March 31st – April 1st Guy Roberson Youth Lectureship 2017 March 31st – April 1st Guy Roberson Friday 7 PM: “If I Had Only One Sermon to Preach” Saturday 11 AM: “Decisions Determine Destiny” (break) 1:30 PM: Singing 2:30 PM: “Learning How to Apply God’s Word to Decisions” These lessons will edify hearers of any age. Let’s ALL come and invite someone!
Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:19-23 NKJV)
"Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" Matt. 16:13
"Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" John Elijah Jeremiah I. Then some said A. John Mt. 3:2; 4:17 1. Repent Mk. 6:18; Lk. 13:3 (v1) 2. kingdom Mt. 13 the kingdom of heaven is like. . . B. Elijah: Bold, w/o partiality 1. 1 Kg. 18:18 (king), 19 (false prophets), 21 (the people) 2. Same message for the rich and poor, leader and follower Mt. 11:20; 23:13-17, 23-29 (rebuke and teach) C. Jeremiah: weeping prophet 1. Jer. 9:1-2 2. Mt. 23:37 D. one of the prophets, all of whom confronted compromise, convinced a minority, and did not speak smooth things (Is. 30:10).
"Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" No prophets I don’t know. . . One, of many, prophets One, of many, influential teachers Christ and Lord, but . . . (Lk. 6:46; Ti. 1:16) Christ, Son of God Christ of the church II. Today some say A. there are no prophets, nothing supernatural---all physical things have a natural explanation B. I don’t know if Jesus lived (“I’m agnostic about God... (as her mother died) Then, as now, I longed for faith” Time Sept. 26, 2016 p63) 1. Some want to know though that may not be obvious at first glance 2. Some are content not knowing and when they make that clear, there is little we can do (Mt. 7:6) C. just another prophet (Islam in Koran) The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded. D. one of many revolutionary teachers with enduring ideas 1. Confucius, Socrates, Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, 2. This thinking is full-grown in many denominations today, resulting in preaching that a. Avoids controversy (“Its not my calling to criticize others” “Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative”) b. Lots of stories, little Scripture (“Jesus told lots of stories—parables”) * Mt. 13:34 parables were not a teaching style emphasizing stories with little emphasis on the text, but a temporary way of preparing people to understand the kingdom (may we tell a story and give no explanation?) c. Danger often lies not in what is said but in what is not said (subtle, dangerous) 3. Jesus identifying truth and contrasted it with error, publicly and privately E. Christ and Lord but. . . Lk. 6:46; Ti. 1:16 (Mt. 7:21; Heb. 10:29; 2 Pet. 2:1) 1. When words and deeds conflict, Jesus is not satisfied, nor served 2. Twice, I have asked people who deny that baptism is when God saves, “Would you tell someone who believed in Jesus what Peter said in Acts 2:38?” and twice I’ve been told “no.” F. Christ, Son of God Mt. 16:16 1. Christ- God’s choice to lead 2. God’s Son- same, divine nature 3. All that Jesus said and did are dependent on these things being historically true G. Christ of My church Mt. 16:18 1. Jesus could have said on this rock I will. . . provide atonement, forgive sinners, save the lost, make Xians 2. No one is atoned, forgiven, saved, a Christian but not in My church—that connection is often lost today. 3. Which is why the answer to the questions “When does God save man” matters (sprinkle babies, pour-sprinkle-and/or immerse, miraculous work of HS on our mind before salvation, faith alone, faith and prayer, faith and repentance, faith-rep-confess and prayer, faith-rep-conf-baptism of HS, faith-rep-conf-baptism. 4. Is anyone who believes any one of these ideas is atoned, forgiven, saved, a Christian, in My church? - which of these ideas are from the head---all? any? H. Christ of the churches 1. Some people say, or act as though, Jesus is not as concerned with His churches as He is His church. a. Is Jesus a member of this church? I believe so—He is the owner! b. Is Jesus the owner of every religious group that claims Him? (“one church is as good as another”) 2. How concerned is Jesus with His churches? a. Rev. 1:13 in the midst... b. Rev. 2:2 how know? v1 walks in the midst c. Do you think that includes Sun PM, Wed PM, lectureship, bible classes, various meetings? 3. When I view Jesus as the Christ (God’s chosen leader) of His churches, I-- a. become interested in knowing which churches are His b. view my commitment to the congregation as part of my commitment to Christ I. Christ of every saint 1. We can overlook the fact that Jesus being the head of His church does not limit His authority to group-only activities. 2. Gal. 5:19-21 I must abstain and avoid, even when no one else knows. 3. Gal. 5:22-23 I must constantly be showing and growing in these traits, even when no one else knows.
When does God save? “baptized” as an infant? Sprinkle-Pour-Immerse? Heart miraculously changed prior to faith? Faith alone? Faith and prayer? Faith and repentance? and prayer? Faith, repent, confess, baptism of Holy Spirit? Faith, repent, confess, water baptism?
"Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" No prophets I don’t know. . . One, of many, prophets One, of many, influential teachers Christ and Lord, but . . . (Lk. 6:46; Ti. 1:16) Christ, Son of God Christ of the church Christ of the churches Christ of each saint II. Today some say A. there are no prophets, nothing supernatural---all physical things have a natural explanation B. I don’t know if Jesus lived (“I’m agnostic about God... (as her mother died) Then, as now, I longed for faith” Time Sept. 26, 2016 p63) 1. Some want to know though that may not be obvious at first glance 2. Some are content not knowing and when they make that clear, there is little we can do (Mt. 7:6) C. just another prophet (Islam in Koran) The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded. D. one of many revolutionary teachers with enduring ideas 1. Confucius, Socrates, Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, 2. This thinking is full-grown in many denominations today, resulting in preaching that a. Avoids controversy (“Its not my calling to criticize others” “Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative”) b. Lots of stories, little Scripture (“Jesus told lots of stories—parables”) * Mt. 13:34 parables were not a teaching style emphasizing stories with little emphasis on the text, but a temporary way of preparing people to understand the kingdom (may we tell a story and give no explanation?) c. Danger often lies not in what is said but in what is not said (subtle, dangerous) 3. Jesus identifying truth and contrasted it with error, publicly and privately E. Christ and Lord but. . . Lk. 6:46; Ti. 1:16 (Mt. 7:21; Heb. 10:29; 2 Pet. 2:1) 1. When words and deeds conflict, Jesus is not satisfied, nor served 2. Twice, I have asked people who deny that baptism is when God saves, “Would you tell someone who believed in Jesus what Peter said in Acts 2:38?” and twice I’ve been told “no.” F. Christ, Son of God Mt. 16:16 1. Christ- God’s choice to lead 2. God’s Son- same, divine nature 3. All that Jesus said and did are dependent on these things being historically true G. Christ of My church Mt. 16:18 1. Jesus could have said on this rock I will. . . provide atonement, forgive sinners, save the lost, make Xians 2. No one is atoned, forgiven, saved, a Christian but not in My church—that connection is often lost today. 3. Which is why the answer to the questions “When does God save man” matters (sprinkle babies, pour-sprinkle-and/or immerse, miraculous work of HS on our mind before salvation, faith alone, faith and prayer, faith and repentance, faith-rep-confess and prayer, faith-rep-conf-baptism of HS, faith-rep-conf-baptism. 4. Is anyone who believes any one of these ideas is atoned, forgiven, saved, a Christian, in My church? - which of these ideas are from the head---all? any? H. Christ of the churches 1. Some people say, or act as though, Jesus is not as concerned with His churches as He is His church. a. Is Jesus a member of this church? I believe so—He is the owner! b. Is Jesus the owner of every religious group that claims Him? (“one church is as good as another”) 2. How concerned is Jesus with His churches? a. Rev. 1:13 in the midst... b. Rev. 2:2 how know? v1 walks in the midst c. Do you think that includes Sun PM, Wed PM, lectureship, bible classes, various meetings? 3. When I view Jesus as the Christ (God’s chosen leader) of His churches, I-- a. become interested in knowing which churches are His b. view my commitment to the congregation as part of my commitment to Christ I. Christ of every saint 1. We can overlook the fact that Jesus being the head of His church does not limit His authority to group-only activities. 2. Gal. 5:19-21 I must abstain and avoid, even when no one else knows. 3. Gal. 5:22-23 I must constantly be showing and growing in these traits, even when no one else knows.
But who do you say that I am? I know He isn’t God. . . I don’t know for certain who He is One of many prophets An influential teacher Christ and Lord, but. . . Christ, the Son of God Christ, of His church Christ, of His churches Christ, of my life III. Who do you say He is? A. I know He isn’t God. . . B. I don’t know for certain who He is C. One of many prophets D. A really good teacher with inspiring ideas and stories E. Christ, the Son of God F. Christ and Lord G. Christ of His church H. Christ of His churches I. Christ of my life