Performance Appraisals 2018 Overview
Agenda Introduction Performance Appraisal templates and workflows Suggested timeline for completing Performance Appraisals Resources available
General Template: 3 Sections Displays list of Key Responsibilities from the employee’s job profile ACTION: Manager enters free form comments in Comment field “Responsibilities” 3 competencies for everyone: (General) Acceptance and Respect of Differences (General) Attitude and Approach to Work (General) Composure For each Competency: ACTION: Manager selects a rating “Skills and Competencies” ACTION: Manager enters an overall rating ACTION: Manager enters free form comments in Comment field “Overall Performance” For those of you that participated in the 2015 review cycle in 2016, this will be very familiar to you. We will be using the same process at most of our system locations. In the responsibilities section, known to some as the “job description”, the template will display all of the employees job responsibilities. Managers should comment on the responsibilities. One of the commonly asked questions I get is whether or not managers have to comment responsibilities line for line. The answer is no, not necessarily. Managers can comment against several responsibilities at a time; making sure that their comments fully reflect the expectations of the individual. In the skills and competencies section, there will be 3 competencies for managers to rate and comment on. Finally, there is the “overall performance” section. This is where managers will be entering an overall rating and have the ability to enter free form comments.
General Workflow Before we launch into process and timeline, I wanted to give you an executive summary of how the workflow works. Managers will receive a performance appraisal item in their Workday inbox. Managers, as in prior years, will pick a peer review for their employee. Once a peer reviewer is picked, the appraisal, the self eval, and the peer eval will be launched.
General Workflow Step 1: Manager receives 2017 Performance Appraisal Step 2: Evaluations to be completed and submitted Manager completes Performance Evaluation by 3/25 Step 3: Employee acknowledges Manager’s Performance Evaluation Step 4: Manager receives Employee’s acknowledgement; adds final comments Step 5: Manager submits Performance Appraisal by 4/16 General Workflow Workflow Suggested Timeline Date Range Action 1/25 – 3/2 DRAFT performance evaluations in Workday; CLICK Save for Later 3/3 – 3/25 MEET with your employees to review appraisals; CLICK Submit after each meeting. 3/26 – 4/6 ROUND on your employees to make sure they sign into Workday to comment and/or submit their acknowledgement by 4/6. 4/7 – 4/16 SUBMIT all performance appraisals by Tax Day.
Clinical Reviewer Workflow Before we launch into process and timeline, I wanted to give you an executive summary of how the workflow works. Managers will receive a performance appraisal item in their Workday inbox. Managers, as in prior years, will pick a peer review for their employee. Once a peer reviewer is picked, the appraisal, the self eval, and the peer eval will be launched.
Clinical Reviewer Workflow Step 1: Select a Clinical Reviewer for employee by 1/31 Step 2: Evaluations to be completed and submitted Clinical Reviewer submits Clinical Evaluation by 3/2 Manager completes Performance Evaluation by 3/25 Step 3: Employee acknowledges Manager’s Performance Evaluation Step 4: Manager receives Employee’s acknowledgement; adds final comments Step 5: Manager submits Performance Appraisal by 4/16 Clinical Reviewer Workflow Workflow Suggested Timeline Date Range Action 1/25 – 1/31 SELECT an additional clinical reviewer to launch all other aspects of the performance appraisal process. 2/1 – 3/2 CONNECT with your additional reviewer to make sure they complete the clinical evaluations they were assigned by 3/2. DRAFT performance evaluations in Workday; CLICK Save for Later 3/3 – 3/25 MEET with your employees to review appraisals; CLICK Submit after each meeting. 3/26 – 4/6 ROUND on your employees to make sure they sign into Workday to comment and/or submit their acknowledgement by 4/6. 4/7 – 4/16 SUBMIT all performance appraisals by Tax Day.
Nursing Template: 3 Sections Displays list of Key Responsibilities from the employee’s job profile ACTION: Manager enters free form comments in Comment field “Responsibilities” 7 competencies1 for Nursing: (General) Acceptance and Respect of Differences (General) Attitude and Approach to Work (General) Composure (Nursing) Caring (Nursing) Knowing (Nursing) Leading (Nursing) Navigating For each Competency1: ACTION: Manager selects a rating “Skills and Competencies1” ACTION: Manager enters an overall rating ACTION: Manager enters free form comments in Comment field “Overall Performance” For those of you that participated in the 2015 review cycle in 2016, this will be very familiar to you. We will be using the same process at most of our system locations. In the responsibilities section, known to some as the “job description”, the template will display all of the employees job responsibilities. Managers should comment on the responsibilities. One of the commonly asked questions I get is whether or not managers have to comment responsibilities line for line. The answer is no, not necessarily. Managers can comment against several responsibilities at a time; making sure that their comments fully reflect the expectations of the individual. In the skills and competencies section, there will be 7 “competencies” for managers to comment on. These “competencies” will also be used in the peer and self evaluation. Definitions matter, so I want to emphasize that the word “competency” has an HR definition – it is a generic word used to describe “how employees should behave”, not “clinical competencies” as it relates to licensure. Finally, there is the “overall performance” section. This is where managers will be entering an overall rating and have the ability to enter free form comments. 1 “Competencies” is defined generically as how employee should behave; not defined as clinical competencies as it relates to licensure.
Nursing Workflow Before we launch into process and timeline, I wanted to give you an executive summary of how the workflow works. Managers will receive a performance appraisal item in their Workday inbox. Managers, as in prior years, will pick a peer review for their employee. Once a peer reviewer is picked, the appraisal, the self eval, and the peer eval will be launched.
Nursing Workflow Step 1: Select a Peer Reviewer for employee by 1/31 Step 2: Evaluations to be completed and submitted Employee submits Self-Evaluation by 2/14 Peer Reviewer submits Peer-Evaluation by 2/14 Manager completes Performance Evaluation by 3/25 Step 3: Employee acknowledges Manager’s Performance Evaluation Step 4: Manager receives Employee’s acknowledgement; adds final comments Step 5: Manager submits Performance Appraisal by 4/16 Nursing Workflow Workflow Suggested Timeline Date Range Action 1/25 – 1/31 SELECT a peer reviewer to launch all other aspects of the performance appraisal process. 2/1 – 2/14 CONDUCT HUDDLES to make sure your employees are on track to complete self and peer evaluations by Valentine’s Day. DRAFT performance evaluations in Workday; CLICK Save for Later 2/15 – 3/25 MEET with your employees to review appraisals; CLICK Submit after each meeting. 3/26 – 4/6 CONDUCT HUDDLES to make sure your employees sign into Workday to comment and/or submit their acknowledgement by 4/6. 4/7 – 4/16 SUBMIT all performance appraisals by Tax Day.
Resources Page on for Leaders Online sessions for one-on-one help Sign up via SignUpGenius ½ hour blocks Weeks of 2/5 and 2/12 Knowledge Builders General, Clinical Reviewer and Nursing Workflows Click by click directions in Workday to help navigate the Performance Appraisal form
Clinical Reviewer Workflow
Nurse Workflow – Peer and Self Reviews