Iowa Laws By Sid
Contracts Contracts is agreement between two or more parties to do something or not to do something. Valid contract will be enforced by the legal system. Only enforced if supported by good and sufficient consideration. To enforce a promise you must have promised something in return. Must be 18 or married to make a legal binding contract. You can make bad and good contracts. Courts will not enforce unconscionable contracts. Selling life preserver to a drowning man.
Employment Employers can discriminate if reason of discrimination is not illegal. Can’t Discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, national origin, age, and disability. People protected from age discrimination are from the age range of 18 to 40. Employer must have at least 4 employees to be covered by the Iowa Civil Rights act. Under federal law they have to have at least 15 employees to be covered by Title VII and American with Disabilities Act and 20 employees to be covered by the Age discrimination Act.
Employment The only people able to commit illegal discrimination is managers and supervisors. Employees are protected from discrimination with decisions involving hiring, pay, benefits, training, promotion, lay off, termination, and any other term or condition of employment. Can be terminated due to religion or disability if you are unable to perform a task and the employer cannot accommodate to your need. Harassment isn’t illegal in the workplace as long as they don’t harass you because of the select classes. Don’t harass people.
Employment If you're harassed or discriminated against make sure you file a complaint. If you’re injured while employed you have rights to workmans comp. Only entitled to workmen's if your injury disrupts your job. If terminated may be eligible for unemployment insurance for a period of time. Depends on why you were terminated. If you did something stupid you're not eligible. If your laid off you may be eligible. May still be able to have health insurance. You have an obligation to pay taxes on your income. When you start a job you must fill out a W-4 helps employer determine how much to deduct from your paycheck. Then in 30 days after the end of the calendar year they must give you a W-2 showing the total wages you earned and taxes withheld.