Traumatic Dental Injuries Endodontic Management Dents 428/QP428 UWO January 24,2005
Traumatic Dental Injuries Manual. 2nd Edition Andreassen, Bakland and Flores. 2003 Treatment of Traumatic Dental Injuries A.A.E 2004
Traumatic Dental Injuries Examination and Diagnosis Radiographic Follow up Classification Treatment Priorities
Traumatic Dental Injuries Splinting Endodontic Implications Tooth Survival after Trauma
Traumatic Dental Injuries Avulsion
Traumatic Dental Injuries Examination and Diagnosis Clean the area Time of injury Consciousness Medical History Clinical and X-Ray Examination
Traumatic Dental Injuries Examination and Diagnosis
Traumatic Dental Injuries Radiographic Follow up
Traumatic Dental Injuries Classification Injuries to Hard Dental Tissues and The Pulp Injuries to the Tooth and/or Alveolar Process Injuries to Periodontal Tissues
Traumatic Dental Injuries Classification Injuries to Hard Dental Tissues and The Pulp Enamel Infraction Enamel Fracture Enamel-Dentin Fracture Complicated Crown Fracture
Traumatic Dental Injuries Classification Injuries to the Tooth and/or Alveolar Process Root Fracture Fracture of the Alveolar Socket Wall Fracture of the Alveolar Process
Traumatic Dental Injuries Classification Injuries to Periodontal Tissues Concussion Subluxation Extrusive/Intrusive Luxation Lateral Luxation Avulsion
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown Fracture Without Pulp Exposure Enamel Infraction Enamel Fracture Enamel-Dentin Fracture
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown Fracture Without Pulp Exposure
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown Fracture Without Pulp Exposure Expected Outcome for Pulp and PDL Close to 100 % Monitor for 2 months.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown Fracture With Pulp Exposure
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown Fracture With Pulp Exposure Very high success of Pulp Capping and Pulpotomy Hard tissue barrier at 3 months on X-Ray Follow up for 1-5 years.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown-Root Fracture
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown-Root Fracture
Traumatic Dental Injuries Crown-Root Fracture Restorability ?? Immediate or delayed treatment Ortho Extrusion 4-6 weeks Surgical Extrusion Splint to alleviate discomfort or mobility. 4 weeks
Traumatic Dental Injuries Root Fracture
Traumatic Dental Injuries Root Fracture Optimal reposition is essential Different angles X-Rays Semi-rigid splinting 3-4 weeks Pulp Outcome: higher in open apexes
Traumatic Dental Injuries Fracture of the Alveolar Process
Traumatic Dental Injuries Fracture of the Alveolar Process Pulp Outcome: Pulp necrosis is a frequent finding. PDL Outcome: Root resorption is a rare finding Reposition under L.A. Tooth alignment Rigid or semi-rigid splint for 3-4 weeks Monitor for more than a year.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Concussion
Traumatic Dental Injuries Concussion Occlusal adjustment Soft diet for 2 weeks Follow up at 6 weeks and one year. Pulp and PDL high outcome.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Subluxation
Traumatic Dental Injuries Subluxation Occlusion adjustment Soft diet for 2 weeks Pulp outcome higher in open apexes PDL high outcome
Traumatic Dental Injuries Extrusive Luxation
Traumatic Dental Injuries Extrusive Luxation Gentle reposition Non rigid splint Control X-Ray Recall 2-3 weeks RCT if apexes are closed. Pulp outcome poor in closed apexes Canal obliteration in open apexes PDL: Surface or inflammatory resorption
Traumatic Dental Injuries Lateral Luxation
Traumatic Dental Injuries Lateral Luxation Unlocking and reposition of the tooth under L.A. Occlusion and X-Ray Splint for periods of 3-4 weeks Pulp outcome better in open apexes but longer follow up required. Close apexes: RCT prior splint removal. Inflammatory and replacement resorption
Traumatic Dental Injuries Intrusive Luxation
Traumatic Dental Injuries Intrusive Luxation Open apexes: Tooth loosened to facilitate re-eruption Ortho extrusion within 3 weeks after injury and follow up Closed apexes: Ortho and/or Surgical extrusion* Splint for 4-8 weeks RCT
Traumatic Dental Injuries Avulsion
Traumatic Dental Injuries Avulsion
Traumatic Dental Injuries Avulsion Minimize extra oral time If contaminated 10 sec. rinse Store it in HBSS, Milk or inside the mouth Age (adult: use fluoride solution 2 NaF for 20’) RCT extra oral ?? Carious destruction Perio support Medical History
Traumatic Dental Injuries Avulsion Rinse with S.S. both socket and root surface Replant tooth gently with digital pressure Semi-Rigid splint 1 weeks Antibiotic coverage 1 week Tetanus prophylaxis recommended Ca(OH)2 and RCT X-Ray control at 3 weeks 2,6, 12 months and yearly for 5 years.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Avulsion Success depends on Extra oral time, Storage and root development.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Treatment Priorities Acute Approach Tooth Avulsion Alveolar Fracture
Traumatic Dental Injuries Treatment Priorities Acute Approach Extrusion Lateral Luxation Root Fracture
Traumatic Dental Injuries Treatment Priorities Sub-Acute Approach Intrusion Concussion Subluxation Crown Fracture with Pulp Exposure
Traumatic Dental Injuries Treatment Priorities Delayed Treatment Crown Fractures without pulp exposure.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Splinting
Traumatic Dental Injuries Splinting
Traumatic Dental Injuries Endodontic Implications of Dental Trauma Pulp and PDL
Traumatic Dental Injuries Endodontic Implications of Dental Trauma Pulp and PDL Bacterial Control will determine success Constriction development will determine therapeutics Ankilosis can jeopardize the prognosis Resorption will not stop if Bacteria still present Ca(OH)2 from one week to several months
Traumatic Dental Injuries Endodontic Implications of Dental Trauma Pulp Therapy
Traumatic Dental Injuries Endodontic Implications of Dental Trauma Root Fractures
Traumatic Dental Injuries Endodontic Implications of Dental Trauma Apexification
Traumatic Dental Injuries Tooth Survival Crown Fx, Concussion,Subluxation,Extrusion and Lateral Luxation have the best survival rate.
Traumatic Dental Injuries Tooth Survival