CS 380: Artificial Intelligence William Regli
Overview Syllabus, Course, Procedures What is AI? Some history Homework #1
What is AI?
Major Threads of AI Science Application Logic & Knowledge Representation Search Planning Learning Pattern recognition Etc… Application Robotics Speech processing Business & finance Image processing Human-computer interaction Etc…
Alan Turing Ph.D. in Mathematics from Princeton in 1938 Established the theoretical mathematical formulation of computing The Father of “AI” Computing Machinery and Intelligence in MIND Famous code-breaker Broke the Nazi ENIGMA code, enabling the landing at Normandy and victory in WWII
Herbert A. Simon PhD in Econ. from U of Chicago 1943 Nobel Prize 1978 Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence Organizational Dynamics Design Human-Computer Interaction
Assignment #1 Make sure you are on the class email list Read Chapters #1 & #2 Problems will be posted on website by tomorrow AM Due Friday Oct 7