Jaynell Hannah Atmosfera Personal mission Jaynell Hannah Atmosfera
Personal Mission Statement To live recklessly abandoned and devoted to seeking the face of God and fulfilling the purpose for which I was created by being a servant to others. To place value in the lives of others. To live by God’s word in the Bible and the fruits of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. To use time wisely and live with a sense of urgency that Jesus is coming soon. To use all my resources, gifts, talents and skills to better the world and its people and glorify Him. And to never grow weary, and never give up.
Who I Am I am a young lady who truly believes that I was created for a purpose to, simply stated, love God and love others. I believe that I have been brought up, and strategically positioned for such a time as this to encourage others and help them become all that God has called them to be. I am strong-willed, and determined to do what needs to done, to take risks and to trust. I live from the perspective that anything IS possible through God.
What’s Important to Me God, and my relationship with Him My family and relatives My personal well-being, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically The body of Christ, the Church People
Connection to Life Ambitions My overall goal in life, is to hear the words, ”well done my good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21) from God as I enter Heaven’s gates By putting God first in every area of my life, everything else will fall into place By ‘using my time wisely’, and ‘using my skills and knowledge to help’ ‘better the world and it’s people’ I am on track to pursue education in the medical field in order to get my degree, be accepted into medical school and become a physician By serving people I do what God has called us all to do, to love Him and love others By living by the word of God in the bible, I will live with honesty and integrity, I will take ownership and responsibility to my actions and words By living by the fruits of the spirit I will be molding my character to the very nature of God Life is a long journey, a marathon, with ups and downs, by being determined to never give up, the possibilities of joy, success and fulfillment are endless