Regional Statistics and Rural Development


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Statistics and Rural Development Working Party Latest work in ESPON on: regional, urban, rural and maritime analysis Sandra Di Biaggio Marjan van Herwijnen

Content ESPON 2013 Programme Urban analyses Rural analyses Overview Current status Urban analyses Rural analyses EDORA project PURR project Maritime analyses ESaTDOR project Indicators for Territorial Cohesion Workshop

The ESPON 2013 Programme Role in Structural Funds 2007-2013: Support EU Cohesion Policy development with pan-European, comparable facts and evidence on Territorial Structures, Trends, Perspectives and Policy Impacts, focusing on European Regions and Cities, and revealing territorial capital, potentials and challenges. Budget 2007-13: 47 mill Euro (ERDF: 34 mill. Euro and 31 countries: 13 mill. Euro) Programme Priorities: P 1: Applied Research P 2: Targeted Analyses based on Stakeholder interest P 3: Scientific Platform and Tools P 4: Capitalisation

Selected Themes of ESPON Actions Territorial Impact Assessment Urban Agglomerations Climate Change Rural Areas Growth poles Migratory Flows EU Directives Attractiveness Green Economy Demography Specific Types of Territories Regions Innovation Territorial cooperation Accessibility Continental flows Services of General Interest Cities Land use European Seas Economy Governance Energy Territorial Scenarios

Programme Delivery Programme Implementation volume: 25 Applied Research projects 21 projects ongoing, final or just starting 4 additional Applied Research projects in the call 23 Targeted Analyses (defined by stakeholder demand): 18 ongoing, final or closing 5 Targeted Analyses included in the call 10 larger projects under Scientific Platform and Tools: 4 larger projects ongoing/final 6 additional larger projects in the call 6-7 Transnational Networking Activities: 5 projects ongoing 1-2 additional projects expected starting early 2012

Current Calls for Proposals Calls open from 24 August to 20 October 2011: 4 Applied Research projects: European Neighbour Regions (750.000€); SMS Towns in their Functional Territorial Context (650.000€); The territorial dimension of Poverty and Social Exclusion (750.000€); Economic Crises: Resilience of Regions (759.153€) 5 Targeted Analyses: Growth Poles in South-East of Europe (360.000€) Key Indicators for T. Cohesion and Spatial Planning (360.000€) Liveable Landscapes for Sustainable Territorial Development (379.796,09 €) Landscape Policy for the 3 Countries (360.000€) North Sea - Spreading Transnational Results (340.000 €)

Current Calls for Proposals Calls open from 24 August to 20 October 2011: 6 Scientific Platform and Tools projects EU Territorial Monitoring and Reporting (598.000€) ESPON Atlas on European Territorial Structures and Dynamics (150.000€) Detecting Territorial Potential and Challenges (350.000€) Territorial Evidence Packs for SF Programmes (500.000€) ESPON Online Mapping Tool (150.000€) Territorial Monitoring in a European Macro Region – A test for the Baltic Sea Region (360.000€) 1-2 Transnational Networking Activity projects expected Total Budget: 7.417.176,09 €. The last round of Calls previewed in the ESPON 2013 Programme

Urban analyses ESPON projects analysing urban issues: FOCI: Future Orientation for Cities EU-LUPA: European Land Use Patterns SGPTD: Secondary Growth Poles in Territorial Development in Europe: Performance, Policies and Prospects M4D: Multi Dimensional Database Design and Development SMESTOs: Small and MEdium Sized Towns

Urban analyses ESPON projects analysing urban issues: FOCI: Future Orientation for Cities and urban agglomerations (P1) Q: Functionality and development opportunities for European competitiveness and cohesion. Q: To what extent play cities a role of motor of economic development for their wider hinterland. O: Change in disparities in the development level between the metropolis and its region Data: CLC, Urban Atlas, Urban Audit, Perception Survey and Regional Statistics, CORDIS and ORBIS firm database. Timing: Finished

FOCI project Large cities and surrounding regions (1995-2004) Most capital cities have gained GDP in comparison to surrounding regions Regional balance may become a future challenge in some eastern countries

