Tall Tales WebQuest Name:_____________ Date:____________ Using the created webpage, complete the following: What are the three main traits of a main character in a tall tale? ____________, ____________, and ____________. Authors often use ____________ and ____________ in their tales. ____________ people and places show up in tall tales. Often, tall tales were negative toward ____________, ____________, ____________, and ____________. How are most tall tales passed down from generation to generation? _______________ Do you think it is okay for tales to be exaggerated? _____ Have you ever exaggerated a story? Why or Why not?_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Which Paul Bunyan tale was your favorite? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you think John Chapman was nicknamed Johnny Appleseed? ______________________________ With the information you know now about tall tales, who do you think would be main characters of tall tales people might tell from our time? Why? ________________________________________________________________________________________________