How to Compete in the 4G Revolution Scott A. Snyder, PhD 610-256-0662 Goal – build awareness around radical changes in wireless. Embedded in everything we do. Alphabet soup to most people. ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
4G Bloodlines Cognitive Radio Artificial Intelligence Distributed Computing Smart Antennas 4G Internet/IP Globalization 3G Wireless Standards Multimedia Content Social Networks Micro Electronics Consumer Broadband WiFi 2G Wireless GPS Radio Technology Wireless capacity increased approximately 1,000,000 times since 1957 Breaking down these gains shows a 25X information theoretic improvement, (modulation, coding…) a 25X statistical improvement (wider contiguous spectrum), and a 1600X gain by reducing cell sizes and transmit distance [“Femtocell Networks: A Survey”, (Vikram Chandrasekhar and Jeffrey G. Andrews, The University of Texas at Austin; Alan Gatherer, Texas Instruments), September 2008] Unlicensed Band 1G Wireless Voice/Video Compression Digital Comms/ CDMA Cellular Architectures AdHoc Networks Spectrum ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
4G Enables the “Digital Swarm” 5 C’s = Connections/Cloud, Chips, Coordinates/Context, Cognitive Devices, Communities Ubiquitous broadband, seamless networks, application aware Very small distributed objects GPS/location info Social networking Swarm Intelligence – collective action in decentralized, self-organizing system – Obama campaign, Phillipines-Estrada 2001 4G=Girls,Gaming,Gambling, and GPS ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
Many Factors will Shape the 4G Revolution Standards/IP Generation Z Privacy/ Security 4G Future ??? Low-end Disruption Very Small Objects Smart Mob Cognitive Devices Perfect Storm or Alignment of all these forces? In book I address scenarios – Killer Bees and Nature Aligns Seamless Mobility BioConvergence Distributed Authority ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
Possible 4G Future Scenarios ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
What happens to Market Power? Killer Bees (Carrier-centric) Nature Aligns (User-centric) Wireless Operators Device Vendors Operating System Vendors Content/Application Vendors Internet Portals/Social Nets Amazon – becoming a wireless device and content company (Sprint Network but no one cares) ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
Innovation Opportunities Exist at the Intersections ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
4G Readiness: “WiQ” WiQ Wireless Clouds Wireless Experience Smart Devices Communities Innovation Flat Organizations In the book/research, survey execs on WiQ and show there is a significant gap between need and readiness ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
Wireless Readiness (WiQ) – Exec Survey Innovators Wireless Laggards Most businesses need to improve their capacity for wireless innovation ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
Adaptive Strategy for 4G Innovation Every step is focused on the User! ©Scott A. Snyder 2010
For More Information 4G Wireless and Digital Swarms The New World of Wireless: How to Compete in the 4G Revolution, Snyder, Wharton School Publishing, 2009. Blog: WiQ Survey: My contact information: Email: Phone: 610-256-0662 ©Scott A. Snyder 2010