Atelye MIT-Ayiti sou edikasyon ki san baryè e ki kore ak teknoloji Alison Brauneis, Ph.D. Lourdes M. Alemán, Ph.D. Jimmy Fedna | Ruthly François 13 – 15 jen 2016
Prezantasyon Tanpri fè nou konnen: non ou nan ki enstitisyon w ap travay ki atelye MIT-Ayiti ou asiste deja (si w te asiste youn) sou ki klas ou swete atelye sa a va gen yon enpak
Sesyon 2b: Sèvi ak materyèl pou aprantisaj aktif Session 4b: Active Learning
Objektif aprantisaj nan atelye sa a Sesyon 2b Apre sesyon sa a fini, ou dwe kapab: Kreye yon aktivite aprantisaj aktif ki kore objektif aprantisaj ou yo. Workshop Learning Objectives – Session 4b By the end of this session, you should be able to: Create an active learning activity that supports your learning objectives.
Klasman aktivite aprantisaj aktif epi klasman aktivite entèraktif dapre valè tan yo dire: < 2 minit (mwens pase 2 minit) 2 a 5 minit 5 a 20 minit Active & interactive learning activities classified by time: <2 minutes 2-5 minutes 5-20 minutes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now we’re going to talk about specific active learning methods that can be incorporated into your own classroom. These methods have been grouped into three categories based on the amount of time they will take during your lesson. There are activities that will take less than 2 minutes of class time, those that will take between 2 and 5 minutes, and those that will take between 5 and 20 minutes of classroom time. These groupings are arbitrary, but they are useful when planning the length of time that the activities will take in your class. In all of these cases, it is important to think about how the activity will help your students achieve your desired learning objective and align the desired cognitive level of understanding with the learning activity.
Estrateji: divize klas la an blòk Yon kou 10-15 min aktivite Entwodiksyon Rezime/Konklizyon Strategy: break up class in blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bring up the fact that these activities can be incorporated in between the short lecture sections or blocks that we talked about during Smith, K. (2000). Going Deeper: Formal Small-Group Learning in Large Classes
Aktivite < 2 minit: 1. Èske ou gen yon kesyon? (5 segonn) 2. Poze yon kesyon epi bay etidyan yo tan pou yo reflechi sou li (30 segonn) 3. Kat bwè pwa (1 a 2 minit) < 2 minutes activities: 1. Do you have a question? (5 sec) 2. Pose a question & give students time to think about it (30 sec) 3. MUD cards (1-2 min) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, we will discuss activities that take less than 2 minutes to complete. The first type of short activity is simply asking your students if they have any questions. When asking your students if they have any questions, it is important to do 2 things. First, think about the phrasing of the question that you use. By routinely asking “Do you have any questions?”, you will create an open environment in which students will feel comfortable asking questions. The second thing that you, as the instructor, should do, is to wait for a sufficient length of time after asking the question. By waiting for a sufficient length of time you will demonstrate to your students that you would actually like to receive questions. Pause for at least 5 seconds (use your hands to count so that you do not rush). This will be a sufficient length of time for your students to think of a question, and in some situations, gain the courage to ask the question, and then raise their hand. Another strategy is to take a sip of water or erase the board while you are waiting. It is very important to wait at least 5 seconds - I can’t tell you how many times a student has raised their hand right at the end of my counting. The second type of short activity is to pose a question to your students and give them time to think of the answer. This type of activity is similar to the first activity in that the instructor will need to provide a sufficient length of time for students to think about and answer the question prior to collecting answers from the students. The amount of time that the instructor waits will depend upon the question’s difficulty level. Let’s see how long 30 seconds feel. The last type of short activity is a MUD card. You have already encountered these cards at the end of each session. The MUD card is a method in which instructors can ask students to write down the “muddiest” or most unclear point from the session.
