Let’s Move…Cell Transport
Millions of Molecules Moving What is the temperature of the water? How can you tell?
Diffusion of Molecules What is the deal with the red dots…can you relate them to what we did in class?
Movement Across the Cell Membrane One of the most important functions of the cell membrane is to control the movement of dissolved molecules from the liquid on one side of the membrane to the liquid on the other side.
Concentration Gradient Distribution of particles across space from high to low. The concentration gradient is a difference in concentration between two areas.
Sliding Down Particles tend to move from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are more concentrated to an are where they are less concentrated.
Passive Transport: Simple Diffusion The movement of particles across a cell membrane from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration…requiring NO ENERGY. This process is also called diffusion.
Passive Transport: Facilitated Diffusion Facilitate: to aid or assist Diffusion: movement from H to L Movement from high to low with help.
Passive Transport: Osmosis Water passes easily across most membranes They diffusion of water across a semi- permeable membrane is called OSMOSIS. Semipermeable means that some substances can pass through, while others cannot.
Passive Transport: Osmosis
Solutes and Solvents Dissolve: to make a solution, as if by mixing with a liquid Example…dissolving salt in water Solute: things that get dissolved. Salt Solvent: things that do the dissolving. Water
Tonicity Tonic: amount of dissolved substances Hyper: high,rush Hypo: low,grow Iso: Equal,stay
Hypertonic Hyper=high tonic=amount of dissolved substances Describes a solution with a higher solute concentration compared with another solution
Hypotonic Hypo=low tonic=amount of dissolved substances Describes a solution with a lower solute concentration compared with another solution
Isotonic Iso=equal tonic=amount of dissolved substances Describes a solution with a equal solute concentration compared with another solution
Tonicity Problems…gotta solve ‘em
Practice Problems…where does the water go? 100% H2O 20% H2O
Practice Problems 50% H2O 100% H2O 50% H2O 80% H2O
Practice Problems 70% salt 25% H2O 30% salt 75% H2O
Practice Problems 50% salt 1% salt 50% salt 99% salt