AI1 input2 AI0 input1 DI1 DI2 DI2 DI1
LonWorks Module FT3150 Smart transceiver Module Buzzer Terminal 1-9 LCD display contract adjustment LCD display backlight adjustment FT3150 Smart transceiver Module Buzzer Terminal 1-9 Terminal 10-18 18) IO0 DO 0 17) IO1 DO 1 16) IO7 DI 7 15) IO6 DI 6 1) FT10 A 2) FT10 B 3) FT10 A 4) FT10 B 14) Ground 13) AI1 12) AI2 11) AO1 10) AO2 6) Power Supply A 7) Power Supply B 8) Power Supply A 9) Power Supply B LED DI 6 LED DI 7 LED DO 1 LED DO 0 Temperature Sensor LED Service Service Switch Reset Switch LED Reset Quarduture ECW
LonWorks Module FT3150 Smart transceiver Module Buzzer Terminal 1-9 LCD display contract adjustment LCD display backlight adjustment FT3150 Smart transceiver Module Buzzer OFF Position Buzzer Terminal 1-9 Terminal 10-18 18) IO0 DO 0 17) IO1 DO 1 16) IO7 DI 7 15) IO6 DI 6 1) FT10 A 2) FT10 B 3) FT10 A 4) FT10 B 14) Ground 13) AI1 12) AI2 11) AO1 10) AO2 6) Power Supply A 7) Power Supply B 8) Power Supply A 9) Power Supply B LED DI 6 LED DI 7 Version 2 Jumper IO6 DI2 Serv Pin/Reset LED DO 1 LED DO 2 Temperature Sensor LED Service Service Switch Reset Switch LED Reset Quarduture ECW
LonWorks Controller Module NodeBuilder Hardware Template set up
LonWorks Controller Module NodeBuilder Hardware Template
Remote edge To fit controller
Add On External Input & Output 18) IO0 DO 0 17) IO1 DO 1 16) IO7 DI 7 15) IO6 DI 6 14) Ground 13) AI1 12) AI2 11) AO1 10) AO2 +5VDC
Source Code Example C:\LonWorks\NodeBuilder\Examples\NcExample\NcExa.NbPrj 10 Projects from 401
LED display rare time & Lotto Number
Lotto Smartserver Data Logging (Display Time Stamp and Lotto No.) Alarming
Aggregate Data Using the Server Platform Data Center Trending Visualization Alarming Scheduling Internet (LAN / WAN) TCP/IP iPhone, iPad, Antroid, Window Mobile 6 The answer is in implementing an infrastructure that will make it possible. The Panoramix Enterprise Software Platform is designed specifically to take handle all those issues. To illustrate how a solution would come together… In every building there are multiple systems that each have many devices connected to them. There are heating and cooling systems with the appropriate equipment, lighting systems with corresponding switches and fixtures, and security systems with alarms and sensors, among others. There are also utility meters measuring amount of the service being used. Individually, they all perform their various tasks locally. The first thing that needs to be done is to tie these systems together using a gateway so that the devices and systems can communicate through IP to Panoramix, which in turn is able to extend the data out to applications such as energy management, facility management, or to systems that provide a form of trending and reporting graphs. Information can also be be shared through integrated service applications with manufacturers or service centers for repair or maintenance information, or custom applications that fill very specific needs for the company. Spare FTT-10 FTT-10 PC / Browser