Title of notes: Value of biodiversity p. 27 RS
I can list and describe at least two biodiversity values. Learning target I can list and describe at least two biodiversity values. Today I am… learning about the values of biodiversity. So that I’ll be able to… understand why global and local biodiversity is needed. I’ll know I’ve got it when… I can list and describe at least two biodiversity values in my own words.
Economic value Biodiversity forms the resources for various industries which drive the world’s economy.
Examples: Pick 2 for your notes 1. The major fuel sources of the world including wood and fossil fuels have their origin due to biodiversity. 2. It creates a source of food for all animals and humans. 3. Many important chemicals have their origin from the diverse plants used in various industries. 4. People tend to travel to and spend money in areas that are biodiverse. (vacation)
Scientific value Biodiversity allows us to research potential vaccines or drugs to cure ailments.
Examples: Pick 2 for your notes The rosy periwinkle produces compounds that treat Hodgkin’s lymphoma and a deadly form of leukemia. Many cancer and heart medicines come from plants. Out of the 150 most often prescribed drugs in America, 118 come from nature not labs.
Biodiversity helps sustain or define cultures. Cultural value Biodiversity helps sustain or define cultures.
Example The diversity of plants and animals has become a part of the traditions and culture of the many regions and has added to the aesthetic values of the place.
Ecosystems with higher levels of biodiversity make an Ecosystem value Ecosystems with higher levels of biodiversity make an ecosystem more stable.
“Biodiversity is the most precious gift of nature mankind is blessed with. As all the organisms in an ecosystem are interlinked and interdependent, the value of biodiversity in the life of all the organisms including humans is enormous.”
Reading Pg. 204 – 206 Write down two important facts or definitions from the reading. Put page numbers above the facts and bullet point them.
Biodiversity video (summary – 4 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK_vRtHJZu4
Value of biodiversity p. 27 LS Draw a picture for each value of biodiversity (there are 4) Brief description of what you drew Must have color