Meaning-Based Intervention Lesson 2 short /e/ Prototype Level I February 2018
short /e/ Day 2 1. LEA 2. Word Discrimination 3. Maze 4. Fluency 5. Comprehension
I. Language Experience Activity Students dictate to the teacher (can be done in small group or individually). Sentences recorded on a separate word document, screen, or poster. There must be a minimum of 5 sentences. Students re-read until fluency is achieved. The paragraph/story is then used for analytic phonics mini-lesson. Students’ stories should be dated, saved, and used for reading practice on subsequent days.
2. Word Discrimination Short /e/
net bed ten bell
Find the word Short /e/ word.
pen pat men map
fled flap hen hat
met mad pen pay
say set slam sled
tan tip ten may map met
step sat stay nap name net
3. maze Short /e/
net bed ten bell
Do you want to make a [leg – bet]? Do you want to make a bet?
Put them [on - no] the bed. Put them on the bed.
The [met – car] sped away. The car sped away.
I [den – hat] to go to bed. I had to go to bed.
She will [set – sell] her car. She will sell her car.
Jen had a [met – red] cap. Jen had a red cap.
Ben went to [bed – net] early. Ben went to bed early.
Mel hurt her [beg – leg]. Mel hurt her leg.
Jed with ring the [bell – hen]. Jed with ring the bell.
Do not [fed – tell] Nelly. Do not tell Nelly.
The cat has been [fed – bed]. The cat has been fed.
4. Fluency: SPF Short /e/
4. Short Passage Fluency (SPF) is a paper-based repeated reading activity that uses a series of Really Silly Stories (RSS). Each story is broken into daily sections. In each section, 30- and 40-word increments are designated with bold-faced type and underlines. Students read a daily section aloud three times, stopping at their designated target level (30 or 40 words). Each attempt is timed. Students then record their three times on a graph. (Some prefer to use paper. A paper version of these are included.)
Biff took the bowl of ice cream out of his big, red backpack Biff took the bowl of ice cream out of his big, red backpack. He got out the chocolate sauce. In put lots of chocolate sauce on his ice cream. “I really like chocolate sauce” Biff said to Sam. He put some more on his ice cream.
Record the times for each attempt.
Comprehension Dandelion Launchers, 2a
Maze This focuses on comprehension on the sentence level. This should be done as a post reading activity. The student reads the sentence saying “blank” for the three- word maze. The student must select a word. Once selected, re-read the sentence and ask the student if it makes sense.
Sam had a [bag – put]. Sam had a bag. Sam got on the [sad - bus] Sam had a [bag – put]. Sam had a bag. Sam got on the [sad - bus]. Sam got on the bus.
Sentence Mix-Up This focuses on comprehension on the sentence level. This should be done as a post reading activity. This can be done two ways. Always have the student re-read the sentence until fluency is achieved.
tag. The bag a has The The bag The bag has The bag has a The bag has a tag.
has Tam bag. A Tam Tam has Tam has a Tam has a bag.
short /e/ Day 2 1. LEA 2. Word Discrimination 3. Maze 4. Fluency 5. Comprehension
Meaning-Based Intervention Lesson 2 short /e/ Prototype Level I February 2018