The Fetal/Infant Skull Ms Clark PVMHS
Fontanels As we grow, bone replaces cartilage and fibrous membranes in many bones of our body This includes fontanels in an infant’s skull Fontanel - membrane-covered spot where bone formation is not yet complete – found between cranial bones Allow the skull to be compressed during childbirth
Fontanels Fontanels close between 2-24 months after birth (each one varies) Eventually become sutures after ossification
Anterior Fontanel Located between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone The “soft spot” on top of an infant’s head
Posterior Fontanel Between two parietal bones and occipital bone
Anterolateral Fontanel On each side of the skull between frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bone
Posterolateral Fontanel On each side of skull between parietal, occipital, and temporal bone