Can Ferris Bueller Still Have His Day Off Can Ferris Bueller Still Have His Day Off? Protecting Privacy in the Wireless Era Benn Greenstein Ramakrishna Gummadi Jeffrey Pang Mike Y. Chen Tadayoshi Kohno Srinivasan Seshan David Wetherall Presented by: Ryan Genato
Overview Background The Paper Other Methods Bibliography Introduction Scenarios Challenges Conclusions Other Methods Bibliography
Firstly, an introduction… Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 1986 Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, Charlie Sheen Ferris Bueller fakes being sick in order to have a day on the town. Evading his school Dean and family, he is able to live the day students dream of, and doing so very smoothly.
Introduction There is a heightened level of wireless connectivity Wireless networks are vulnerable to eavesdropping Eavesdropping can infringe on location privacy So the paper looks at the issue of location privacy on wireless connectivity, with the question if Ferris can repeat his antics with today’s modern technology. This question, to my dismay, doesn’t really get revisited and is more of a humorous comparison than a driving force to the paper. But we’ll revisit the question in my presentation. For now, the paper looks at the prevalence of wireless networks in today’s society. These networks are more vulnerable to eavesdropping than wired networks, as data is transmitted through the air and merely being in range of the signal is enough to intercept this information.
Scenarios Provider cross-referencing corporate info with public network info (that they serve) Leveraging persistent addressing (MAC) Monitoring an individual’s network access Leveraging probe request frames (SSID) Extrapolating provider network statistics Leveraging packet sequence numbers So the authors illustrate three scenarios wherein wireless information can reveal identifiable information. The authors make sure to discern between a provider and an individual, as both parties may be at risk in their given scenarios. The first involves the provider using information from their corporate network, on which an employee is logged, and cross-referencing it with their database of users from their publicly-served wireless network. Consider this company to be someone like Verizon, Charter, etc. The company can then determine, by matching MAC addresses on each database, if a person from their corporate database is actively using their public wireless. Which can mean, that person has called out sick but is, in reality, out and about. Second, an individual or provider can monitor the SSID names broadcasted by a user, a functionality enabled by default in Windows XP, to determine the user’s identity, or find out the user’s wireless connection history. The list of SSIDs can be used to probabilistically determine the user; as the authors found over 28% of users had a unique SSID they were broadcasting, making the potential for identifying the user pretty good. Conversely the list of SSIDs can reveal what other networks the user has connected to in the past, which allows for some creepy research, such as comparing the SSID names to a database and getting a list of the locations/spots that these wireless networks originate from. Effectively an attacker could find out what coffee shop a user frequents, their workplace, and even their home address. More on this later, but after doing some research it’s interesting to note that Windows Vista and Windows 7 allow you to specify whether a wireless network is broadcast or non-broadcast. So a client will only send probe requests to non-broadcast wireless networks. Third, two providers that are operating on shared resources, such as AT&T and Verizon, can monitor these shared resources in order to estimate the network activity of the other provider. Since each packet includes a packet sequence number, recording a few of these over a set period of time and multiplying it out can give a good estimate of how many packets are sent out in a week, month, etc.
Challenges Balancing the need for names to address devices with keeping them from being identifiable by name Discover and use resources without revealing the action or past history Designing protocols to avoid leaking identifying information through physical characteristics of transmissions, control information, etc. So the scenarios provided by the authors bring up some legitimate issues. What can be done to help? One area involves the use of naming systems to address devices. The fact that these names are typically unique (think MAC address) allows for these names to be used as identifiers. Use of a pseudonym or a rotating MAC address helps, but the authors claim that this would still leave the possibility open for users to be matched by other factors, such as IP address. They consider encryption but concede that this would add in computational overhead or require an overhaul of existing network protocols. Another area, covered in the second scenario, is that of being able to use resources without revealing the action of doing so, or any past history of the action. The authors suggest the use of an anonymous messaging scheme where all the actions (such as discovery, authentication, and service binding) are encrypted. This would make it difficult to uncover an access point but again introduces overhead. The extent of their challenge analysis really boils down to the need to design protocols to avoid leaking any information that can be used to identify a user. Easier said than done. Encryption again is the go-to solution, but the authors admit that the flexibility of wireless protocols makes it easy to identify any extraordinary behavior, and would require a large portion of the packets, including the control parameters of the connection to be encrypted. So after looking at these challenges the authors do not come up with an effective solution. Not to their discredit – this is a difficult problem.