Klasman aktivite aprantisaj aktif epi klasman aktivite entèraktif dapre valè tan yo dire: < 2 minit (mwens pase 2 minit) 2 a 5 minit 5 a 20 minit
Aktivite 2 a 5 minit (“Refleksyon rapid”): Montre resanblans oubyen diferans Chanje lòd etap yo Kore yon deklarasyon Tire yon konklizyon Sèvi ak lòt mo pou esprime lide a yon lòt jan Korije erè Chwazi bon repons pami plizyè repons Se vre oubyen se pa vre 2-5 minutes activities (“Quick- thinks”): Compare or contrast Reorder the steps Support a statement Reach a conclusion Paraphrase the idea Correct the error Multiple choice question ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ These are activities that you would want to do with your students individually or in small groups. All of these activities are examples of “Quick Thinks” from the paper by Cooper et al called “The Interactive Lecture”. In a compare or contrast activity, students are asked to identify the similarities or differences between two items or concepts. When providing a “reorder the steps” activity, an instructor may ask the students to place all of the steps of a particular laboratory procedure in the correct order. In other quick think activities, students may be asked to provide supporting evidence of a statement, explain a conclusion based on provided data, re-phrase an idea in their own words, fix a mistake, or correctly complete a sentence. The last activity is a multiple choice question in which students are tasked to identify the best answer to the question.
Aktivite 2 a 5 minit: Egzanp kesyon “Montre resanblans epi diferans”: Dekri resanblans epi diferans ant lide Lamarck yo ak lide Darwin yo. Egzanp kesyon “Se vre oubyen se pa vre”: Se sèl selil nan je moun ki gen yon jèn ki bay enfòmasyon sou koulè je yo. Se vre oubyen se pa vre? Montre ki sa ki fè repons ke ou bay la bon.
Aktivite 2 a 5 minit: Egzanp kesyon “Montre resanblans epi diferans”: Dekri resanblans epi diferans ant lide Lamarck yo ak lide Darwin yo. Egzanp kesyon “Se vre oubyen se pa vre”: Se sèl selil nan je moun ki gen yon jèn ki bay enfòmasyon sou koulè je yo. Se vre oubyen se pa vre? Montre ki sa ki fè repons ke ou bay la bon. Smith et al. (2008) The Genetics Concept Assessment: A New Concept Inventory for Gauging Student Understanding of Genetics
Aktivite 2 a 5 minit: Egzanp “Chache bon repons pami plizyè repons”: Konsidere pwa reyèl (biyomas sèch) ke yon plant pran pandan l ap grandi soti sou fòm grenn rive sou fòm plant ki fin granmoun. Kote pi fò pwa sa a soti? Èske se nan: 1) Manje ki nan tè a e ke rasin plant yo rale monte. 2) Molekil ki nan atmosfè a e ki pase rantre nan twou ki nan fèy plant lan. 3) Dlo ke rasin plant lan pran rale monte. 4) Enèji ki sot nan solèy la. 2-5 minutes activities: Example of “Multiple choice”: The majority of actual weight (dry biomass) gained by plants as they progress from seed to adult plant comes from which of the following substances? a) Nutrients in soil that are taken up by plant roots. b) Molecules in the air that enter through holes in the plant leaves. c) Water taken up directly by plant roots. d) Energy from the sun. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The correct answer to this question is b: molecules in the air that enter through holes in the plant leaves. 80-90% of a plant’s weight is water. 96% of the DRY MASS is organic substances such as cellulose and proteins. Most of the mass of organic substances comes from CO2 which during photosynthesis is combined with hydrogen atoms from water to form sugars. The energy from sunlight is converted into chemical energy and helps catalyze critical reactions during photosynthesis, but energy itself is not converted to mass. As you can see this question is designed to document a common set of misconceptions in biology: that nutrients in the soil taken up by roots make up most of the actual weight of plants or that the energy from the sun’s energy is directly converted to dry biomass. May et al. (2003) Disciplinary Research Strategies for Assessment of Learning
Yon estrateji aprantisaj aktif yo konn itilize: Poze yon kesyon Etidyan yo brase lide ant yo menm Make diferan chwa repons yo epi vote Si repons etidyan yo gaye, tounen nan etap nimewo 2 a. Konfime repons yo apwouve a.
Yon estrateji aprantisaj aktif yo konn itilize: Poze yon kesyon Etidyan yo brase lide ant yo menm Make diferan chwa repons yo epi vote Si repons etidyan yo gaye, tounen nan etap nimewo 2 a. Konfime repons yo apwouve a. Vote pli souvan ak ti kat
Pote atansyon lè w ap ekri kesyon: Di ki diferans ki genyen ant seleksyon natirèl epi deriv jenetik. This question is at the remember level, level 1 of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Pote atansyon lè w ap ekri kesyon: Di ki diferans ki genyen ant seleksyon natirèl epi deriv jenetik. This question is at the remember level, level 1 of Bloom’s taxonomy. Nan ki nivo taksonomi Bloom lan kesyon sa a ye?
