Online Short-term holiday rental platforms – Forum report Professor Nicole Gurran
OSTHRs issues and potential responses Forum OSTHRs issues and potential responses Preliminary findings, research project on planning responses to online holiday rentals Presentations by councils Overview of state and local responses Industry & stakeholder panel Local government workshop
Online Short Term Holiday Rentals (OSTHRs) are different because… Increased demand facilitated through online global platforms Ease of supply, facilitated through platform New types of residential tourism accommodation, and new types of operators Tourism in new locations
Case study communities all experiencing growth in online holiday rental listings Source: Gurran & Zhang 2018, preliminary analysis based on Inside Airbnb data
But the impacts differ Some councils report Others say Growing complaints about noise, waste management, anti-social behaviour, dogs, parking, security concerns Very few complaints Growing shortage of permanent rental housing, as homes are converted to tourism Employers struggle when tourism staff can’t rent a permanent home Holiday homes primarily a different sector of the local / regional housing system and market Declining investment in traditional tourism accommodation Traditional tourism sector continuing to grow Absent hosts or “cowboy” operators, disconnected from wider local tourism network Model “hosts” who educate guests about neighbourliness and local visitor experiences Holiday rentals operating in unauthorised buildings / structures Registration system checks minimum health and safety standards, for operators who comply
For some communities, OSTHRs are only a small proportion of tourist accommodation, but in others they are the main offering Source: Gurran & Zhang 2018, preliminary analysis based on Inside Airbnb data and STA data
(Current) planning and related responses to OSTHRs Planning responses differ Permissibility Need & criteria for permission Registration systems not widespread Minimum standards check Revenue stream for local councils / destination marketing Host / tourism sector / visitor education and information strategy (eg. waste collection, good neighbour policy, visitor experiences) Compliance and enforcement very difficult without cooperation from platforms
Summary and conclusions Impacts of OSTHRs vary, reflecting: Existing tourist accommodation / holiday homes Trends in permanent population Type of community / housing Local planning & management framework for residential tourism Local / wider housing market Need to improve state / local planning responses Definitions and permissibility Approval processes and conditions Local registration & income Compliance and enforcement Host education + cooperation of platforms? Integrate within tourism strategy Next step in research project is report & local guidance checklist