AFP Chapters and AFP Foundation Working Together Is The Key 1
AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Mission Statement The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy shall strive to enhance philanthropy and volunteerism through programs of education, research, and service that will benefit all those who lead, serve and support nonprofit institutions. Purpose The purpose of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is to generate the resources to fund AFP strategic initiatives that advance ethical and effective fundraising. 2
Every Member Campaign (EMC) The EMC is the largest component of the Foundation’s annual fund. The 2011 EMC raised almost $454,000. One of the goals of the EMC is to make sure every member is asked to make a gift to the campaign. Each chapter in the United States has an annual EMC goal based on the previous year’s giving. SPEAKER: The Foundation’s development program is made up of five annual fund campaigns, strategic initiative campaigns and restricted campaigns. The Every Member Campaign is the largest campaign in the annual fund and has a goal this year of $480,000. Last year, the foundation raised almost $454,000 through the Every Member Campaign Chapter goals are set each year based on the amount your chapter raised for the previous year’s Every Member Campaign. The goals are sent to each chapter in the beginning of February. In determining the chapter goals, the Foundation may adjust your goal based on donor circumstances such as an AFP or AFP Foundation board member in your coming onto the board or leaving the board – their gift may increase or decrease depending upon their role, or if a major donor moves into a new chapter or if a major donor passes away. If you know of any special circumstances which can affect your Every Member Campaign, please let the Foundation know.
Every Member Campaign (EMC) . How We Help You EMC gifts increase resources to AFP Chapters for education and training EMC gifts help AFP advocate for ethical and effective fundraising that sustains philanthropy Why It Makes Sense To Give The EMC gives AFP members a way to “give back” to the profession and increase resources available to the Chapters SPEAKER: The goal of AFP Foundation is to generate the resources to fund AFP strategic initiatives that advance ethical and effective fundraising. Giving to the Every Member Campaign is a way for fundraisers to give back to the profession. By giving to the Foundation, you are helping to support AFP as the primary resource for training fundraising professionals and leading advocate for philanthropy. 4
Every Member Campaign (EMC) Funding priorities include: Scholarships for Professional Development Educational Programs and Resources and for Chapters Funding for Strategic Initiatives to Promote Ethical and Effective Fundraising SPEAKER: The Foundation’s programs help make AFP the primary resource for training fundraising professionals and the leading advocate for philanthropy outside the profession. Funding priorities include: ♦ Scholarships You can gain access to training opportunities through scholarship funds like the Ralph E. Chamberlain scholarships (for AFP’s annual International Conference on Fundraising) and other scholarships for education programs. ♦ Impact and Improve Local Chapters and You Chapter awards, funded by the Foundation, celebrate and acknowledge outstanding support of the annual fund and grants for chapter activities that advance ethical and effective fundraising. The purpose of the EMC Chapter Partnership Grant is to increase awareness, participation in education activities and diversity in the profession and in AFP. The grants are also used to promote career planning and the Code of Ethics. ♦ Grow in Knowledge and Wisdom Grants are made for AFP strategic initiatives that advance ethical and effective fundraising like diversity programs, ethics education, and the Essentials of Fundraising series of classes developed to meet the real-world needs and challenges nonprofit leaders face every day. The Foundation also seeks to inspire the next generation of philanthropists through support of Youth in Philanthropy programs. ♦ Learn More about Best Practices We make grants to increase our knowledge and understanding of philanthropy and to enhance the practice of fundraising through studies and reports developed by the AFP Research Council and through the acquisition of reference materials purchased through the Pierpont-Welde Research Library Fund available in the AFP Resource Center. ♦ Find Better Educational Programs Grants and seed funding for AFP education programs like the Faculty Training Academy and education products like AFP’s Ready Reference Series help you grow professionally. The foundation also supports lectures and awards at AFP’s International Conference on Fundraising. A copy of the Foundation’s Case for Support, titled, Why it Makes Sense to Give – can be found on the AFP website – AFP Foundation for Philanthropy page 5
EMC Chapter Partnership Grants Chapters that meet/exceed their EMC goal by December 31 are eligible for EMC Chapter Partnership Grants Chapter Partnership Grants share the success of the EMC by granting funds to support chapter activities that advance ethical and effective fundraising An EMC Chapter Partnership Grant represents 25 percent of the contributions received by January 6 SPEAKER: Each year the Foundation shares in the success of the EMC with the chapters through the EMC Chapter Partnership Grant program. If your chapter meets or exceeds its EMC goal, then your chapter qualifies to submit a proposal for a chapter partnership grant. The grants are 25% of your chapter’s EMC contributions received by the end of that years campaign. Notifications and the proposal form are sent to each qualifying chapter in February. The deadline for the proposal is April 15. We do accept the proposal applications after April 15.