Pote atansyon lè w ap ekri kesyon: Kouman yon katastwòf mondyal kapab enfliyanse evolisyon èt vivan yo? Katastwòf la wete alèl ki endezirab yo Nouvo jèn vin fòme. Se sèl kèk espès ki kapab rete an vi apre katastwòf la. Gen kèk efè kout ki disparèt aprè yon sèten tan.
Pote atansyon lè w ap ekri kesyon: Kouman yon katastwòf mondyal kapab enfliyanse evolisyon èt vivan yo? Katastwòf la wete alèl ki endezirab yo Nouvo jèn vin fòme. Se sèl kèk espès ki kapab rete an vi apre katastwòf la. Gen kèk efè kout ki disparèt aprè yon sèten tan. Nan ki nivo taksonomi Bloom lan kesyon sa a ye?
Karakteristik yon bon kesyon
Karakteristik yon bon kesyon Li chita sou yon konsèp Li pa twò senp Li pa twò difisil Li prezante yon aspè enpòtan nan konsèp ke klas la ap etidye kounye a
Klasman aktivite aprantisaj aktif epi klasman aktivite entèraktif dapre valè tan yo dire: < 2 minit (mwens pase 2 minit) 2 a 5 minit 5 a 20 minit
Aktivite 5 a 20 minit: 1. Reflechi-fòme gwoup-pataje: kesyon pou elèv chwazi bon repons pami plizyè repons kesyon pou elèv brase lide san limit 2. Aktivite ki mande patisipasyon 5-20 minutes activities: 1. Think-pair-share: multiple choice open ended questions 2. Participatory activities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now let’s go through activities that will take longer to implement during class. These longer activities usually take between 5 and 20 minutes of class time. These are either activities that contain 1) long discussions and / or demonstrations centered around answering multiple choice or open-ended questions or 2) activities that involve participation of the whole-class. All of these longer activities are usually reserved for concepts that are especially challenging to teach and are formatted to promote whole class discussion/participation.
Aktivite 5 a 20 minit : Egzanp yon aktivite pou n brase lide san rete: Sèvi ak ti tij polyestè sa yo pou w kreye yon “pwoteyin” (an jwèt) ki ka transpòte yon kreyon: Plwaye ti tij polyestè yo pou w ka kreye yon “pwoteyin” ki ka transpòte yon kreyon. Sèvi ak “pwoteyin” lan pou w transpòte kreyon an san w pa manyen kreyon an ditou. Enspekte estrikti “pwoteyin” ou a epi chache pli ki enpòtan pou fonksyònman li. Idantifye ki pati nan estrikti a ki pèmèt “pwoteyin” lan transpòte kreyon an? Now let’s go through activities that will take longer to implement during class. These longer activities usually take between 5 and 20 minutes of class time. These are either activities that contain 1) long discussions and / or demonstrations centered around answering multiple choice or open-ended questions or 2) activities that involve participation of the whole-class. All of these longer activities are usually reserved for concepts that are especially challenging to teach and are formatted to promote whole class discussion/participation. Chowning et al. (2012). Modeling Protein Structure & Function: Pencil Transferase
Pou ki sa lafyèv antre sou nou? Ki sa lafyèv fè moun?
