MLC Technology Academy e-government April 6, 2016
Presentation outline What is eGovernment? Federal Online Services Social Security State Online Services MSI Partnership Local Online Services Federal/State Online Datasets
What is Egovernment? Consists of digital interactions between citizens and government “Employment of the Internet and the World-Wide-Web for delivering government information and services to the citizens.” – United Nations Delivery models include: G2C – Government to Citizens G2B – Government to Businesses G2E – Government to Employees G2G – Government to Governments C2G – Citizens to Governments Access to information (datasets) Conduct government-related services
Federal Online services Serves as a PORTAL for federal government information and online services Apps Kids Version Popular Topics Get Services Government Agencies Contact Government FEMA Flood Maps Portal: Notice how when clicking on any item websites change Apps: highlight the different OS options; categories tab Kids: math/mapstats for kids/paint the map; easy map; mean or median explanation Get Services: find cheapest gas prices (find the cheapest price in town) Government Agencies: by branch and level; click on MS to go to Contact Government: “look up social media account” tool
Social security website Apply online: Retirement Disability Medicare Replacement Card Create my Social Security Valid E-Mail Social Security Number U.S. mailing address At least 18 years of age Online statements Quick Benefit Calculator Business Services Retirement: uses secure log-in; no forms to sign Disability: no appointment necessary Medicare: save time Print the online application receipt (includes the application number to use when checking the status of your application) Replacement card: fill in form; still need to go to your local office or mail Business services online (BSO): filing w-2 forms; verify SSN; correct names and SSN on w-2 wage reports
STATE Online services Serves as a one-stop shop for state government information and online services Government Residents Business Most searched for Online Services Secretary of State MDES Government: State agency/local government directory Business: Economic development/Chambers of commerce directory Residents: How do I? Did you Know? Directories … Online Services: mobile version; hunting and fishing license; renew driver’s license; business permit-under most searched for; live chat Under legislature on the right showcase bill status system
MSI Partnership Redesigned state government website FREE template based web page for MS municipalities Allows easy two way communication between city/county leaders and citizens Online services provided such as paying bills, fines, etc. Can be integrated with Social Media EASY for city leaders to update, no code knowledge required Contact Center for Technology Outreach for more information
local Online services Government: State agency/local government directory Business: Economic development/Chambers of commerce directory Residents: How do I? Did you Know? Directories … Online Services: mobile version; hunting and fishing license; renew driver’s license; business permit-under most searched for; live chat Under legislature on the right showcase bill status system
Federal/STATE Online databases CENSUS.GOV: Demographic & basic economic data for the nation, states, counties, census tracts, block groups, etc. QuickFacts (State Facts for Students) County Business Patterns Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates County Health Rankings: Access health-related data for counties MS Vital Statistics: access data by race and age groups on fertility rates, births, deaths, teenage pregnancy, etc. SRDC Community Profiles Center for Government and Community Development - Other good sites include and (USA Counties)
exercise Find the following for Jackson County (latest year) Total Population % White % Black Child Poverty Rate Median Household Income Find the following for Mississippi Unemployment Rate Number of Teenage Births Find the Business ID of The Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation