Following the Lower Colorado River with the guidance of BASINS 3.0 Kristina Schneider CE 394K.2
My Quest and its Detours Explore the use of the new BASINS 3.0 to model water quality in Lake Austin Decided to focus on the SWAT model Model entire Austin - Travis CU Have to cross some Mountains!
Destination: Austin – Travis CU TMDL Listed Waters for the CU Source: 303(d) Listed Waters Website maintained by the EPA
My Guide: BASINS 3.0 Integrated framework using an ArcView Interface. Models: SWAT WinHSPF QUAL2E PLOAD Amazing Collection of National Environmental Data Updated Data Formats Automatic Watershed Delineator ArcView Interface now based on extensions that allow for better maintenance of the program All BASINS data management utilities, assessment tools, report tools, and models were converted as extensions. This modular and open architecture offers numerous advantages both to the users and developers. For instance, the users may customize their BASINS project to only include extensions that are needed. Moreover, it will be easier for the developers to maintain and provide updates of the individual extensions because it will not involve changing and reissuing a patch or new version for the entire system. This makes it a lot easier for the users to upgrade their system. It also encourages users and other developers to develop extensions for BASINS. SWAT a watershed, scale model developed to predict the impact of land management practices on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in large complex watersheds with varying soils, land use, and management conditions over long periods of time. WinHSPF windows interface. WinHSPF is a new interface to HSPF Version 12 that is replacing NPSM from BASINS 2.0. QUAL-@E instream, water quality and eutrophication model PLOAD is a GIS and spreadsheet tool to calculate nonpoint sources of pollution in watersheds Data: 1 degree DEMS Permit Compliance Systems format is changed to follow national standard
Source: BASINS 3.0 User Manuel
My Planned Journey: The steps to using SWAT Activate SWAT, Watershed Delineator, and Land Use, Soil Classification and Overlay Tool Ext. Delineate the watershed Define Land Use and Soils Define HRUs Define the weather data Apply the default input files writer Set up (requires specification of simulation period, PET calculation method, etc.) and run SWAT
My First Guide: BASINS 3.0 Beta from the Web Available at: Use Assess and Target to get a general picture of water quality situation. Watershed Delineator works!! The Land Use and Soil Classification does not appear. Installation Issues: Have problems at Pickle, get it to work on Campus
My First Guide: BASINS 3.0 Beta from the Web NHD Digitized Outlet Burned-in Stream RF1
My second Guide: BASINS 3.0 Beta from BRC Watershed Delineation DEM from BASINS 2.0 polygon not exact enough when just convert to grid NHD used to burn-in stream Delineator created stream
My second Guide: Watershed Delineation Tried to use the a NED DEM. Possible Problem Projection
My second Guide: Watershed Delineation Success! Used BASINS DEM polygon but specified the correct grid size. Tweeked the nhd_rch file Thanks to Vicki Samuels !
My second Guide: Subbasin Results Only one Subbasin has attributes?
My second Guide: Land Use and Soil Classification
My second Guide: Land Use and Soil Classification Reclassified Land Use Reclassified Soils
My second Guide: SWAT Input Files The next step is to create the input files for SWAT. This input file is where our error in the subbasin delineation matters.
My second Guide: Basin Error causes LU & Soil error
What about the other Models? HSPF Also, requires correctly delineated watersheds. QUAL2E Needs Permit Compliance System Data This dataset is being reformatted for version 3.0. PLOAD Manual has no documentation and not easily deciphered.
Travel Guide: Watershed Reports
Travel Guide: Watershed Reports DO
Travel Guide: Watershed Reports Chlordane Interesting to note the data is not available after 1980. It is possibly not longer an issue.
Future Travels Use BASINS 3.0 when the final release with data is available this summer to complete my expedition. Goal of the study with be to investigate the variation of DO with differing land uses. If time permits study the nature of nutrient loading in the CU.