Entwodiksyon pwoteyin Pwoteyin se youn nan 4 makwomolekil yo. Nearly every dynamic Fonksyon of a living being depends on proteins and their proper Fonksyon. Protein Fonksyon is dictated by its structure Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Entwodiksyon pwoteyin Pwoteyin se youn nan 4 makwomolekil yo. Yo fèt ak plizyè grenn eleman ki rele asid amine. Asid amine Nearly every dynamic Fonksyon of a living being depends on proteins and their proper Fonksyon. Protein Fonksyon is dictated by its structure Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Entwodiksyon pwoteyin Pwoteyin se youn nan 4 makwomolekil yo. Yo fèt ak plizyè grenn eleman ki rele asid amine. Asid amine Chenn asid amine Nearly every dynamic Fonksyon of a living being depends on proteins and their proper Fonksyon. Protein Fonksyon is dictated by its structure Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Entwodiksyon pwoteyin Pwoteyin se youn nan 4 makwomolekil yo. Yo fèt ak plizyè grenn eleman ki rele asid amine. Asid amine Chenn asid amine Pwoteyin Nearly every dynamic Fonksyon of a living being depends on proteins and their proper Fonksyon. Protein Fonksyon is dictated by its structure Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Entwodiksyon pwoteyin Pwoteyin se youn nan 4 makwomolekil yo. Yo fèt ak plizyè grenn eleman ki rele asid amine. Fonksyon enpòtan ki nan selil yo: katalize (ede/akselere) reyaksyon chimik sipò pou estrikti selil yo kominikasyon ant selil yo reyaksyon sistèm defans kò a anpil lòt fonksyon ankò Asid amine Chenn asid amine Pwoteyin Nearly every dynamic Fonksyon of a living being depends on proteins and their proper Fonksyon. Protein Fonksyon is dictated by its structure Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Se estrikti yon pwoteyin ki detèmine fonksyon pwoteyin lan Chenn asid amine #1 Chenn asid amine #2 Specific activities of proteins result from their intricate three-dimensional architecture, the simplest level which is the amino acid sequence. Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Se estrikti yon pwoteyin ki detèmine fonksyon pwoteyin lan Li pliye pou l pran fòm 3D Chenn asid amine #1 Li pliye pou l pran fòm 3D Chenn asid amine #2 Specific activities of proteins result from their intricate three-dimensional architecture, the simplest level which is the amino acid sequence. Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Se estrikti yon pwoteyin ki detèmine fonksyon pwoteyin lan Li pliye pou l pran fòm 3D Pwoteyin #1 Fonksyon: estrikti selil la Chenn asid amine #1 Li pliye pou l pran fòm 3D Pwoteyin #2 Fonksyon: reyaksyon sistèm defans kò a Chenn asid amine #2 Specific activities of proteins result from their intricate three-dimensional architecture, the simplest level which is the amino acid sequence. Adapted from Lilen Uchima
Aktivite 5 a 20 minit : Egzanp yon aktivite pou n brase lide san rete: Sèvi ak ti tij polyestè sa yo pou w kreye yon “pwoteyin” (an jwèt) ki ka transpòte yon kreyon: Plwaye ti tij polyestè yo pou w ka kreye yon “pwoteyin” ki ka transpòte yon kreyon. Sèvi ak “pwoteyin” lan pou w transpòte kreyon an san w pa manyen kreyon an ditou. Enspekte estrikti “pwoteyin” ou a epi chache pli ki enpòtan pou fonksyònman li. Idantifye ki pati nan estrikti a ki pèmèt “pwoteyin” lan transpòte kreyon an? Ki sa k ap rive si pli ki nan estrikti “pwoteyin” ou a pa t la? Now let’s go through activities that will take longer to implement during class. These longer activities usually take between 5 and 20 minutes of class time. These are either activities that contain 1) long discussions and / or demonstrations centered around answering multiple choice or open-ended questions or 2) activities that involve participation of the whole-class. All of these longer activities are usually reserved for concepts that are especially challenging to teach and are formatted to promote whole class discussion/participation. Chowning et al. (2012). Modeling Protein Structure & Function: Pencil Transferase
Eleman de baz nan estrikti pwoteyin Estrikti primè asid amine 4 nivo estrikti pwoteyin: Primè Segondè Tèsyè Kwatènè Estrikti segondè Konfigirasyon elis Konfigirasyon an fèy Estrikti tèsyè Estrikti kwatènè
Aktivite 5 a 20 minit: Egzanp “aktivite ki mande patisipasyon etidyan yo”: Demonstrasyon mitoz: etidyan yo se kwomozòm ak ti tib piti 5-20 minutes activities: Example of “participatory activity”: Mitosis demo: students are chromosomes & microtubules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1:00-1:07 = Objective: to understand that cell division is a dynamic process. Students only see static pictures of this process from either fluorescence or electron micrographs but this is a very dynamic process. There is 1) movement, 2) assembly and disassembly of structures. 1:37-3:58 Demonstration of cell division. Can show the different stages, the dynamic, the fact that tension is required, the necessary protein components.
