SEXUAL INTERCOURSE The reproductive process in which the penis is inserted into the vagina and through which a new human life may begin
Stages of Reproduction Fertilization~ Joining of an egg and a sperm in the fallopian tube ***VIDEO*** Click on picture How Pregnancy Happens
Embryo: A fertilized egg in the first 2 months Fetus: From the 3rd month on the embryo is called a fetus.
Stages of Birth: Labor – mild contractions pushes the baby against the cervix 2. Birth – Baby pushes through the cervix and into the birth canal. 3. After birth – After the baby is delivered, the placenta separates and is delivered.
FIRST TRIMESTER First 3 Months 4th Week Heart starts beating Arm and leg buds appear Eyes and brain begin to develop Embryo is less than ¼ of an inch long Umbilical Cord Connects the embryo to the placenta Start of the 8th week Developing human is called a fetus Brain waves can be detected Muscle movements begin Bones and muscles are developing All major body parts have formed
SECOND TRIMESTER Months 4-6 Organ systems continue to develop By 4 months – mother can feel the fetus move or “kick” Reproductive organs can be recognized as distinctly male or female Fetus can hear and recognize voices Hair forms on the head
THIRD TRIMESTER Months 7-9 Time when the fetus gains most of its weight Most fetuses are about 20 inches Brain develops further All other organs are almost complete Fetus can grasp with his/her hands Fetus’s skin becomes smooth – fat deposits underneath the skin Nervous system will continue to develop after birth