Urban analyses ESPON projects analysing urban issues: EU-LUPA: European Land Use Patterns (P1) Q: What are the relations between land use patterns (and more specifically urban land use patterns) and drivers of development. O: Basic regional typologies O: Land Use Functions Framework O: Interlink urban form and urban dynamics. Data: CLC (1990, 2000 and 2006), Dominant Land Cover Type, Corillis, High resolution soil sealing layer, Urban Atlas. Timing: Interim Report now available; DFR: June 2012

EU-LUPA project Urban Sprawl Foggia – Italy Compacity index: 0.27 Katowice – Poland Compacity index: 0.83 Cremona – Italy Land use mix index: 0.99 Urban Sprawl A variety of urban forms have been covered by the term “urban sprawl” ranging from: contiguous suburban growth, linear patterns of strip development, leapfrog and scattered development. The approach taken in the current project is to interlink two aspects: urban form and urban dynamics. Indicators considered to measure urban form and compacity: Urban form: compacity index and mixed uses. Density: soil sealing per capita. Proximity: distance to the city centre. Indicators considered to measure urban dynamics: Redevelopment. Infilling. Expansion. Data sources: Urban Atlas and CLC

Urban analyses ESPON projects analysing urban issues: SGPTD: Secondary Growth Poles in Territorial Development in Europe: Performance, Policies and Prospects (P1) Q: Identify the range of economic relationships between capital and secondary cities and the different ways of achieving economic development in cities. O: 124 secondary cities selected using a simple population criterion adapted by country size and, in the larger countries, the scale of their urban systems; O: Which secondary cities are picking, catching up, and will stay up with or fall behind their respective capitals. Data: Urban Audit, regional statistics of Eurostat, DG Regio and other ESPON projects. Timing: Interim Report now available; DFR: February 2012

SGPTD project Total GDP – average annual % change (2000-2007) A significant number of secondary cities in the EU are putting in strong performances Gaps with capitals are closing in many countries

Urban analyses ESPON projects analysing urban issues: M4D: Multi Dimensional Database Design and Development (P3) Q: Integration of different types of urban objects in an ESPON Urban Data Base. Q: Expertise on the feasibility of building harmonised Functional Areas. Q: Time-series for urban indicators O: European Urban Database: UMZ data base, LUZ of Urban Audit, FUAs_DB1,... O: Functional areas from commuting data, Functional Areas from accessibility data O: Evaluation of the possibility to construct a model for temporal data (data base modeling) Data: Eurostat, DG Regio, all ESPON projects and all over Europe / World Timing: Inception Report delivered; IR1: June 2012; IR2: June 2013; DFR: June 2014

Urban analyses: European urban databases

Urban analyses ESPON projects analysing urban issues: SMESTOs: Small and MEdium Sized Towns (P1) Q: What kind of roles & functions do they perform in the European territorial structure; Q: What are their potentials and barriers for development; Q: What type of governance and cooperation arrangements exist at various levels aiming to support their development; Timing: now in the call for proposals

Rural analyses ESPON projects analysing rural issues: EDORA: European Development Opportunities in Rural Areas (P1) Q: Better understand patterns of differentiation, between different kinds of rural area. Q: Nature of the different opportunities for development which each of them faces. Q: The way in which such opportunities depend upon, and may be strengthened by, interaction between rural and urban areas. O: The EDORA Cube – a 3 dimensional framework for analysis O: Three typologies for intermediate and predominantly rural regions that capture the various aspects of rural differentiation O: Country profiles for all 31 countries involved in ESPON Data: primarily from DG Regio and Eurostat but also data from national statistical agencies and institutes have been gathered Timing: Finished

EDORA project The EDORA Cube (Patterns of Differentiation) … more of a three-dimensional framework for analysis, rather than a one-dimensional classification. The three dimensions are: Urban-Rural (remote/accessible) Economic structure (diversification). Accumulation – Depletion (performance).