Pwosedi pou yon aktivite “reflechi – gwoupe – pataje” ki dire 5 a 20 minit pou etidyan chwazi bon repons pami plizyè repons: Etidyan yo reflechi pou kont yo anvan yo fè prediksyon Vote Apre sa etidyan yo brase lide an ti gwoup Vote ankò Etidyan yo di w pou ki sa yo vote jan yo vote a Fè demonstrasyon/bay repons Brase lide sou repons lan Procedure for a 5-20 min multiple choices think-pair-share activity: Students think on their own first prediction Vote Students then discuss in small groups Students tell you why they voted the way they did Do demonstration Discuss the answer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The demonstration was performed in a specific manner. After introducing the demonstration, students were provided a sufficient length of time to think about the answer to the question and answer the question on their own. Then students discussed their answer with a peer and were able to answer the question again. At this point, the instructor could then collect answers from several students in the classroom and write them down on the board. Then the actual demonstration is performed – and hopefully the students had an “AHA” moment! At this point, the demonstration was reviewed and the answer was explained. The demonstration was performed in this manner for specific reasons. First, I asked for student predictions about the demonstration BEFORE students knew the conclusion to the demonstration. In this manner, I hope that students will be more engaged in the demonstration as they are vested in the outcome. Research by Professor Eric Mazur at Harvard University demonstrated that demonstrations are only effective when students are asked to predict the outcome of the demonstration prior to the demonstration being performed. If students were not asked for their predictions, then the demonstration was no more effective than a lecture on the concept at hand. Second, there is a moment for students to interact with each and discuss their answers. In this manner, students are participating interactively and are arguing and persuading each other of their answers. Then at the end, I performed the actual demonstration and reviewed the answer to ensure that the students understand the concepts in the demonstration before proceeding with the course content.
Sesyon 3b: Objektif aprantisaj Session 4a: Learning Objectives
Objektif aprantisaj nan atelye sa a Sesyon 3b Apre sesyon sa a fini, w ap kapab: Kreye objektif aprantisaj ki baze sou leson ki sèvi ak materyèl pou aprantisaj aktif an kreyòl Workshop Learning Objective Session 4a By the end of this session, you should be able to: Create student learning outcomes for your own lessons that use active learning materials translated into Kreyòl.
Tout plan leson dwe gen menm chapant: Kontèks epi konbyen tan leson an dwe dire Objektif aprantisaj la Kontni Aktivite Resous Evalyasyon
Fason yo ekri objektif aprantisaj 1. Sèvi avèk vèb aksyon ki konkrè. 2. Kòmanse kon sa: “Lè n rive nan fen _____, etidyan yo ap anmezi pou yo....” Writing Learning Objectives: Use concrete Start with: “By the end of ______, students will be able to…”
Egzanp plan leson Entwodiksyon jenetik Plan leson Analiz estatistik ak varyans nan rezilta esperyans Entwodiksyon jenetik Plan leson Sijè: Analiz estatistik ak varyans nan rezilta esperyans Dat: Otòn 2013 Etidyan: Pou etidyan premye sik MIT k ap pran kou entwodiksyon jenetik Kantite tan n ap bezwen: 5 a 10 è d tan Example Lesson Plan Statistical analyses and experimental variance Introduction to Genetics Lesson Plan Topic: Statistical analyses and experimental variance Date: Fall 2013 Learners: Undergraduate MIT students taking Introduction to Genetics Time: 5-10 hours
Egzanp plan leson Objektif aprantisaj Leson sa a gen 3 objektif aprantisaj Objektif aprantisaj yo (OA): Konpare enfliyans gwosè yon echantiyon sou diferans ant rapò fenotipik nou espere jwenn ak rapò fenotipik nou jwenn toutbon vre, epi egzaminen enfliyans sa a. Dekri kouman nou ka sèvi ak tès estatistik Ki-Kare a pou nou kalkile pwobabilite pou done nou jwenn yo vin kore ipotèz nil la. Analize done ke nou jwenn nan esperyans sou kwazman jenetik pandan n ap sèvi ak yon tès estatistik Ki-Kare pou kalkile pwobabilite pou done nou jwenn yo vin kore ipotèz nil la. Example Lesson Plan Learning Objectives 3 learning objectives for this lesson: Compare and assess the effect of sample size on the difference between observed and expected phenotypic ratios. Describe how the Chi Square statistical test can be used to determine the probability that the observed data lend support to the null hypothesis. Analyze data resulting from experimental crosses using a Chi Square statistical test to determine the probability that the observed data lend support to the null hypothesis.
