

Questions on Phase 2: Training and Conduct Explain the benefits and drawbacks of On-the-job training (OJT) Discuss the following forms of OJT Job rotation Apprenticeships Internships Explain off-the-job training

Questions on Phase 2: Training and Conduct Benefits and drawbacks of the following presentation options: Slides vs. classroom instruction Simulations & virtual reality

Principles of Learning: Basic Learning Process Reinforcement Theory Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement

Principles of Learning: Motivation to Learn Motivation to learn improves training effectiveness Motivation is influenced by self- efficacy Self-esteem = Overall feeling of pride in self and capabilities Self-efficacy = Feelings about one’s ability to perform a certain task

Principles of Learning: Motivation to Learn Sources of self-efficacy Past accomplishments “I’ve been able to do the same thing in the past” Observation of others “If he can do it, then so can I” Verbal persuasion Coach says: “C’mon…I know you can do it!” Logical verification “I’ve succeeded at something very similar, so I should be able to do this, too.”

Principles of Learning: Practice Practice = performing a task you have just learned Ways to make practice more effective Overlearning Feedback Content and timing Spaced vs. massed learning - time Whole vs. part learning - content

Questions on Training Evaluation What is a control group? Describe the four levels of training evaluation Reactions Learning Behavior (transfer of training) Return/results

Increasing Transfer of Training The ultimate goal of training is transfer. What is the transfer of training? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Fidelity increases transfer Physical = _________________________________ Psychological = ____________________________

Legal Issues and training The main legal concern with training