EDORA project Urban-Rural Types (Nuts3 regions)

EDORA project Structural Types (Intermediate and predominantly rural Nuts3 regions) Agrarian regions in an arc around eastern and southern edges of EU27 Rest of European space is a patchwork

EDORA project Performance types (Intermediate and predominantly rural Nuts3 regions) Agrarian regions and Diversified (sec) regions tend to be relatively low performers (depl.) Others are high performers

Rural analyses ESPON projects analysing rural issues: PURR: Potential of Rural Regions (P2) Q: What could be new ways of exploring the territorial potentials of the Stakeholder regions Q: Combine quantitative information on European level with qualitative and quantitative local information O: a comparison between the regions has been made using different typologies Timing: Inception Report now available; Wales Vidzeme Telemark North Yorkshire CC Dumfries & Galloway

Maritime analyses ESPON projects analysing maritime issues: ESaTDOR: European Seas and Territorial Development, Opportunities and Risks (P1) Q: Identification of patterns of sea use and of types of coastal regions Q: Analysis and identification of development opportunities in the respective area Q: Analysis of the relationship between terrestrial and maritime planning seeking optimal practices for maritime governance O: Map the different types of sea use across Europe to develop typology of coastal/seas regions O: Identify developmental opportunities (and constraints) for different sea/coastal regions O: Explore best practice in terms of terrestrial-maritime and maritime governance Timing: Inception Report available, IR: Sept.2011, DFR: Sept.2012

Draft ESPON Maritime Boundaries Main Challenges: Availability of data across EU27, ESPON space and neighboring countries Inconsistency in maritime boundaries – EEZs, MSFD regions, Regional Sea Conventions all cover different areas Disaggregation of data sets – different scales and relating to different maritime regions Need for more regional datasets (e.g. data for maritime industries at the NUTS3 level) Possible solutions: Explore and highlight areas of good practice (case studies) Suggest the collection of fundamental datasets at European level Dialogue and cooperation with DG Mare and other European institutions and organisations

Draft Maritime Region Typology: Example Issues to consider: Existing Regional Typologies of Coastal Regions Relationship between populated coastal areas and maritime uses not always clear Early stages of data collection – at this point a qualitative rather than quantitative approach Proposal: a 5-category typology based on varying experience related to levels of human use; maritime connections, land sea interactions, environmental conditions and risk, and economic significance.

Key Development Opportunities & Risks Thematic Area Key Territorial Development Opportunities Key Risks Economic Use Climate change > new fisheries species Infrastructure associated with new maritime routes Aquaculture development Increased cruise tourism Ecotourism Development of new technologies in shipbuilding and marine renewable energy production Marine equipment Inadequate governance arrangements for resource exploitation (Arctic/Mediterranean) Environmental pressures caused by intensive coastal land use Pollution threat to marine living and non-living resources Relatively high labour costs requires high capital intensity and ongoing innovation activities Energy and Pipelines Fossil Fuel Development Marine Renewables International energy and telecommunication grids Carbon Storage Increased carbon emissions associated with oil and gas development Environmental damage associated with new energy sources Restrictions to other sea uses associated with energy development Transport Growth of Shipping New maritime routes (esp. Arctic) Short Sea Shipping Cruise Activity New Infrastructure Gas and Oil Shipping Leisure development Shipping accidents Pollution Administrative barriers to shipping/transport of goods Environment Associated with good environmental quality: Conservation services Fisheries Associated with poor environmental quality: Fisheries and aquaculture depletion Species loss Loss of natural sea defences Human health impacts

Indicators for Territorial Cohesion ESPON Workshop “Assessing Indicators for Territorial Cohesion” Date: 20 October 2011 Location: DG Regio, Brussels Organised in cooperation with the INTERCO project Debate about which concrete indicators can be used to better understand and illustrate different facets of territorial cohesion. Aim of the workshop is to: Acquaint the participants with the proposal of main indicators which can be used for different facets of territorial cohesion; Explore which indicators are most useful, relevant and meaningful for policy making; Identify key indicators which can be symbolic for certain facets of territorial cohesion; Discuss how these indicators can be used in practice. Registration is possible till 14 October 2011 at: - Events -

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