Leveraging the Potential of Smartcard Systems Javier Morales Sarriera World Bank, Transport and ICT
IMMEDIATE USER AND PROVIDER BENEFITS Reduces dwell times: travel time saving Improves reliability: avoids delays and bus bunching Facilitates payment: reduces cash transactions Lowers costs: makes the driver’s job easier or eliminates the need of a cashier Improves user satisfaction and provides branding Usage across several modes and routes
London in Motion, by Jay Gordon London in Motion, by Jay Gordon
Cards automatically collect travel data: UNDERSTANDING USER BEHAVIOR Cards automatically collect travel data: Planning long term service delivery Service adjustment to right-size demand Inferred Origin and Destinations, types of trip, types of user, linked trip behavior Long-term individual travel behavior tracked
Fare structure change: intra-day, distance-based; LEVERAGING DATA FOR IMPACT EVALUATION Assessing impacts related to: Transit subsidies Fare structure change: intra-day, distance-based; Fare evasion policies Service changes …and more Data system is even more powerful when combined with socio-economic surveys