Objektif aprantisaj la (OA) Esplike enfliyans gwosè yon echantiyon. Learning Objective LO #1 Explain the level of sample size ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now we will go through the revision process of learning objectives using two example learning objectives. These learning objectives are from an example lesson plan on teaching statistical analyses and experimental variation in an introductory genetics course. These two examples demonstrate the revision process that is needed to ensure that the learning objectives are observable, specific and measurable. The first example is: By the end of the course, you should be able to explain the effect of sample size. Is this learning objective observable, specific and measurable? This learning objective is observable and measurable, but it is not specific. The context in which students should be able to explain the effect of sample size is not clarified.
Objektif aprantisaj la (OA) Esplike enfliyans gwosè yon echantiyon. Esplike enfliyans gwosè yon echantiyon sou rapò fenotipik ke nou jwenn toutbon vre ak rapò fenotipik ke nou espere. Learning Objective LO #1 Explain the effect of sample size on the observed phenotypic ratios and corresponding genotypic ratios. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Through this process, we realized that we really would like students to reach a higher cognitive level of thinking with this objective, and this was not reflected with the verb “explain” which is in the understand level of Bloom’s taxonomy. As a result, we re-wrote this learning objective one more time.
Objektif aprantisaj la (OA) Esplike enfliyans gwosè yon echantiyon. Esplike enfliyans gwosè yon echantiyon sou rapò fenotipik ke nou jwenn toutbon vre ak rapò fenotipik ke nou espere. Konpare enfliyans gwosè yon echantiyon sou diferans ant rapò fenotipik ke nou espere jwenn ak rapò fenotipik ke nou jwenn toutbon vre, epi egzaminen enfliyans sa a. Learning Objective LO #1 Compare and assess the effect of sample size on the difference between observed and expected phenotypic ratios. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Through this process, we realized that we really would like students to reach a higher cognitive level of thinking with this objective, and this was not reflected with the verb “explain” which is in the understand level of Bloom’s taxonomy. As a result, we re-wrote this learning objective one more time. This learning objective is observable, specific and measurable. This learning objective is now a level 4 learning objective, which corresponds to the Analyze level in Bloom’s taxonomy.
Devwa pa ou Sesyon 3b - Aktivite an ti gwoup Ekri yon objektif aprantisaj pou plan leson ou a Sèvi ak klasman Bloom, ansanm ak vèb ki nan klasman sa a, pou ede ou reflechi sou nivo konpreyansyon w ap chache pou chak objektif aprantisaj ou yo epi pou esplike nivo konpreyansyon sa yo. Diskite objektif aprantisaj ou yo ak yon kamarad epi travay ansanm ak kamarad la pou n kreye objektif aprantisaj ki: Reyalizab: èske etidyan yo ka aprann konsèp la pandan ansèyman leson an? Espesifik: èske gwosè objektif la adapte ak sa w ap anseye a? Mezirab: èske ou ka mezire objektif la? Your Assignment Session 4a - Small Group Activity Write 1 learning objective for your lesson plan. 2. Use Bloom’s taxonomy and associated verbs to to help you think and articulate the desired level of understanding for each of your learning objectives. 3. Discuss your learning objectives with a peer and work together to create learning objectives that are: Realistic – can students learn the concept by the end of the lesson? Specific – is it a small enough grain size? Measurable – can you measure it?
Sesyon 4a: Preparasyon yon egzèsis aprantisaj aktif
Devwa pa w Sesyon 4a – Aktivite an ti gwoup Devlope omwen yon aktivite aprantisaj aktif ki kore objektif aprantisaj ou te ekri nan Sesyon 3a a epi ki konfòm avèk li. Nan deskripsyon w ap bay la, pa bliye mete ki kantite tan ou prevwa aktivite a pral dire e ki jan ou pral chapante li. Brase lide sou aktivite aprantisaj aktif ou a avèk yon kamarad. Bay kamarad ou yon kritik fòmatif sou aktivite aprantisaj aktif ke li elabore a. Your Assignment Session 4b – Active Learning activity Develop at least one active learning activity that supports and aligns with the learning objective you wrote in Session 4a. In your description make sure to include the anticipated length of the activity and how you will structure it. Discuss your active-learning activity with a peer. Provide formative feedback to your peer about their active learning activity.
