Agenda Speakers Mary Martin –Director of Payment Services and Travel at the PSC Suzanne Scott-Budget and Planning Office Anja Wynne-Human Resources Jesse Rochell-Bursar’s representative Campus Introductions What department? # of YE closes?
Agenda Recent Items PSC Presentation UCCS Presentation
Recent Items Blog on Tax Code Changes CU Innovation & Efficiency Proposals Lab Session in JUNE more info to follow Thanks for your continued support!
Calendars/Websites OUC FYE page with FY18 INFO. Accrual info PSC Recap Original Calendar UCCS Controller’s Office page YE Calendar PPT slides
FY18 Year-End Close Dates First Close Thursday July 5 Period 12 Second Close Thursday, July 12 Period 996 Final Campus Close Thursday, July 19 Period 997
User Alert No journals (FY18) approved or manually posted (New fiscal year exemption) Friday, July 6th Friday, July 13th Friday, July 20th Journals Journals Journals
Upcoming Dates Monday, May 28, 2018 Memorial Holiday Thursday, May 31, 2018 Bad Debt adjustments as of date, JE early June Friday, June 1, 2018 Spring Semester ePERs are generated Friday, June 29, 2018 Goods and services must be physically received by this date in order to be accounted for in FY18 Bursar would like your deposits by 3pm
Fiscal Certification Dates Thursday, April 26, 2018 Due to Controller’s office (first round) Friday, May 4, 2018 Updated Fiscal Cert sent to campus Controller (second round) Friday, May 25, 2018 Fiscal Cert review due back to OUC Monday, June 4, 2018 Set due dates Friday, June 29, 2018 Fiscal Cert close for due dates Thursday, July 5, 2018 Fiscal Cert commences
Clean up by Speed type Please pay close attention to revenue and transfers (they can cause manual adjustments with carryforward). Revenue and transfer budgets must match actuals. Move budgets around (APPROPRIATELY) within speed type/org so that there are no deficits within account codes.
Fee Speed types Please make adjustments after deferrals. Deferrals, June 29th. Revenue budget should equal actual revenue received. Adjust expenditure budget accordingly.
Salary Sweeps Sweeps for classified and professional exempt staff are suspended for FY 19 Refer to Policy:
Auxiliary Budgets Budgets should equal actuals for all auxiliary speed types at year end. We must respond to variance reports throughout the year and this includes year end. Documents prepared for the Regents look at this data, it is important that it is correct. GAR (General Admin Recharge) IS INCREASING TO 8.5% FOR FY 19
Plant Funds (Reserves, R&R) Any balance greater than $10K needs to be moved to the plant fund. As we near final close, this $10K amount may be changed. Units will be contacted if additional funds need to be transferred.
Carryforward (CFWD) and University Net Position (UNP) policy update Carryforward tax has been suspended for FY 18. Spending plans for plant funds are due to the Budget Office Sept. 30th. The Budget Office will prepare CFWD and plant fund balances along with spending plans. Vice Chancellors/Chancellor will review and approve by October 31, 2018.
Spending plans need to be provided on any reserve fund balance (72 or 78) and any fee balance left in the general fund (course, program or/and online). BOR (Board of Regents) have to approve carryforward amounts before we can allocate temp. budget. These allocations may not happen until later in the FY so be prepared.
Budget Ledgers: REMINDERS No one has access to the budget ledgers (processing BJEs) between the second close (July 12) and third close (July 19). During this time the Budget Office is finalizing the general fund balances. If you see anything that needs adjusted, please contact the Budget Office.
FY 19 Set Up: REMINDERS During set up of the new fiscal year, only the Budget Office staff is allowed in the ledgers. If you submit a BJE at this time it will be deleted. Initial budgets must tie to the Regent approved budgets. We will send out an email when the ledgers are open to campus. FY 19 Budgets will NOT be ready on July 1.
Salary Increase Report (SIR) Deadlines Monday, April 23, 2018 2nd draft SIR Worksheets sent to campus departments for review with Comp Pools (additions/deletions/edits). Friday, May 25, 2018 DEADLINE for all campus departments to return final SIR Worksheets to Budget & Planning Office with Merit Increase allocation. Tuesday, May 29, 2018 SIR worksheets sent to VCAF and Chancellor for review. Monday, June 4, 2018 Final, approved SIR worksheets sent to HR for final processing. Friday, June 22, 2018 SIR due to System Thursday, June 28, 2018 SIR uploaded
HR Dates for June Friday, June 8, 2018 Position Funding rollover Thursday, June 21, 2018 Approval Deadline 5pm Position Data, Funding, and Job Data Approved-BW PPE 6/16 Friday, June 22, 2018 HR Encumbrances disappear from GF Run Payroll Register Report-MON PPE 6/30 (check summer funding distributions)
HR Dates for July-FY18 Thursday, July 5, 2018 Approval Deadline 5pm Position Data, Funding, and Job Data Approved-BW PPE 6/29 Friday, July 6, 2018 OUC to book payroll accrual and reversal for BW PPE 6/29 (will post in period 996) Thursday, July 13, 2018 PETs for FY18 must be entered/approved by 6pm
HR Pay Items SIR Accuracy! Note any anticipated changes (resignation, transfer, retirement, etc.) No time for SIR changes after June 4, with the new August pay requirements. Faculty pay in August: ENP 19 days of pay Promotion pay and a portion of merit. Job Code/Account Code scrub New job codes for faculty/summer teaching/overload/research Pay attention to account codes
Items to clean up Company Card Personal Charges Account 013109 Run m-Fin Account Number Report by your Orgs Company Card Unallowable Expenses Account 553201 Payroll Suspense Deficits Clearing Speedtypes Reconcile your ST’s
Any Questions?