100% Chapter Board Participation Chapter board members set a great example for their membership through their leadership, volunteerism and giving to AFP Number of Chapters that have achieved 100 percent chapter board participation since 2005: 2005 – 67 chapters 2006 – 67 chapters 2007 – 50 chapters 2008 – 43 chapters 2009 – 69 chapters 2010 – 64 chapters 2011 – 60 chapters SPEAKER: We would like to encourage all chapters to achieve the goal of 100 percent chapter board participation. By getting all of your chapter’s board to give to the Every Member Campaign you are leading the example for others in your chapter and community. The only way the Foundation knows you have achieved this milestone is if you let them know. You can find the form to be filled out on the website under Chapter Resources – All Resources for Committee Chairs – Foundation Development Chairs.
Chapter Treasury Campaign The Chapter Treasury Campaign is part of the foundation’s annual fund. Provides an opportunity for chapters to demonstrate support for the activities funded by the foundation In 2011, the Chapter Treasury Campaign raised more than $97,000 from 155 chapters in the U.S. and Canada SPEAKER: The Chapter Treasury Campaign is the second largest component of the Foundation’s annual fund. The Chapter Treasury Campaign is a campaign for Chapters to support the Foundation and AFP. Gifts to the campaign come from the chapters If you have planned a chapter treasury campaign gift in your budget for this year, please let the Foundation know. We will recognize chapters who have pledged or given to the campaign to date at the International Conference on Fundraising in Vancouver, Canada. 8
Chapter Treasury Campaign Demonstrate Leadership Among Peers Inspire Excellence Supplement Member Support Invest in the Profession on Behalf of Non-members SPEAKER: There are a couple of things to consider when making a decision as a chapter regarding the level of support you are able to commit. Your chapter treasury gift can: Inspire Broader Support – a chapter that gives through its treasury is setting an example for when it solicits major donor support for its own programs or on behalf of the foundation. It may also make it easier for a chapter to solicit support from non-member individuals and organizations. Supplement Member Support – a chapter gift is a way for a chapter to supplement the support of its members as not all members can afford to support the foundation. Many members are in entry-level positions or work with small organizations where they get paid little. Provide a Vote of Confidence – giving a chapter gift is a way for your chapter to express its support for the foundation’s overall mission. By endorsing the foundation’s case for support, your gift may inspire greater support for the Every Member Campaign among chapter members. Provide Support on Behalf of Non-Members – a chapter gift is a way for chapters to in effect give on behalf of the non-member individuals who are never solicited during the Every Member Campaign. Non-members benefit directly and indirectly from the work of AFP. Chapters make money from non-members when they attend chapter functions and educational programming. 9
Foundation Communications The Steward is a newsletter for supporters and friends of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy and AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada. Published semi-annually in the Spring and Fall. Mailed to donors of $250 or more, Alpha Society members, Omega Circle members, Chapter President’s and Foundation Development Chairs (FDCs). Available online SPEAKER The Foundation communicates with donors, chapters and other supporters throughout the year. Twice a year, in the Spring and Fall, the Foundation publishes and mails The Steward newsletter. The newsletter has information, articles, donor recognition lists and more for both the US and Canadian Foundation. The Spring newsletter is printed and first distributed at the International Conference on Fundraising. The Fall newsletter is printed and first distributed at the Leadership Academy. It is also available online under Foundation publications. If your chapter would like hard copies of The Steward to hand out at your chapter meetings or to have for an event, please contact the Foundation and they will be happy to send those to you.
Foundation Communications AFP and the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy 2012 Annual Report Published in August 2012. Mailed to donors of $250 or more, Alpha Society members, Omega Circle members, Chapter Presidents. Annual Report available online SPEAKER: Each summer, AFP and the Foundation publish and distribute an Annual Report. We would like to encourage you to look at this year’s report as it highlights accomplishments made in 2010 toward supporting our mission to advance ethical and effective fundraising and to provide funding for AFP’s strategic initiatives. An online version can be found on AFP’s website under About AFP. If you would like additional copies for your chapter, please contact the Foundation.
Foundation Communications Monthly e-newsletters sent to Chapter FDC’s and Chapter Administrators throughout the year. Provide important information on the Every Member Campaign (EMC), reminders of upcoming deadlines, important dates, and other pertinent information on how to run the campaign. SPEAKER: The Foundation also has an e-newsletter specifically for your chapter’s Foundation Development Chair (FDC) or in some chapters, their Every Member Campaign Chair and Chapter Administrator. This e-newsletter is sent out mid-month throughout the year via email and provides important information on the EMC, upcoming deadlines and dates and other pertinent information you can use to run your campaign. If your FDC or EMC Chair has changed during the year, please let the Foundation and the Chapter Services department know so that we may send this e-newsletter to the correct person.
Foundation Staff Contact Information Martha Kirkland Executive Vice President, AFP Foundation 800-666-3863, ext. 480 Lisa Baranello Director of Development, AFP Foundation 800-666-3863, ext. 446 Susan Earl Hosbach: Thank you all again for spending your time for AFP today. We hope this time with your colleagues was helpful and if you have any questions, we’re all happy to help, so please feel free to contact us at any time. And just a reminder that, this presentation was recorded and will be available for download from the AFP website, so if you missed a section or would like to share this with another chapter leader, you’ll be able to do so. Instructions for accessing the recording will be provided in a follow-up email. 13