Conclusions “This paper argues that wireless networks pose new threats to privacy” Prior efforts to anonymize communication still leak explicit identifiable information The paper concludes with a few remarks, which I find quite obvious. The paper argues that wireless networks pose new threats to privacy. This is a no brainer. Admittedly the authors do a good job in concretely illustrating both situations and specific protocol items that could cause these threats to privacy to exist. And that is what they had set out to do. But I am interested in finding solutions. As I mentioned earlier they never really get back to their tagline question, until the very last line in the paper. So Ferris really can’t have his day off? Let’s talk about this.
Other Methods Foursquare, Facebook Seekdroid, Lookout, Find My iPhone Google Maps, WiGLE, Skyhook In addition to the scenarios outlined by the authors there are other ways to locate a person. And assuming the person does not work at a company that serves public Internet, two of the three scenarios are already ruled out. So let’s consider some other methods of spoiling Ferris’ day: Foursquare and Facebook. The obvious choices. Users post updates to these websites from their computers and mobile phones, and using the magic of GPS can add in their location. Great if you want to earn street-cred as mayor of your local hotspot, but bad if you’re trying to conceal where you are. As they say, the user is the weakest link in security. Let’s go deeper and consider mobile devices, which are becoming ubiquitous with the population. Applications such as Seekdroid and Lookout for Android, and Find My iPhone for iOS are designed to tap into a phone’s GPS and information when it is lost or stolen. Great if these aforementioned situations happen to you, but bad if an attacker gains access to your credentials. Suddenly an attacker can use the technologies that are supposed to keep you secure against you. Back in 2010 there was a large amount of controversy that erupted regarding Google Maps. Essentially while their cars were roaming, taking pictures for Street View, they were also keeping tabs on the open wireless networks in the area, mapping them to their GPS coordinates. We’re talking MAC addresses being linked to latitude/longitude positions. What’s worse, they were also recording the MAC addresses of any connected devices to these networks. Google has since claimed that they will no longer being recording this information via Maps cars, but merely by the users using their Android devices. Ha. An API exploit was found that could query Google Maps with a MAC address and return the GPS information Mas has on record. WiGLE and Skyhook are two other services that aim at doing the same thing. So if you were able to find out what wireless network a user was connected to, if it has a unique enough name you can look it up on one of these databases and find out a pretty accurate guess at where it’s coming from. Fun stuff.
Conclusions Wireless location privacy issues will only continue to grow as an issue as wireless connectivity increases Security is limited by our standards and protocols, but also by human vulnerability So in conclusion, wireless location privacy issues are bad. And they will only increase in severity and public awareness as time goes by. The security responses are limited by the protocols in place, but also victim to the human element. My advise? If you’re going to take the day off, use your cell phone’s data network and tether your laptop to it. If you’re using your cell phone as a wireless hotspot, pick a common name like “linksys” or “netgear”. It’s not as easy to sniff cellular networks, but while you’re using them do not be dumb and check-in to Foursquare. Also if a company was really inclined, they could check a public profile that is updated automatically, such as your Battlefield 3 Battlelog to find that you’re not in bed, sick, you’re home gaming.
Bibliography "Wireless LAN Service Overview." TechNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. McCullagh, Declan. "Removing your Wi-Fi network from Google's map." CNET. N.p., 14 Nov. 2011. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. Riley, Steve. "Myth vs. reality: Wireless SSIDs." TechNet Blogs. N.p., 16 Oct. 2007. Web. 12 Mar. 2012.