A Helping Horse By Chase Boatright
The Appearance of a Horse Have very strong legs. Have a star on their head. Can see when first born.
How Horses’ Strength Can Help People Horses helped pull logs and stones. They helped plow roads. Some of them pull families moving west.
More Facts On How Horses Can Help People Horses helped Indians hunt buffalo. They helped cops protect people in big crowds.
What Horses Are Called Baby horses are called foals. A male horse is called a colt. And a female horse is called a mare.
The Behavior of A Horse Good around people that ride/kind to them. Awesome on a halter/flat rope.
What Horses Eat Horses eat grain and grass. They also eat hay and weeds.
Bibliography Posell, Elsa z. Horses. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1981. Print. “Horse.” Wikipedia. Web. 16 April 2015. This is where horses live