Sesyon 5b & 5c: Evalyasyon
Aliyman ki bay rannman Rezilta n ap chache yo Aktivite pou evalyasyon Ki sa etidyan yo dwe konnen oswa ki sa yo dwe ka fè? Ki jan etidyan yo pral aprann? Ki jan nou pral mezire aprantisaj la? Rezilta n ap chache yo Aktivite pou evalyasyon Aktivite Aprantisaj J.B. Biggs (2003)
Prensip fondamantal: aliyman san douk Yon apwòch ki bon nèt nèt se: ekri egzamen an premye epi, apre sa, kreye materyèl ki pral ede elèv yo reyisi egzamen an.
Prensip fondamantal: aliyman san douk Yon apwòch ki bon nèt nèt se: ekri egzamen an premye epi, apre sa, kreye materyèl ki pral ede elèv yo reyisi egzamen an. Epi pa bliye diferans ant pwofonde epi sipèfisyèl!
Pote atansyon lè w ap ekri kesyon: Di ki diferans ki genyen ant seleksyon natirèl epi deriv jenetik. This question is at the remember level, level 1 of Bloom’s taxonomy. Nan ki nivo taksonomi Bloom lan kesyon sa a ye?
Pote atansyon lè w ap ekri kesyon: Kouman yon katastwòf mondyal kapab enfliyanse evolisyon èt vivan yo? Katastwòf la wete alèl ki endezirab yo Nouvo jèn vin fòme. Se sèl kèk espès ki kapab rete an vi apre katastwòf la. Gen kèk efè kout ki disparèt aprè yon sèten tan. Nan ki nivo taksonomi Bloom lan kesyon sa a ye?
Objektif aprantisaj atelye a Sesyon 5b Nan fen sesyon sa a, ou ta dwe an mezi pou w: Fòmile kesyon ki byen pwofonde pou w mezire sa elèv yo aprann. Workshop Learning Objective sesyon 1 By the end of this sesyon, you should be able to: 1. Create student learning outcomes for your own lessons that use active learning materials translated into Kreyol.
Egzanp evalyasyon #1 Egzèsis aprantisaj aktif Se sèl selil nan je moun ki gen yon jèn ki bay enfòmasyon sou koulè je yo. Se vre oubyen se pa vre? Montre ki sa ki fè repons ke ou bay la bon. Smith et al. (2008) The Genetics Concept Assessment: A New Concept Inventory for Gauging Student Understanding of Genetics
Egzanp evalyasyon #1 Objektif aprantisaj kou a: Esplike karakteristik jenetik fenotip yo epi predi/prevwa si tèl fenotip va parèt nan jenerasyon ki gen pou vini pi devan. Egzèsis aprantisaj aktif Se sèl selil nan je moun ki gen yon jèn ki bay enfòmasyon sou koulè je yo. Se vre oubyen se pa vre? Montre ki sa ki fè repons ke ou bay la bon. Smith et al. (2008) The Genetics Concept Assessment: A New Concept Inventory for Gauging Student Understanding of Genetics
Egzanp evalyasyon #1 Objektif aprantisaj kou a: Esplike karakteristik jenetik fenotip yo epi predi/prevwa si tèl fenotip va parèt nan jenerasyon ki gen pou vini pi devan. Smith et al. (2008) The Genetics Concept Assessment: A New Concept Inventory for Gauging Student Understanding of Genetics
Egzanp evalyasyon #1 Objektif aprantisaj kou a: Kesyon evalyasyon: Esplike karakteristik jenetik fenotip yo epi predi/prevwa si tèl fenotip va parèt nan jenerasyon ki gen pou vini pi devan. Kesyon evalyasyon: Yon jenn gason fè kansè po ki pa gaye nan okenn lòt tisi; mitasyon ki responsab kansè a soti nan yon sèl selil po a. Si mesye a ak madanm li (ki pa gen kansè po) fè pitit apre doktè fin jwenn li fè kansè po a, kilès nan 4 pawòl sa yo ki plis sanble li vre? Tout pitit mesye a pral eritye mitasyon an. Tout pitit mesye a pral eritye mitasyon an si mitasyon an se yon mitasyon dominan. Kèk nan pitit mesye a ka eritye mitasyon an. Men, sa depann de ki kwomozòm mesye a ke yo eritye. Okenn nan pitit mesye a p ap eritye mitasyon an. Smith et al. (2008) The Genetics Concept Assessment: A New Concept Inventory for Gauging Student Understanding of Genetics
Egzanp evalyasyon #2 Egzèsis aprantisaj aktif: Sèvi ak ti tij polyestè sa yo pou w kreye yon “pwoteyin” (an jwèt) ki ka transpòte yon kreyon: Plwaye ti tij polyestè yo pou w ka kreye yon “pwoteyin” ki ka transpòte yon kreyon. Sèvi ak “pwoteyin” lan pou w transpòte kreyon an san w pa manyen kreyon an ditou. Enspekte estrikti “pwoteyin” ou a epi chache pli ki enpòtan pou fonksyònman li. Idantifye ki pati nan estrikti a ki pèmèt “pwoteyin” lan transpòte kreyon an?
