Explore The Isle of Coll Welcome to Coll. Go to the Readme page Explore the maps 3
Readme These photographs were taken by Alan Rodgers and Angella Streluk in August They have been made into this resource to form part of the QCA Island Home unit. Other resources and teachers notes can be found in the Naace Primary Focus on Geography pack. The map is not intended for use in navigating the island. Certain licence has been taken with the positioning of some images, although the vast majority are fairly accurately placed. Use these icons on any page to go to the map pages.
The Isle of Coll – explore the hotspots. Click to go to the village.
Click to go to the whole island. Village of Arinagour – explore the hotspots.
Tigh na Mara – bed and breakfast. First house on the road from the ferry.
The water works. Water for the village comes from here.
Sorisdale Bay. There are lots of tiny islands nearby.
Cornaig Bay is a safe place for yachts to moor, but it is not near the village shop.
The builder lives here. There are several cottages nearby. The post box is a long way from the village.
Roads need repairing even on Coll. Many roads are very narrow.
The island in the bay is called Eilean an Uan. This is its name in Gaelic.
The cemetery is in a lovely place near the sea.
Electricity goes through the cables. It comes from the Isle of Mull.
Homes not in the village collect rainwater in tanks. A pipe takes the water to the houses.
This place is called windy gap. From here you can see some of the rocky landscape.
This is the only Hotel on Coll. Local people can have an evening out here.
The golf club is also the place to play football and rugby. An unusual game called Shinty is also played here.
Almost all home on Coll used to have thatched roofs.
A larger house on Coll.
The Project Trust is based here. It is a charity.
Sheep go almost everywhere. Gardeners keep the gates closed to stop their plants being eaten.
This is a special sort of sheep. They are called Hebridean Sheep. They do not mind the rough winter weather.
These pigs live on a farm.
The Landrover is a taxi. It can take you on an island tour. It can go off road through the sand dunes.
Somebody is cutting peat here. It will be dried and burned on local peoples fires. It smells nice.
Ben Hough is the highest point on the Island. You can just see the large glacial boulder on the right.
Loch Ballyhaugh. A loch is a sort of lake.
The stones are very old. They are called the Tellers of Tales.
The farmer has finished his harvest.
When the police need to visit the island they come by helicopter. The air ambulance also lands here.
This road is called airstrip. Can you guess why?
The new castle is quite near to the sea.
The old castle has been repaired.
Loch Breachacha is near the two castles.
Do you recognise Island Grannys cottage?
This is the Church of Scotland.
The telephone exchange is high on a hill.
When British Telecom want to visit the telephone exchange they often arrive by helicopter.
This is the only Hotel on Coll. Local people can have and evening out here.
When the ferry arrives many villagers have jobs to do. Most things come to the island on the ferry.
These are special Eriskay ponies. They are born black and gradually turn grey as they get older.
The doctors surgery is in Arinagour. There is an ambulance here.
You can only buy groceries from Island Stores. This is the only general shop on the island.
Old pier is a good place to sit and watch the loch. Village people can leave their boats here.
Some visitors arrive by boat. It might be their own boat or they may have hired it for a holiday.
The fire station is near the centre of the island in the village.
Highland cattle are good for farming in Scotland. They have thick coats to keep them warm.
Fuel can only be bought at times when the ferry is in. The fuel station is closed most of the time.
The First Port of Coll is a good place for a meal. It is the Post Office in the Katie Morag books.
The Post Office and Gift Shop are next to each other. They do not open for very long.
Arinagour Primary School is in the village. Older children have to stay on the mainland to go to school.
Main Street has mostly old fashioned island homes.
Middle Pier has both toilets and a telephone box. People from the visiting yachts land here.
It is hard to recycle on Coll. This bottle bank is very new.
Some people fish for their jobs.
New houses are mostly designed to fit in with the old ones.
The Coastguard keeps his belongings here. What is his job?
Lobsters can be caught in these special pots. They are put in the sea.
The sheep carrier is used to take sheep to the lorry at the ferry.
Rubbish is collected once a week.
This road is very busy when the ferry is due in. It leads from the ferry terminal to the village.
Buy tickets for the ferry here. There is a waiting room and a car park for the vehicles going on the ferry.
Pottery made on the island can be bought here. There are a few people who make beautiful things on the island.
Most things come to the island in vans like this one. Why do you think lots of people ride bicycles?
The ferry comes to the island nearly every day in the summer. In winter it visits the island a few times each week.
This is one of the unusual geese at the bird sanctuary.
Nobody lives here. This is a holiday home. The owners only stay in it a couple of times each year.