Stephen Eikenberry 16 January 2013 AST 2037 Life on Earth - II Stephen Eikenberry 16 January 2013 AST 2037
RNA Single-stranded ribonucleic acid Similar in many ways to DNA Several types of RNA commonly used in life mRNA takes the DNA code “message” to places where proteins are made (“ribosomes”) rRNA actually carries out the protein assembly in ribosomes It appears that some viruses may use RNA for their genetic code
Cells: Basic Units of (most) Life Smallest units of independent life here on Earth
Prokaryotic Cells Cells without nuclei Typically considered “primitive” – i.e. bacterium
Eukaryotic Cells – Animals With nucleus – “Advanced” This one is an animal cell
Eukaryotic Cells – Plants With nucleus – “Advanced” This one is a plant cell Note: Cell Wall Chloroplasts
Multi-cellular Life More than one cell But, not so many you can’t count them easily!
Complex plants
Complex animals
Complex animals
Summary Tremendous commonality amongst a huge range of life on Earth Under the microscope, hard to really tell one human cell from a jellyfish cell from a bacterium from a tree – basic features are the same Also, chemical makeup (all DNA; all L-Alanine even) Suggests a common origin …