Egzanp evalyasyon #2 Objektif aprantisaj kou a: Dekri 4 nivo estrikti pwoteyin ki egziste yo epi esplike kòman chak nan nivo sa yo bay patisipasyon pa yo nan estrikti jeneral yon pwoteyin. Evalye kòman yon mitasyon ADN kapab afekte estrikti pwoteyin. Egzèsis aprantisaj aktif: Sèvi ak ti tij polyestè sa yo pou w kreye yon “pwoteyin” (an jwèt) ki ka transpòte yon kreyon: Plwaye ti tij polyestè yo pou w ka kreye yon “pwoteyin” ki ka transpòte yon kreyon. Sèvi ak “pwoteyin” lan pou w transpòte kreyon an san w pa manyen kreyon an ditou. Enspekte estrikti “pwoteyin” ou a epi chache pli ki enpòtan pou fonksyònman li. Idantifye ki pati nan estrikti a ki pèmèt “pwoteyin” lan transpòte kreyon an?
Egzanp evalyasyon #2 Objektif aprantisaj kou a: Kesyon evalyasyon: Dekri 4 nivo estrikti pwoteyin ki egziste yo epi esplike kòman chak nan nivo sa yo bay patisipasyon pa yo nan estrikti jeneral yon pwoteyin. Evalye kòman yon mitasyon ADN kapab afekte estrikti pwoteyin. Kesyon evalyasyon: Emoglobin se yon pwoteyin ki fèt ak 4 chenn polipeptid oubyen souzinite. Yon mitasyon nan sekans kodant jèn emoglobin lan te ka: Sèlman afekte mARN emoglobin lan; men, sa pa afekte pwoteyin emoglobin lan Afekte estrikti primè pwoteyin emoglobin lan Afekte estrikti segondè pwoteyin emoglobin lan Afekte estrikti tèsyè pwoteyin emoglobin lan Afekte estrikti kwatènè pwoteyin emoglobin lan Tout repons pi wo yo
Devwa pa w Sesyon 5c – Evalyasyon Prepare o mwen yon evalyasyon apwofondi ki kore epi ki byen koresponn ak objektif aprantisaj ansanm ak aktivite aprantisaj aktif ke ou te ekri nan sesyon 3b ak 4a yo. Diskite evalyasyon ke ou planifye a. Fè diskisyon sa a ak yon kondisip ou. Bay kondisip ou kèk kòmantè ki ka ede yo konsènan evalyasyon yo prepare yo (kòmantè fòmatif). Your Assignment sesyon 5 - Small Group Activity Develop at least one deep Kesyon evalyasyon that supports and aligns with the learning objective and active learning activity you wrote in sesyons 3b and 4a, respectively. Discuss your planned assessment with a peer Provide formative feedback to your peer about their instructional activities
Defi pa w: Reflechi byen sou plan leson w la nan pèspektiv evalyasyon ansanm ak diferans pwofonde/sipèfisyèl la. Kouman ou ka sèvi ak lide sa yo pou w amelyore plan leson sa a?
Ipotèz “EFAP”: E>F>A>P Angajman entèraktif pwodui pi bon aprantisaj pase fabrikatif (E > F) Angajman fabrikatif pwodui pi bon aprantisaj pase Aktif (F > A) Angajman aktif pwodui pi bon aprantisaj pase Pasif (A > P) Interactive engagement produces better learning than constructive (I > C) Constructive engagement produces better learning than Active (C > A) Active engagement produces better learning than Passive (A > P) Constructive & Interactive = deep learning Active & Passive = shallow learning Fabrikatif & Entèraktif = aprantisaj byen rèk (fon) Aktif & Pasif = aprantisaj wòwòt (san bon baz)
Taksonomi Bloom Kreye Evalye Analize Aplike Konprann Sonje Bloom (1956), Anderson et al. (2001)
Taksonomi Bloom Sonje Konprann Aplike Kreye Analize Evalye